Defeat them With the Wine Industry!
“S-someone I like?!” Tom’s face immediately turned red. “I… I don’t see how such a question is related to wine pressing, Master Ryan.”
“Right. Perhaps someone older like Doran and Spike might understand it? To think of it, you’re already at that age no matter how much your grandfather has sheltered you.”
“I find that a little offensive, Master Ryan.”
“It’s good that you can speak freely and honestly with me!” Ryan’s lips curled into a grin. “Alright, I’ll tell you what… but ah, Chrysus, can you get me some apples?”
“I wanna hear what you’re going to tell him too!” Chrysus whined.
“It’s nothing important. I’m just going to tease him until his ears turn red and he passes out,” Ryan said.
Tom gulped slightly, not liking how Master Ryan was going about things.
Chrysus curiously looked at him and then nodded. “Stay right there! I’ll be back as soon as I can!”
Once Chrysus was gone, Ryan grinned deviously and folded his arms together.
“If there is someone you like, then it means that you appreciate what they do right?”
“Yes…?” Tom tried to not actively think of someone.
“Think about the girl that you like. Now, imagine her looking pretty as always. But instead of doing what she normally does… she’s the one crushing the grapes with her feet,” Ryan said.
“W-What?!” Tom gawked.
“You don’t get it?” Ryan tilted his head and looked a little disappointed at Tom. “Well, it’s not for everyone. But there are specific people who might like the idea of having beautiful women make them their drinks. Normally, you’d see kings being served wine by beautiful women… but take it to the next level and have the beautiful girls make the wine with their hearts and souls! Soles for Souls can be the name. Well, alcohol is termed as spirits… spirits and soles don’t have much of a good ring to it. Er, we’ll get there once we cross that bridge.”
Tom’s head started to spin after Ryan declared those words, and he was slightly glad that he was seated. Had he been standing, he would have fallen back on his feet.
‘Master Ryan is… he is a forward thinker. I don’t think I have ever met someone who thinks about various things the same way as he does.’
“Alright, that’s enough advanced thinking from me.” Ryan chuckled and leaned back against his chair. “We’re still going with the wine press and have it made. I’ll need to make a blueprint, so parchment and quill…”
‘Builder, do you mind parting with some of your pages so I can make a blueprint of the wine press? Or maybe you can do it yourself and let the Blacksmith give a good look at you?’
“You fiend! Not everyone gets to see the glory, nay, the contents of this book, and you dare say you wish to expose me to mere mortals?!” the Grimoire said.
‘Geez. I was just asking, Builder. But it does make sense that you wish to avoid the eyes of the people. Unless… you don’t know what a wine press is, let alone how to build it.’ Ryan challenged smugly.
“I-I know how wine presses work! Buffoon! I have raised the Ruth Kingdom from its humble beginnings and elevated countless other kingdoms before it. The technological advancements that you speak of are foreign to these primitive people, but they are not new to more advanced kingdoms. The Dwarven people can brew alcohol better than you! The Elves have stored wines for a time longer than hundreds of years!”
‘I’m still not hearing the word blueprint, Builder.’ Ryan thought, but then kindly explained as Joan handed him a quill and he scrawled on a page. ‘The main materials needed to make a wine press can vary depending on the design, but the basic components are a frame, pressing mechanism, juice collection container, and filter. It’s really all that simple. We can add a hopper or funnel for loading the fruits, a crusher or grinder to break down the fruits before we even use the pressing mechanism and also we can elevate the wine press from the ground using a stand or base. Does that sound clear?’
“Y-yes! It is all basic elementary really.” The Grimoire’s pages shone and flashed before Ryan’s eyes and then the simple drawing he made was transformed into a complete blueprint.
“There we go. This is what it looks like, Tom.” Ryan showed off the Builder’s blueprint and claimed it as his own. “Once we make a lot of wine with this, we’ll become rich—well, richer. But treading the wine with the foot can still have its purpose…”
“I will communicate this with our Blacksmith and Carpenter at once, Master Ryan!” Tom stood up.
“You’re giving that poor young man a heart attack.” The Grimoire said.
“He’s the one who wanted to work with me… Besides, if he’s embarrassed by such things, then he might not be a good fit as my aide. Right, Joan?” Ryan turned to the beautiful woman who had observed everything without saying a word.
Joan maintained a professional composure around others, but once Tom was gone, she coughed lightly and glanced at Ryan.
“I… I have heard all of the ideas that you give to your father, His Majesty King Regis, and this is the first time that I’ve heard you mention selling wine and advertising that women are the ones who pressed it with their toes.”
“Right. Knowing my father, he would have choked on his wine.” Ryan chuckled, his blue eyes glittering as he looked at Joan. “What about you, Joan? Do you find it weird?”
“Ah. During our assassin training back in the Luxem Household, we have been made aware of the different desires of people,” Joan explained. “Rather, I wish to applaud you for your business acumen, Ryan. I know that there are people willing to pay if you choose to go that route.”
“Uh-huh.” Ryan chuckled, hearing the polite response of Joan. He rested a hand underneath his chin and gave her a teasing smile. “What’s your personal take on it though?”