Chapter 15: The Survivor's II

[Azure Kingdom, Sky Castle]

Upon hearing of the report about the seemingly survivor's from the seaside town's monster attack, Asagi then quickly got up from her float as she completely changed her leeway pool attire into one with a majestic beautiful girl dress clothes in white

Right after she got up and landed unto the solid ground, she then headed over towards Michael as she said

"Survivor's eh?!?! Well then... why not meet with them? After all it feels like we are in need of residence to make our kingdom prosperous in every term right?"

Hearing that Michael replied

"Indeed your majesty! But there is one tiny bit of a problem"

"Problem? What's that?" Asked Asagi in confusion

With that Michael replied

"The things is... it looks like the survivors are being attacked by a group of bandits, and not just any ordinary group of bandits since this group seemingly had tamed monsters on their side"

Hearing that Asagi halted on her steps for a moment as she spent some of her time pondering about something on her mind

"Tamed monsters? They had a monster tamer within their ranks? How could bandits nowadays be so luxurious?"

As Asagi and Michael exchanged conversation regarding the huge group of survivors from the seaside town, both Anna and Lloyd on the other hand had a perplexed expression upon hearing that kind of report

In fact they don't know the people in that particular survivor group, nor they know who was within it, but since they came from the same hometown and suffered the same consequence due to the monster attack, they couldn't help but feel pity to that particular group

Gripping her skirt tightly, Anna then bravely spoke out her true thoughts towards Asagi and Michael

"Um... Asagi onee-sama! I know that I may be a bit rude to speak to you in such a manner, but I want you to save the survivors, I don't know why I'm asking you this but I just want you to save them"

Seeing her reaction especially the fact that she interrupted their conversation, Asagi then simply smiled back at her as she turned towards Michael

"Well we do need some residents in our kingdom"

Realizing the meaning behind Asagi's words, Michael simply sigh in dejection as he nodded back

"Understood! I'll send some of my men down to the surface..."

But before he could finish his words, Asagi quickly interjected in as she wanted to say her part in this manner

"Will do! But I also want to go to the surface! After all its quite bad for my health if I just stayed cooped up inside the castle right?"

Hearing her everyone then became silent for a second as they didn't expected Asagi's suggestion, nonetheless Michael immediately snapped out of his daze as he quickly objected such idea

"You must be joking your majesty!!! You going down to the surface? Don't you know just how dangerous the surface is? There are monsters and perverts down there"

Upon hearing that Asagi simply gave a wry smile as she replied

"Monsters... that's quite a possibility, but perverts? Are you sure about that? Its like your generalizing the whole humanity as perverts, that's quite a discrimination"

As they talked about such a topic, Gabriel on the other hand started laughing at such situation, especially the fact that Michael was trying to object to Asagi's descending unto the surface

Aside from him both Anna and Lloyd seemingly had a reactions on their own towards such conversation, nevertheless they did laugh at some point

With that Gabriel then immediately gave his thoughts about Michael's words

"I think that's going a bit too far right Michael? After all you can't generalize all humanity as perverts, accused if you did then that means that this twins are also perverts right?"

Following his interjection, both Anna and Lloyd also spoke up

"He's right! Michael do you thought of us as perverts?" Asks Anna

"We are indeed human... and if Michael's words are correct... then..." muttered Lloyd

Hearing their concern Michael was then put in a dilemma as he started hesitating on what to say

"Um... that's... uhh"

Seeing his reaction Asagi simply smiled at it as she said

"Michael! We are in another world! With a complete new land and environment, it would be a shame if I didn't experience such world right? Plus the system has been quiet for quite some time"

At that even thought Michael didn't understand some of Asagi's words, he just obediently nodded as he respected her decision

After all it is a fact that Asagi is quite bored since the system hadn't issued a new quest to her since her arrival at the seaside town

In fact the last quest she had was to investigate the town, especially on what had transpired unto it which brought it to it's destructive state, but with Anna and Lloyd's information on the previous days, she had eventually completed the task which gave her some credits unto it

With that she was left with nothing to do for the current time being, thus she was bored

Following her decision Gabriel patted Michael's shoulder as he said his piece on the situation

"Don't worry! I'll guard her, after all one archangel is enough to guard her right? Plus our queen isn't some damsel in distress, she had enough mana and magic artillery to cause a war you know!!!"

Hearing his words Michael just silently nodded in agreement as he replied shortly

"Fine! I'll leave her safety to you"

At that Gabriel cheerily smiled back as he followed Asagi towards the front of the castle

Soon after with Asagi on the lead together with Gabriel and twenty angels behind them, they then left the kingdom's ground and flew down to the surface below

Down below to the surface, the survivors of the seaside town's monster attack is currently in a dilenma and in pursuit by a group of bandits right behind them

In fact such survivor group consisted of 10 families with 15 females, 18 males, and 7 children which can be considered a huge group

As the majority of the males covered the rearguard of the whole group, one male on the other hand led the others through the woods on the front

With expressions such as fear, shock, worry, and panic spreads over the entire group, they then hastily made their way together through the woods as they tried to escape the bandits grasp

Unfortunately having such group move along together proved to be difficult otherwise, since everyone had to look out for each other the pacing of their group was then completely slower than the pursuing bandits

With that fact alone, the bandits then had completely rerouted the whole survivor group as they encircled them into their center without giving them any leeway to escape

Due to that, all the males on the group then centralized all the females as they guarded them from the bandits, much less the children that are with them

Having being in a tight spot all the males on their group then picked up any type of weapon they could find within their belongings as they pointed them towards the bandits

Of course due to this and seeing the items they've brought out to confront them such as short swords, long sticks, brooms, fork, and at most some books, the bandits then begun to laugh at their situation as they slowly walked towards them

"Ahahaha! What's this? Am I seeing it right? They dare use some book to go against a sword?"

"They must think that they will win by reading us some words on those books"

"What? Well that's kinda funny! What are they? Prophets? Ridiculous!!! Truly ridiculous!!!"

"Who cares anyway? All we need is to kill or capture them then we can make a profit out of them"

"I know!!! Even thought we wouldn't sell much by selling the males seeing how scrawny they are, we could at least sell the females right? After all some filthy nobles might love them"

"I see... thinking like a merchant eh?!?! Well then we can do just that!"

As they talked it out like that with their companions, the bandits then inched closer to the survivor's group as they unsheathed their own swords

Seeing the swords being unsheathed, the survivors shriek in fear once more as they sticked all together out of fear

Seeing their situation, one brave male then held out his hand as he reassured everyone behind him

"Stand your ground everyone! Protect the women and the children even if it cost's you your life"

"We mustn't falter here right now or else our families fates might be jeopardize!"


Hearing the words of the males in the survivor group, the bandits then smirked at it as they somehow mocked such bravery

"Wow would you look at that!!! These folks are more braver than we ever thought, it seems like they might really fend us off!!!"

"Ahahahahahaha!!! What useless bravery"

"Indeed! Let's just get this over with!!!"

Hearing the other bandits reply, the seemingly leader of such bandit group then smiled evilly as he looked towards the survivors

"Hear that? Looks like my companions have little patience no? Well then let's end this charade, shall we?"

Upon hearing the bandits words, the survivors then braced themselves for the upcoming battle as they raised up their weapons towards them, much more even the children and females begun to cower in fear as they hugged the children tightly within their group



"Kill them!!!"

As the bandits charged towards the survivors, they then showed their ferocity as they raised up their weapons and prepared to slash them down to pieces

But before a horrific bloodshed of the survivors ensued, a huge shadow then fell from the sky which was then followed suite by numerous people with wings knocking down the bandits

In that moment Gabriel dived down at full speed as he crashed unto the leading bandit and restrained him unto the ground by stepping unto his head

Following that he he spreads out his wings to push away the other nearby bandits around him as he pulled out his dual crescent moon blades by his back and begun hacking those incoming enemy

Of course the moment that the angels appeared before them, the bandits however immediately recognized their enemies as they switched their attention towards the attacking group, unfortunately the angels were both superior in terms of strength, agility and speed compared to the bandits

Much more the angels themselves had a wide attacking range due to how large their wings was

Having fifteen angels attacking the bandits all around, the bandits surely then fell one by one as their blood stained the ground

Cries of pain could even be heard all over the place as the angels made their move to kill the bandits, nevertheless no one was spared

In the end only the bandit that was before Gabriel was left among them, of course the bandit leader seemed to be shock by this sudden situation, nevertheless such emotion didn't even last a second as Gabriel mercilessly killed him on the spot without even a word spared

As everything ended quickly as it had started, the survivors on the other hand was left on a feeling of cloud 9 as they seemed shocked by the appearance of people with white wings

After all based on their knowledge a beast kin with wings naturally don't have white wings but only have colored wings, much less the bird folks, thus such color is non-existent towards such a race

Adding to the fact that this kingdom is dominated by Christianity, the survivors then suddenly felt as if a mysterious being that existed in myths and legend had suddenly manifested right before them

In fact they aren't sure whether such white winged folk was actually an angel or not, nevertheless such creatures did save them from peril

As all the bandits have been cleaned up by Gabriel, he then gestured something toward the sky, which then made all of the survivors to instinctively look up

The moment they looked up however made them all see Asagi flying down while having 5 white winged people guarding her on all sides

In that moment they were all instantly mesmerized by her figure, especially that grand entrance wherein the sun was behind her back, thus causing her to look majestic and divine towards everyone

At that Asagi then uttered some words towards those survivors which them snapped them back to reality

"Are you guys ok? I hope i wasn't late.... did anyone get hurt?"

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