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Adeline Travels to Speak to Vivian

With each passing moment, the countenance of Nyx transformed from one of deep thought to that of a meticulously composed reply. His deliberate utterances lingered in the atmosphere, unveiling the profound weight of the present circumstance. It became apparent that he possessed a keen understanding of the possible consequences, akin to cautiously navigating a judgment that could determine his destiny.

“Your Majesty, when shall we depart for our journey?”

“I suggest we pay a visit to my late father's Mistress, Vivian.”

“Such a course of action may pose a risk, my lady.”

“Should your brother discover us, Alexander's disapproval shall be inevitable.”

A moment was seized by me to devise a meticulous strategy within the confines of my thoughts. Following extensive contemplation, I successfully unearthed the precise words that would properly convey my intentions.

"Let us adopt a clever disguise to conceal our true identities."

"A modest carriage shall be our mode of transportation."

"Adeline, I fear that Alex shall not be persuaded to align himself with our cunning scheme."

Almost as if on command Alexander was walking towards us. Without a moment’s hesitation, I gracefully lowered myself into a curtsey, acknowledging his presence with utmost respect. With a gentle gesture, Alexander extended his hand towards me, offering his support as I rose back to my feet. Our eyes met. A mixture of surprise and curiosity danced across his face, forming a bewildered smile that spoke volumes.

“Adeline, why do you adhere to such formalities?”

“The king is worthy of my utmost respect.”

Nyx swept into a bow.

“Your Majesty.”

“Rise, Nyx, my companion.”

“There is no need for such formalities.”

“Alexander, could we have a private audience with you?”

With a solemn nod, Alexander conveyed his apprehension, his brow furrowing in deep thought. Nyx and I wordlessly trailed behind him, entering the dimly lit confines of his study. The room mirrored the mysterious ambiance of his bedchambers, enveloping us in an atmosphere of intrigue. Swiftly, Alexander pulled out a chair for me, a gesture that spoke of his attentiveness, before he took his place behind the imposing desk, ready to delve into his work.

“Pray tell, my beloved, what is the matter at hand?”

I took a deep breath.

"Alexander, I desire to embark on a voyage towards Lodamir."

"Adeline, that notion does not seem prudent."

"Alexander, I must converse with my father's mistress."

"I am convinced that she possesses the solution to our predicament concerning Cecelia."

Alexander remained seated in his chair, enveloped by a profound stillness that seemed to stretch on endlessly. The absence of sound was so overwhelming that it felt as if the world had been muted. Amidst this deafening silence, I could almost perceive the rhythmic thumping of my own heart, as if it were the only sound capable of penetrating the void. Time seemed to lose its meaning as we waited, suspended in this timeless moment. After what seemed like an eternity Alexander opened up his mouth to speak. Alexander let out a frustrated sigh.

“Adeline, I shall not withhold this favor from you, yet it shall be granted under two stipulations."

"Firstly, you shall be accompanied by Nyx, and secondly, you shall be back within the confines of our castle before the evening meal."

"Your gratitude is acknowledged, Alexander."

"Adeline, I expect your presence in the courtyard at the break of dawn on the morrow."

"Nyx, your appreciation is duly noted."

With a sense of urgency, Nyx swiftly exited the study, leaving me alone with Alexander. I turned to face him, his eyes bore into mine, reflecting the same unease that lingered within me.

Moving closer, I found solace in his embrace as he pulled me onto his lap. The kiss that followed was a testament to our shared longing, starting off gentle but quickly intensifying, as if the world around us ceased to exist, consumed by the passion that enveloped us both.

Alexander distanced himself, he softly murmured, "Adeline, must you depart?"

"Alexander, I must uncover the veracity."

"Vivian was among my father's esteemed counselors."

"Adeline, I could accompany you."

"Our presence would be conspicuous; it is most prudent for me to embark on this journey alone."

The touch of his lips against mine was electrifying, a tantalizing distraction from the world around us. I responded with a playful smile, knowing that he was fully aware of the effect he had on me. It was as if he could read my mind, sensing my longing for more.

In a soft whisper, he gently reminded me of his sacred pledge, "I am forever bound to honor my commitments, especially when it involves bringing your most cherished dreams to life."

A surge of happiness washed over me, and I couldn’t help but release a giggle of pure delight.

In a single, fluid motion, he tugged me closer, his arm wrapping around my hips possessively. He reclined back, a mixture of desire and tenderness emanated from his gaze. The sensation of his hands caressing my cheek was like a gentle flame, igniting a fire within me, as our lips continued to meet in a passionate dance.

With a gentle yet commanding hold, he scooped me up, his arms radiating strength and tenderness. Our passionate kisses continued as he guided me towards his private chambers, a hidden sanctuary behind the closed curtains. The room was transformed into a haven of passion, illuminated by the soft glow of countless candles, their flickering flames igniting a fire within us both.

Alexander tenderly guided me to the softness of the bed, his touch sending shivers down my spine. The warmth of his lips against mine was an intoxicating melody, filling my heart with a deep sense of comfort. In that moment, I yearned for his affection, craving the connection that only he could provide. His gaze spoke volumes of love, as he lavished me with a cascade of sweet kisses. His gaze, filled with adoration, spoke volumes of his love for me, reaffirming the depth of our connection. The night unfolded, with our bodies merged in a passionate union, and the rhythm of his heartbeat became the sweetest melody, lulling me into a state of pure bliss.

The morning greeted me with the warmth of Alexander’s embrace, a tender reminder of the night we had shared. Mindful of his need for rest, I delicately extricated myself from his arms, determined not to disturb his slumber. Aware that the sun had not yet graced the sky, I quietly slipped out of the room, closing the door with utmost care. Retreating to my own chambers, I adorned myself in a simple dress and wrapped a plain cloak around me. Securing my hair in a long braid and slipping into practical boots, I prepared myself for the tasks that lay ahead.

Urgently, I made my way down to the courtyard, where Nyx awaited me by the carriage. Without exchanging a single word, he graciously assisted me into the humble vehicle. The journey ahead promised two hours of enchantment, as the sun emerged from its slumber, illuminating the world around us. Throughout the entire expedition, Nyx maintained a serene silence,

allowing me the opportunity to meticulously plan the words I would soon share with Vivian.

Lodamir came into view and my eyes were immediately drawn to the changes that had taken place. The flag that used to proudly fly in the wind, representing my father’s authority, had been replaced by a new emblem. The serene atmosphere that once enveloped the streets had been shattered, now replaced by a vigilant presence of guards. Despite the unease creeping within me, I fought to keep my composure as our carriage was halted.

The door swung open, revealing a stern-faced guard standing before us. My heart raced as I discreetly pulled my hood over my head, hoping to blend into the shadows and avoid any

unwanted attention. The guard’s gaze swept over our carriage, his eyes scanning each passenger. I held my breath, praying that my disguise would be enough to shield me from his scrutiny.

The guard’s gaze finally reached me, I felt a surge of relief wash over me. It seemed that my simple hood had indeed concealed my identity, allowing me to remain unnoticed. With a curt nod, the guard motioned for our carriage to proceed.

We reached the heart of the square, my eyes were instantly drawn to a magnificent mansion that stood proudly before us. It bore a striking resemblance to Cecelia’s opulent estate, a sight that had been etched in my memory since childhood. This grandeur had become a familiar sight to me, as I had often passed by this very place during my younger years. My father, in his usual nonchalant manner, would casually mention that the lady residing within those walls was a dear friend of his, much to my mother’s disdain.

Our carriage came to a halt by the grand entrance, Nyx wasted no time in jumping out and extending a helping hand to assist me. However, our progress was abruptly halted by the vigilant guard stationed at the door.

“What is your business here?”

Nyx spoke up.

“I am an acquaintance of Lady Vivians.”

"Is she anticipating your arrival?"

"No, I am currently on a business excursion and desired to astonish her."

"Kindly remain in this area."

My gaze fell upon Nyx, perplexed by the sight before me.

"I ensured that I established a connection with Vivian during my previous sojourn.”

In response to the guard's approach, I silently acknowledged his words with a nod.

"Miss Vivian is ready to receive you," he announced, granting us entry to her presence.

The gate creaked open, we were ushered inside by the vigilant guard. With each step up the staircase, the anticipation grew, and we entered the magnificent estate. The opulence of the marble floors was simply breathtaking, rivaling even the grandeur of Lodamir castle.

At the top of the stairs, a woman, elegant and poised, stood before us. Her age mirrored that of my mother, and her attire spoke of sophistication and grace. Standing beside her was a young man, bearing an uncanny resemblance to my father. His dark locks and piercing blue eyes were reminiscent of my father’s youthful days as if he were a mirror image of him.

“It is truly a delight to behold your presence, Nyx.”

“Vivian, you remain as stunning as always.”

Nyx tenderly pressed her lips against her gloved hand, a subtle gesture of affection that went unnoticed by Vivian. It was as if I was invisible to her, as she carried on without acknowledging my presence. Meanwhile, the young man peeked shyly from behind his mother, his eyes meeting mine briefly before darting away.

With a graceful motion, Vivian motioned for Nyx to accompany her to the elegant parlor. Without hesitation, we followed suit. As we stepped into the room, I was captivated by its grandeur. It was evident that Vivian was accustomed to a life of luxury and refinement, surrounded by the finest things money could buy.

We settled into our chairs, Vivian’s gaze shifted towards me, and her eyes widened in astonishment. It was as if she had just realized my presence, and her hand instinctively flew to her mouth, as if to stifle a gasp. Her cheeks turned red as she studied my face.

“Have we crossed paths in the past?”

“No, fair lady, our acquaintance is yet to be made.”

“You bring to mind a familiar face.”

“It is a common observation that I bear a resemblance to my mother.”

“Nyx, may I inquire as to the identity of this individual?”

“Vivian, I beseech you to grant me the honor of presenting Adeline, the esteemed Princess of Lodamir.”

Vivian appeared speechless, her astonishment swiftly transforming into fury.

"Why have you come here?" she demanded.

"Nyx, why have you brought her here?" she questioned.

"Adeline seeks answers from you," Nyx explained.

"I am unable to provide her with the answers she seeks," Vivian replied firmly.

"I must insist that you depart from my residence," she declared.

I remained steadfast, refusing to budge.

"I shall not leave until you address my inquiries," I asserted boldly.

"You bear a striking resemblance to your mother."

"She lacked the wisdom to know when silence was golden."

I suppressed the anger that was bubbling within me.

"You shall exhibit greater reverence in the presence of a queen."

Vivian's countenance flushed crimson, yet she restrained herself from uttering a word. Her son, on the other hand, appeared as though he wished to vanish into thin air, his discomfort palpable. In a composed manner, I deliberately modulated my voice and summoned a forced smile upon my visage.

"I beseech you, for I am burdened with inquiries concerning my late father.”

"Adeline, I am unable to provide you with the answers you seek."

"My father has departed from this mortal realm, and your safety shall not be compromised."

"It is not your father that concerns me, Adeline."

I looked at her astounded. Was there something that I was missing. She was my father’s mistress and yet she is worried about somebody else. I stood my ground and asked the first question. I directed the question towards the young man.

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