Chapter 14: The Survivor's
[Azure Kingdom, Sky Castle]
Having the Kingdom traveling for about 10 miles per hour, which is considered slow above the clouds, one could even say that it will literally take more than a few days before the Kingdom itself could reach to another settlement on the surface below
According to what Anna had provided at the north of the seaside town located a certain village, followed by series of other settlements such as towns and cities
Of course each human settlement had a considerable distance between them, but nevertheless if we ever head far north on our current course, then we would eventually arrive at the capital city of this kingdom
In fact the continent was so huge that it is literally divided into 3 Kingdoms and 1 empire, based on that we can conclude that the continent itself is about at the size of an estimated number of 1,500,000,000 square meter (if the size of the empire is greater than the surrounding kingdom's)
After that Anna even voluntarily told or informed Asagi that the world itself consisted of 6 continents
1 huge continent on the middle, 1 huge continent on the south, 1 continent and archipelago on the east, and 1 continent on the west, all situated on the front side of the world
On the other hand at the far west of the world or in different terms the other side of the world, is the location of 1 super continent which is believed to belong to the demons of this world
The world itself has two ocean which names Anna didn't know about and more likely they on the other hand is currently located at the middle continent
If they are currently located in the middle of the continent, then that means that Asagi and the rest had been spawned at the south, due to that she then realized just how far is their current location from their goal at the far north
Seemingly since they are in the middle continent of the front of the world, then that only means that they are nearing the equator of the world, thus an immense heat is expected to strike the kingdom soon as they headed north
What's more the world itself is named Gaia for some reason, just like how the greeks named the earth itself in the past
Nonetheless Asagi had really gained new profound information regarding this world due to Anna's help, thus she was really thankful for that
With it she then finally had a general idea about this world, and because interaction with other royalties of this world is inevitable during her journey, as a Sky Queen herself she would then really need to know all those etiquette and manners she needed to portray when meeting such people with standards
Along with that information, she also received the name of the kingdom that they were currently passing by, which is named the Celeste Kingdom
Of course the origin of such name came from its core founder Queen Celeste after some type of revolution that happened in the past due to the tyranny of its past ruler
But all in all such an affair in the other kingdom has no whatsoever issue regarding Asagi's goal, thus such history was useless against her
After all Asagi is a person who is non-affiliated to other kingdom rather than her own
Currently However Asagi was already feeling the heat of her surroundings as her kingdom itself was slowly reaching the equator of the world, as it slowly travel north
Of course her companions were also affected by this heat which directly pierces their skin due to it's intensity
Thus to avoid having issue regarding the heat that was slowly encroaching the kingdom, the system itself immediately provided some cloud covering on their top to block the heat from the sun
Alongside that Asagi also started building her very own swimming pool on the backyard of her castle together with Gabriel, Michael, Anna, Lloyd, Dalton, and some other angels nearby
With such resources and manpower available for heavy work, Asagi then plans to make a pool sizing about 250 meters square and 15 feet deep so that everyone could indulge on such a cooling mechanism
As for the maintenance of the pool itself, the system had voluntarily assigned itself to such labor, after all if one may consider the system is indeed an A.I of some sort, thus the system itself is lacking in terms of fatigue
With such arrangements being made, everyone who was available at the current moment begun building their dream pool at the backyard of the castle
With that Asagi herself had completely disregard her royalty presence and completely changed her attire to that similarly to a construction worker
With an orange shirt, tangible pants, and a handkerchief or bandana for the sweats on her head
Naturally she also tied up her hair into a bon to prevent it from getting dirty by the cement that they would apply later on the pool
Of course such clothing was provided for everyone who was contributing to this building the pool setup, thus everyone that was working at that moment was in a construction worker clothes
With that their day then became busy all of the sudden as they begun to work their way to build the pool
As they built the pool itself, some of the bystanders or non-constructing angels then came over carrying some refreshments for everyone, thus everyone was in a complete harmony while working
Even Anna and Lloyd seemed to be enjoying themselves in this work as they talked to the other workers in the constructed pool
Even Asagi herself seemed to be enjoying the work as she kept digging the shovel into the ground while having Michael assist her in some heavy duties or work
Soon after for what seems like an hour and a half, the pool sizing about 250 square meters and 15 feet deep had then been gorged out of the earth, thus starting the cement team to immediately apply hardening to its walls
Since a different team was in charge of cementing the pool, Asagi, Anna, and Lloyd then took this time to rest as they seated down by the pile of dirt on the side
As they looked at everyone who was working hard at that current moment, Asagi couldn't help but turn her way towards Anna and talk to the twins
"You guys seems to be enjoying doing this manual work! You also seemed to have made new friends"
Hearing her Anna and Lloyd immediately responded in unison
"We sure do!!!"
At that Asagi simply smiled at their reply
"In fact we don't even know what a pool is, but since your making it then it wouldn't be some kind of useless thing right?" Asks Lloyd
"Nope! In fact the pool would help us overcome the heat, since we are based on what you've said nearing the equator" replied Asagi
"Yes! We are nearing the equator indeed, in fact its really hot im the equator that the issue regarding people fainting due to heat rises in that area" said Anna
"People fainting due to heat? Isn't that heatstroke? That type of issue is normal for people who couldn't take the heat, thus building a cooling mechanism is important for people who lives by the equator" said Asagi
"Yes your right! This cooling mechanism called the pool, might really help us out when we reach the equator"
After stating that Anna and Lloyd went silent for a moment as they looked at everyone in their surroundings, much more to the expression that everyone shows while they were working
With that Anna then turned towards Asagi as she said
"Your majesty! Were really grateful that you've accepted us in your territory, in fact we didn't even know how we would live out our lives after our hometown got destroyed by the monsters, thus we are really grateful"
"We may be late your majesty but thank you for your help and consideration" added Lloyd
Seeing the twins being all like that towards her, Asagi couldn't help but be sheepishly blush a little from their gratitude as she replied
"Well no need for thanks, I just did what I thought would be humane"
Nevertheless despite what Asagi had said the twins still bowed down to her as they suggested something to make up for her kindness
"Your majesty! To repay your kindness, we would like to work for you as your maid, butler or servant! So please take care of us!!!"
With a resolute face Anna completely bowed down towards Asagi, thus putting the latter in a tight situation
Of course such scene immediately attracted everyone's attention in the area as they a glanced towards the commotion that was happening
As for Asagi herself she naturally had no animosity towards Anna and Lloyd, thus she had no worries on lending them the job as her personal assistants such as maid and other paperwork she needed to sort out with
With that she waved her hand away as she replied
"Well if you guys are that persistent, how could I ever say no?"
Taking her words as if she is accepting their proposal, both Anna and Lloyd became enlightened by her acceptance as everyone just smiled back towards the twins as if congratulating them
With Anna and Lloyd working under Asagi's management from this day onward, then Asagi would have to naturally arrange their paperwork regarding the twins citizenship in her kingdom
At that Asagi's job just pile up even some more
After for what seems like 2 hours of cementing the whole pool, what followed after it was the drying of the whole cement applied to it
During this term all they could only do at the moment was rest till the cement was dried up, thus to pass the time idly the angels then proposed a cold refreshing show which includes ice magic and water magic
For ice magic Asagi casted a small scale snowfall which resembles the winter on earth, for water magic Asagi then casted a small scale rain fall which brought vitality for everyone from the hot weather they were enduring all day
Due to those two spells that Asagi casted, everyone then celebrated as if the whole kingdom was in a festive atmosphere and played under the snow and rain
Not only were they completely refreshed, they were even complete cooled off by the coldness of the spell
Of course both Anna and Lloyd shared their fare experience under everyone's lightened and enjoyable atmosphere
One could even see the twins playing with some angels as they bath in the rain
As for the pool however when about 5 hours had passed since they started drying up the cement applied on it, they then begun giving it a finishing task, before filling it up with water
All in all it took about a whole day for everyone to completely finish the pool, so when they finished it by dusk of the night, Asagi then eventually held a night pool party for everyone
Thus they all stayed merry till the dark of midnight where everyone enjoyed till they had their fill
At the very next day as everyone returned to their daily routine of scouting the city and the forest nearby, Asagi on the other hand can be seen completely on a float and was floating above the pool's surface as if she was in vacation
In fact for that day she had completely disregarded her royalty impression and just wanted to stay in the pool for the whole day
While as for Anna she became the managing assistant for Asagi, while for Lloyd he became her combat butler
In terms for the combat skills for Lloyd, Gabriel often took some time of his days to teach Lloyd the art of fighting with weapons, thus making him a bonified combat butler in the near future
At that moment however Michael swiftly flew down towards Asagi's direction as he held news from the scouts on the surface below
"Your majesty! It seems our scouts found some survivors of the seaside town down at the surface below"
Hearing his notion Asagi quickly lifted up her sunglasses and replied in question