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I Might Just Miss You

"Madam, the two times I woke up, it always had something to do with you, you're aware too, right?"

Harriet ate her food quietly on the sofa, trying to ignore Liam's obvious words to tease her.

“Come on, we both know I woke up first that morning after Madam slept with me. Then, I woke up a second time when Madam was about to bathe me. Isn't it obvious that the key is in your hands, Madam?" Liam asked her.

What Liam said was one hundred percent true, but Harriet felt the way Liam said it made everything sound weird.

"Maybe Madam should spend more time with me so I can wake up more often?" Liam asked her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Harriet had always felt that her arrival would affect this man's life. And when there was a change in his routine of waking up once a month, Harriet naturally felt that it had something to do with her.

“Milord, did you force yourself to wake up because you feel guilty if I feel lonely without your support as my husband?” asked Harriet back.

Liam raised his eyebrows, speechless. He indeed woke up because of Harriet, but not because Harriet brought the special effects that woke Liam up.

Harriet felt it was because Liam himself wanted to wake up.

“Milord, I hope Milord doesn't trade your rest time or the strength you use to survive just to wake up and see me. I don't want just because you pity me, you sacrifice yourself," said Harriet.

Liam smiled.

"Pity? Madam, if you're this smart, you'll know why I've been trying to get up to see you this month, right?” Liam admitted that he did wake up because of his own efforts to wake up.

Harriet was surprised and lifted her face, looking straight at Liam.

"We both agreed to talk tonight, so let's talk about our relationship, Madam," Liam said softly.

Every witty expression and mischievous look that the man used to tease her was replaced with a calm and serious face, making Harriet's heart churn even more.

"Madam, what do you think of me?" Liam asked calmly, putting away his finished dinner plate.

Harriet put away her own empty tray of food. She turned to Liam, who was looking straight at her. She reversed Liam's question.

“What about me, according to Milord?” asked Harriet.

Liam didn't answer right away, and Harriet didn't mind waiting in silence. Even if Liam didn't answer, Harriet wouldn't try to find out, because Harriet was starting to know that Liam at least didn't hate her.

Liam accepted her as a wife, worried about her and even tried to wake himself from his long slumber just to see if she was fine. Harriet was relieved and worried at the same time.

“You are the right woman who came at the right time,” Liam explained in a calm voice.

Harriet smiled happily at that.

"I've answered your question, now answer mine honestly, Harriet," Liam said suddenly, using her name.

Harriet still hadn't wiped her smile and decided to answer honestly with a slight blush on her face.

“It may be embarrassing, Milord, but you are the first man in my life… and you are the first in many things,” explained Harriet.

Liam was a little taken aback.

The letter he had read about Harriet from his grandfather had listed Harriet's date of birth and some of his grandfather's opinions about her as well, so Liam knew that Harriet was a grown woman who was capable of many things.

Harriet was a 25-year-old woman. Liam found it impossible that Harriet had never felt love before, or had never had a crush on any man.

"Unfortunately, I didn't have much opportunity to think about relationships with the opposite sex in my youth, and even though I'm still young, I think I'm a bit late compared to other women," Harriet said calmly.

Somehow, Liam could understand.

“You are young, and this is your first experience with a man. Madam, isn't your fate very unfortunate?" Liam asked in a slightly sad tone.

Harriet looked at the man with his back to the light source and she chuckled. Unfortunate? Harriet didn't think she was that unfortunate. After more than a month of living here, the life she felt wasn't as lonely and boring as she thought it would be.

"I'm a dying man," Liam said. "And I am your first man."

He looked at Harriet with a somber expression. Then he asked her truthfully, "Is Madam not regretful for even a bit?"

Liam waited for the woman's answer without much hope.

“To be honest, even if this will be the last day we meet, Milord, I… I have no regrets,” explained Harriet.

Liam felt as if a boulder on his back had just been lifted. Something stinging spread across Liam's empty chest at the same time.

“I promise this won't be the last day we met," Liam said as he slowly pulled Harriet closer.

Harriet didn't refuse him. They were sitting next to each other, and now Harriet was leaning against the man.

"And Madam, I didn't wake up because I was worried about you or feeling sorry for you," Liam said softly. The man kissed Harriet's forehead. "I'm just as surprised that I managed to wake up, you know?"

"Is that true?" Harriet looked up at Liam.

Liam nodded. "Madam, I might just miss you."

A mischievous smile appeared on the man's lips, and Harriet couldn't tell if his words were honest or just another tease.

"Do you not believe me, Madam?" Liam asked.

Harriet already knew Liam didn't hate her. She also knew Liam accepted her and considered her his wife. But did Liam really miss her? Harriet didn't know.

"Oh, what to do. My Madam can't believe I really missed her," Liam mumbled as he rubbed the woman's shoulder. "What must I do to make Madam believe my words?"

Harriet turned her eyes in all directions to avoid Liam's gaze, while Liam's golden eyes glanced down at the waist of Harriet's dress which today looked easier to take off than before.

“Madam, are you wearing your underwear after your garter belt like before?” Liam whispered softly.

The blush on Harriet's face became even clearer as she nodded slowly.

Liam tugged on Harriet's arm gently and motioned for her to stand up. Liam himself remained on the sofa, but he asked Harriet to stand facing him.

"I can prove that I miss you, but try to prove it to me too," said the man with a mischievous smile.

Liam's golden eyes stared at her, making Harriet feel naked. The man's next words made Harriet nearly die of embarrassment.

"Pull up your skirt and show it to me, Madam."



From the author:

YES!!! It's happening!! We'll have more snusnu!!

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