chapter 4

After breakfast, Denial went to his office with Arman. On the other hand, Jasmine is right now getting ready for college. After doing her breakfast, she went to her college, where she met Maheen.

The day went normal for both of them, but in the evening, when Armaan and Denial came back home, Armaan took the wrong turn in the car.

Denial looks at his father's face and says, "Dad, we are taking the wrong turn." No, we are taking a right turn, handsome son." Before Denial asks something, he sees Armaan stop the car in front of the cafe.

Armaan, while looking at denial, says that today you and I will drink coffee together. You can say that there was a coffee date between father and son; denial smiles upon hearing this, and both of them leave the car.

They enter a coffee shop and sit in a private section after ordering their coffee. Denial asks dad, Why all of a sudden did you take me here?

Tell me, what's the matter? Armaan smiles and says, "Denial.Today I want to talk; today, not as a father but as a friend, I am going to talk with you, so listen carefully and tell me everything honestly.

Denial nobbles his head and says, Go ahead, dad. Denial tells me honestly, Why don't you want to marry? His denial expression changed completely when he heard this line.

After a few minutes of silence, denial says, "Dad, I am not made for commitments." Did someone break your heart? Asked Arman, No, dad, there is nothing like that.

If no one breaks my heart, then why don't you want to settle down? Because I am not at all interested in marriage, I am only interested in work. I just want to work, and that's it.

Why do you want to work? For whom do you want to work? Hearing this from Arman's mouth, he gets confused. He looks at his father and asks, What does that mean?

My meaning is simple: If you want to work, you want to become successful, right? But for whom? For my family, dad for you, mom for my baby sister, Sonia

Armaan started to laugh loudly and said, "Mr. Denial, verma, me and your mom won't be able to live with you. Denial gets shocked by this statement and asks, What does that mean, dad?

Listen denial One day, me and your mom will die, and your sister Sonia will get married. After that, what will you do? With whom will you live?

"Dad, stop saying bullshit." Nothing will happen to you or Mom.

Armaan takes a deep breath and says, You can't run away from realityy denial.On the day you will die, with whom will you share your life?

With whom will you share your sorrows, happiness, and so-called success? Tell me. Denial didn't know what to say to his father. He looked at Arman with a blank expression.

Before Armaan said anything, the waiter came with their coffee. After suffering coffee from them, the waiter walked out from there, and Armaan continued.

Listen denial "A life partner is not just a companion on our journey; they are the mirror that reflects our strengths, the rock that steadies us through storms, and the wings that lift us higher than we ever thought possible. They are our confidante, our cheerleader, and our safe haven in a chaotic world. The importance of a life partner cannot be overstated, for they are the catalyst that transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary memories and turns a house into a cherished home filled with love, laughter, and unwavering support."

Denial gets shocked to hear all this for the first time in his life. He didn't know what to say or how to reply. He touched his hair with his fingers and asked, What do you want, dad?

"We want you to get married, denial." I think it's your time to settle down in life. We are not forcing you to do anything; we just want your happiness, and we are just trying to make you understand that you need a partner with whom you can share your life.

Just think once and tell us your decision, and I promise you that whatever decision you make, me and your mother will accept it wholeheartedly.

One more thing: if you say yes, we ain't forcing you to marry a girl of our choice; we will find some suitable girls for you and ask you to choose the girl.

I met the girls, talked with them, and then decided which girl could be your soulmate, saying that Arman takes the last sip of coffee and gets up from his chair before going. He says, Complete your coffee, son, and come outside; let me bring the car from the parking lot.

Leaving denial in his thoughts, Arman went out from there. On the other hand, Anna and Herny are right now sitting in their room and taking care of each other.

While taking Anna, Hannah says, "Why didn't you tell Jasmine about your health? What should I tell her, Anna? Should I tell her that her father's health is extremely bad?

Should I tell her that the doctor already told us that I had less time left? After a few months, she will lose me, saying that Henry started to cry, and Anna's eyes also got wet seeing her husband like this before she could say anything. They both heard some voices.

Henry and Anna turned their faces and saw Jasmine standing near the door and a tray of coffee lying on the ground. They looked at Jasmine with a shocking expression and soon realized that Jasmine was crying.

Without any delay, Jasmine ran towards her parents and hugged her dad tightly. Both father and daughter cried badly, and Anna also started to cry after five minutes. Jasimne broke the hug and asked

Dad, why didn't you tell me about your health? Why did you lie? Why, dad, why? You know very well that I love you a lot.

You know that I share a strong bond with you. After knowing all this, why didn't you tell me? And how did your health get worse? What actually happens to him?

Henry looks at Jasmine and wipes her tears. First, he takes the glass of water in his hand, which was kept near the side table of the bed, and then he makes her drink with his own hands.

When Jasmine drank the water, Henry kept the glass on the table again and said, Listen to me carefully, Jasmine. I am very ill." The doctors tried their best to save me, but they failed to do anything.

Jasmine's tears started to fall badly while she was crying. She asked her dad, What happened to you? I was fine. Suddenly, what happened to him? Henry looks at Jasmine and says, I am suffering from cancer. Hearing his jasmine eyes get wide, she looks at his father and says, "What

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