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Adeline Learns the Truth

"Do you possess knowledge of who I am?"

"Indeed, Miss."

"Do you grasp the purpose behind my visit here today?"

"Indeed, Miss."

Vivian gave me a piercing gaze.

" Jake, make your way to your quarters."

"As you wish Mother."

The young man promptly exited the room.

“Jake, what a splendid name.”

“He bears the name of his father, a tradition passed down through generations.”

“My mother has revealed the honest reality to me; there is no need for deceit.”

“Your mother has shared her perspective with you.”

“There exists an alternate perspective to consider.”

“ I implore you to shed light on the matter for me.”

Vivian gazed upon me with a look of disdain, as though I were the one tasked with carrying out a sentence of death. With a deliberate effort, she composed herself and regulated her breathing, preparing for what was to come.

“I served as a loyal member of the royal court, hailing from a distinguished lineage.”

“Your father often sought my wise counsel in matters of importance.”

“He harbored suspicions for quite some time that your mother was engaging in an extramarital relationship.”

“My heart was filled with adoration for Jake, yet he did not reciprocate my feelings.”

In a serene manner, I assumed my position, maintaining a composed demeanor, as I attentively absorbed the words that gracefully flowed from Vivian's lips.

“The demise of Jake, alas, was a consequence of your mother's actions.”

“A sorrowful fate befell him.”

“He died before he could even lay eyes upon our cherished son.”

“However, it is imperative to acknowledge that the purpose of your presence here today does not solely revolve around this tragic event.

“Pray, enlighten me with the knowledge of the enigmatic vanishings that have transpired within the walls of the majestic castle.”

Vivian's countenance was filled with astonishment upon hearing this unexpected entreaty.

“Your brother held affections for numerous women.”

“Numerous individuals were perceived as potential dangers to the crown by the king.”

“Consequently, he ordered the banishment of many of them to a common location.”

“These individuals were exiled to a modest village situated on the distant shores.”

“It would be advisable to seek counsel from Macy, the former lady-in-waiting of your mother.”

“ This concludes the extent of my knowledge on the matter.”

“I have an additional inquiry to pose to you.

“Are you aware of the individual responsible for the demise of my mother?”

“It was indeed your father who orchestrated the tragic event, intending to carry it out on the very night of your birth, yet circumstances led him to alter his course of action.”

I allowed this newfound knowledge to permeate my thoughts, embracing its weight and significance.

Nyx and Vivian ascended the winding staircase, the weight of their shared burden seemed to hang heavy in the air, each step echoing with the unspoken turmoil that churned within their hearts. In the secluded confines of the upper chambers, they sought solace in the sanctuary of whispered confessions and quiet contemplation, their voices mingling like echoes in the stillness of the night. Behind closed doors, secrets were laid bare, and wounds long festering in the depths of their souls were exposed to the harsh light of truth.

Then, as swiftly as the moments had passed, Nyx descended the staircase, his expression inscrutable as he disappeared into the shadows below. In his wake, a sense of urgency hung in the air, a silent call to action that spurred me into motion.

With a sense of purpose coursing through my veins, I swiftly retrieved my cloak, the fabric cascading around me like a shield against the unknown. Each fold whispered promises of determination and resilience, a silent vow to face whatever lay ahead with unwavering resolve.

“I extend my deepest gratitude to you, Vivian, for your unwavering commitment in addressing the queries that have perplexed my mind.”

“Your profound wisdom and insightful responses have shed light upon the shadows of uncertainty, and for that, I am eternally grateful.”

“In the event that you require any assistance, do not hesitate to correspond with me.”

Nyx bestowed a gentle kiss upon Vivian's cheek as we gracefully exited the threshold. With a swift motion, Vivian closed the door, and the distinct sound of the lock clicking resonated in the air. It was then that I observed a young man observing our departure from a window on the upper floor, his gaze lingering as we disappeared from view.

Nyx graciously assisted me as I entered the carriage, his gaze unwavering as we began our journey.

“Do you possess knowledge of the small town across the vast sea, Nyx?”

“Your brother has mentioned it on several occasions.”

“Is there a method by which we may establish communication with the inhabitants of this town?”

“If it is your desire, I shall embark on a journey to retrieve this Macy from there.”

“Your assistance is greatly appreciated, Nyx.”

The remainder of the journey transpired in quietude. Upon our return to the Castle, Alexander stood in eager anticipation at the entrance. Hastening towards the carriage, he swiftly unlatched the door. Assisting me in alighting from the carriage, he enveloped me in a tender embrace.

"Adeline, my heart was filled with great concern for your well-being."

"Rest assured, dear Alexander, that I am in good health."

“There is much that I yearn to share with you, my love."

"Shall we retreat to the sanctuary of your study, where our words can be exchanged in utmost privacy?"

Alexander graciously acknowledged his comprehension. We strolled amidst the majestic castle, while a myriad of contemplations inundated my consciousness simultaneously. Eventually, we arrived at the sanctum of Alexander, where the weighty door swung open, emitting a haunting creak. My observant eyes discerned an assortment of books strewn haphazardly across the opulent parlor. The disheveled state of Alexander's attire hinted at a restless slumber, leaving me pondering over the source of his concerns.

With great haste, Alexander secured the entrance, ensuring our privacy and safety. Settling himself gracefully upon his majestic desk, he elegantly combed his disheveled locks with his fingers, as if taming the wild strands that adorned his regal head.

"Pray tell, Adeline, what knowledge have you acquired?"

"My dear father's paramour proved to be quite knowledgeable."

"She divulged the existence of a quaint village nestled beyond the vast expanse of the sea."

"It appears that both my brother and father dispatched all the unfortunate souls who had vanished to that very place."

“For what reason were they exiled to distant shores?”

“To prevent any disgrace to the royal family.”

“There is no evidence to support the allegations made against them.”

“Pray tell, what are your intentions?”

“Nyx has graciously consented to embark on a voyage over the vast sea to retrieve my mother's former attendant.”

“What purpose shall this endeavor serve?”

“I seek to uncover the truth behind the peculiar events within the castle.”

“I suspect my father's involvement in my mother's demise, yet I require concrete evidence to substantiate my claim.”

With a quick and graceful movement, Alexander shifted his gaze towards Nyx.

“Depart from our presence.”

With a graceful inclination, Nyx humbly lowered his head and swiftly departed from the chamber.

“Adeline, do you possess the utmost certainty in the veracity of this woman's words?”

“It appears that she harbors a sense of trepidation towards an unknown entity.”

“Rest assured, my dear, for I am confident that she would not bestow upon me any deceitful tidings.”

“Furthermore, Nyx has divulged that my brother made mention of a matter concerning this quaint village.”

Alexander's demeanor shifted as if a burden had been lifted from his shoulders, a newfound ease settling over him like a comforting cloak. In the gentle flicker of the candlelight, his features softened, the lines of tension smoothing away.

Alexander closed the distance between us in swift, purposeful strides. His presence filled the space around me, a tangible force that drew me in like a moth to a flame. With a tenderness that took my breath away, he enveloped me in the warmth of his embrace, his arms strong and steady around me.

I could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against my chest, a reassuring cadence that echoed the longing in my own soul. His breath brushed against my cheek in gentle caresses, his lips hovering tantalizingly close to mine, teasing me with the promise of a connection that transcended mere words.

I surrendered myself to the embrace of his arms. Before our lips could meet in a tender embrace, the sudden rap of knuckles against the chamber door shattered the intimate atmosphere, leaving a palpable tension in its wake. Alexander's frustration was evident in the furrow of his brow and the tightness of his grip upon me, his irritation simmering just beneath the surface.

"Who is it?" His voice, tinged with annoyance, cut through the silence like a blade.

"It is Cecelia, my lord," came the reply, the timbre of her voice laced with a hint of urgency.

With a weary sigh, Alexander reluctantly released his hold on me, his movements heavy with resignation. With purposeful strides, he crossed the chamber and swung the door open, the hinges groaning in protest as they yielded to his touch. Cecelia stood on the threshold, her presence a stark contrast to the intimacy that had moments ago enveloped us.

"Cecelia, what brings you to my chambers at this hour?" Alexander's tone was curt, his patience wearing thin beneath the weight of her unexpected intrusion.

With a graceful poise that belied her true intentions, Cecelia's gaze flitted briefly to me before returning to Alexander, her lips curved in a knowing smile. Dressed in attire that hinted at a familiarity born of shared history, she exuded an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance.

"Your Majesty, I seek a private audience with you," she began, her voice honeyed with a hint of flirtation.

"I have matters of utmost importance to discuss."

Alexander's expression hardened at her request, a flicker of suspicion dancing in the depths of his eyes.

"I'm afraid my schedule is quite full at the moment, Cecelia," he replied, his tone clipped.

"You may speak freely here, in front of Adeline."

Cecelia's smile faltered slightly at the mention of my presence, her composure slipping for just a moment before she regained her usual facade of poise and elegance.

"Very well, Your Majesty," she conceded, her voice tinged with disappointment.

"I come to discuss the education of young Nathan."

At the mention of his son, Alexander's demeanor softened slightly, a flicker of paternal concern crossing his features.

"Go on," he prompted, his curiosity piqued. Cecelia closed the door.

"What is the subject of your desire for discussion?"

"I aspire to impart upon Nathan the knowledge of all the facets of the realm."

"Are you aiming to groom him for the role of a monarch?"

"He possesses the entitlement to receive the same education as Andrew."

Alexander appeared deep in contemplation for a brief moment, his gaze fixed on a distant point. After a pause, he broke the silence with his words.

“Pray tell, what are the sentiments of your lordly husband regarding this particular matter?”

Cecelia's countenance displayed a hint of displeasure upon realizing that her husband held a greater sway than she did. However, with regal grace, she swiftly regained her composure, masking any hint of irritation that may have briefly crossed her features.

“His desire is for Nathan to be bestowed with the finest education available, ensuring that he is equipped with knowledge and wisdom to navigate the complexities of the world.”

“For he is of noble lineage, with a heritage that carries the weight of honor and prestige, a legacy that must be upheld and cherished with dignity and grace.”

Alexander contemplated upon this matter, allowing his thoughts to wander through the corridors of his mind.

“I shall bestow upon you this privilege, for it is within my power to do so.”

“Should any adversity arise, I shall not falter in my resolve to intervene and rectify the situation promptly.”

Cecelia performed a graceful curtsy before gracefully exiting the study.

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