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Alexander's Unsettling News

Upon awakening the following morning, I found myself in solitude within the confines of my chambers. The remnants of frustration from the previous night began to resurface within me. Swiftly, I adorned myself in regal attire. When I emerged from my chambers, I chanced upon an encounter with Nyx.

"Your majesty, I humbly beg your pardon."

"Pray tell, have you seen Alexander this morning?"

“I am of the firm conviction that he engaged in a meeting with Matthew during the early hours of this morning.”

"Thank you, Nyx."

Nyx gracefully departed with a respectful bow. With a sense of urgency, I approached the grand dining hall, where the atmosphere seemed to shift upon my arrival. A hush fell over the room as all gazes turned towards me, their undivided attention captured. It was then that I observed the absence of Alexander, his regal chair left unoccupied. Meanwhile, Cecelia, adorned with an air of self-satisfaction, occupied her customary seat.

I took my seat at the table, and the discourse recommenced. In silence, I began to eat my breakfast, pondering the whereabouts of Alexander. Cecelia cast upon me a piercing gaze, as though I had taken a cherished treasure.

Some of the esteemed ladies gathered around the table conversed with me. Following the conclusion of the morning meal, I was intercepted by a guard.

"Your Highness, the king desires your attendance."

I proceeded to Alexander's quarters and rapped on the door. A guard swiftly swung it open. I proceeded towards the study and gently tapped on the door.


Without delay, I gracefully opened the door. Alexander appeared fatigued; his weariness evident as he occupied his seat behind the desk. I observed his lack of rising to welcome my presence within his study.

"You have summoned me, my lord?"

I gracefully took my seat, my mind filled with apprehension. I pondered whether Alexander's anger from our previous night's disagreement still lingered. With a composed demeanor, I settled herself in the chair positioned before his grand desk.

“Adeline, urgent tidings have reached the castle.”

“A few of the nobles are in agreement with Cecelia's stance.”

Before I could utter a word, Alexander proceeded.

“I wish for you to partake in tea with noblewomen tomorrow.”

“I desire for you to extend an invitation to Cecelia.”

“We must demonstrate our ability to coexist harmoniously with her presence in the royal court.”

“Should you take the lead, we can enchant the aristocracy.”

“In your study, I have presented a list of names.”

“I entrust you with this unique duty.”

“Your desires shall be respected, my liege.”

I performed a graceful curtsey before making my way to exit the study chamber.

"Adeline, please wait a moment."

I pivoted on my heel to meet Alexander's gaze once more.

"Yes, my lord."

"Is there something else that you require?"

“I humbly apologize for the events of the previous evening.”

“There is nothing to forgive my lord.”

“Furthermore, I have an urgent matter that requires your attention.”

I reclined in my seat once more. My gaze fell upon Alexander, awaiting his words. He massaged his forehead, a sign of discomfort. After a moment's pause, he finally began to speak.

“I have reached a mutual accord with Cecelia.”

“Wherein she shall continue to grace my presence as my esteemed mistress.”

He surely observed the expression of repulsion upon my countenance. Before I could utter a word, he proceeded.

“She shall not be my mistress in a romantic sense, but merely in name and title.”

“By virtue of this, she shall possess the privilege of casting her vote in matters of royal affairs.”

“Furthermore, she shall be granted the esteemed position of residing within the court and gracing the presence of esteemed events.”

I found myself in a state of utter silence, unable to articulate my thoughts. My anger burned within me, consuming my very being. How could Alexander, commit such an act against me? How could he, in his misguided judgment, consent to her presence by his side once more?

"Alexander, I implore you to reconsider granting Cecelia the position of your mistress," I declared firmly, my voice resonating with authority.

"For it is a grave misstep that shall convey a most unfavorable message."

“After extensive deliberation and consultation, I have reached a resolute conclusion, Adeline.”

“I am well aware that this tidings bring distress upon you.”

“Rest assured, my loyalty to you and our realm shall forever endure.”

“I beseech your pardon, my lord, for I am obliged to arrange a tea gathering.”

I endeavored to veil my trembling as I departed from the study. Swiftly, I proceeded towards my private study. Upon closing the door to my chambers, I expeditiously secured it, for I had no desire to be disturbed.

With my emotions set aside for the present, I proceeded towards my study. Resting on my desk was the list of names belonging to numerous women. Among them were courtiers and esteemed ladies of the court. I was well aware that the forthcoming day would prove to be a challenging ordeal. In my past encounters, I have discovered tea gatherings to be quite dull. The tidings often consisted of mere gossip.

I commenced transcribing the invitations for the esteemed ladies on the list. Following an hour of diligent penmanship, my hand wearied. I affixed the royal seal upon the envelopes with precision. Without delay, I opened the door and presented the invitations to the sentinel posted outside.

“As per your command, your majesty, rest assured that these shall be delivered to their rightful owners.”

There remained a great deal of tasks to be completed. I strolled down to the magnificent kitchen, where Johnson awaited my arrival.

“How may I be of service, Your Majesty?

"I am hosting a tea gathering tomorrow."

"I require the garden to be arranged for approximately thirty noble ladies."

"As you command, my lady."

"You are well aware of my preferences, Johnson."

I departed from the kitchens and proceeded to the servants' quarters. Upon my arrival, a handful of servants had congregated around a modest table. They humbly curtsied and bowed in reverence as I entered the cozy chamber.

“How may we, be of service to you Your Majesty?”

“I am organizing a delightful tea gathering in the splendid gardens tomorrow.”

“The gardens shall be adorned with the utmost elegance, the tables arranged with precision, and the delectable fare shall be promptly delivered.”

“As you command, your majesty.”

“Furthermore, I shall personally ensure that you are bestowed with a well-deserved increase in pay for the additional efforts undertaken.”

After departing the servant's quarters, I proceeded to the stables. I prepared my steed for travel, enveloping myself in my cloak. With determination, I guided my horse out of the stables and towards the gate, flanked by two vigilant guards.

The gate was unsealed by a vigilant guard. A brief journey ensued, leading us swiftly towards the heart of the city. The resonating echoes of our steeds' hooves upon the cobblestone permeated the tranquil ambiance.

I halted before a charming, diminutive establishment. A vigilant guard graciously assisted me in dismounting from my noble steed. I advanced, and an elderly woman graciously unveiled the entrance to the shop. With utmost grace, she performed a curtsy, displaying her respect and deference.

"Your Majesty, how may I be of assistance?"

"Good afternoon, Evangeline."

"I am hosting a tea gathering tomorrow afternoon and I require a new dress."

"Alexander has informed me last night."

I followed Evangeline into the shop.

“Guards, remain outside and await my return.”

"Your orders are our command, your majesty”

Evangeline graciously guided me to the inner chamber, where I undressed myself for the fitting. With poise, I ascended the elevated platform before the looking glass.

The gown that Evangeline clasped was a majestic floor-length dress. Crafted from the most exquisite Sapphire Blue Satin fabric that had ever graced my sight. The bodice was adorned with flawlessly embroidered flowers, each stitch a testament to the artistry of its creator.

The customary gown's silhouette exuded elegance and grace. The belt, embellished with precious jewels, shimmered in the light. The delicate layers gracefully danced around my feet.

“I shall ensure that the gown is delivered to the castle by tomorrow morning.”

"Thank you, Evangeline."

Once I departed the shop, the guards stood at attention. I mounted my horse with grace. Drawing my traveling cloak snugly around me, I shielded myself from the cooling evening air as the sun started its descent. Together, we journeyed back to the castle.

I reached the courtyard. I graciously entrusted the reins of my noble steeds to a diligent stable boy. With a dignified stride, I retraced my steps towards the sanctity of my chambers. The evening descended, and I indulged in a delectable feast within the confines of my regal chambers. Finally, I adorned myself in a delicate nightgown.

Before I could recline on my plush bed, a gentle rap resounded at the entrance. I swiftly unfastened the door and allowed it to part slightly, revealing Alexander awaiting outside.

"May I enter?" he uttered with a hint of hesitation.

Alexander, with utmost caution, stepped into the chamber. The door was promptly shut behind him. Seated upon the bed, I assumed a regal posture, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Your absence was noted during the evening meal.”

“I was not in the mood to entertain guests.”

“I scarcely caught a glimpse of you today.”

“I was executing your desires, and preparing for a tea party tomorrow.”

“Adeline, I am well aware of your displeasure towards me.”

“You possess every justifiable reason to harbor anger within your heart.”

“ I solemnly assure you, dear Adeline, that no occurrence shall transpire between Cecelia and myself.”

“You have been granted absolution, my lord."

"It is Alexander, if you do not mind."

Alexander enveloped me in a tender embrace, his arms wrapping around me like a protective shield. The touch of his hands against my back sent a surge of warmth coursing through my veins, igniting a fire within me. With a gentle touch, he tilted my chin upwards, his eyes locked with mine, filled with an intensity that made my heart skip a beat. Then, in the softest of whispers, his lips met mine, a sweet and passionate kiss that spoke volumes of his love for me.

In one graceful motion, he approached the bed. Alexander tenderly placed me on the soft mattress, he delicately adjusted his position. I found myself captivated by the enchanting depths of his emerald-green gaze.

His lips caressed mine once more. With each tender kiss, our passion grew stronger, enveloping us in a world of desire. After a handful of intoxicating kisses, he gracefully joined me on the bed, his presence filling the room with an enchanting warmth.

We embraced the tranquility of the moment, his breath danced in perfect harmony. I surrendered myself to the serenity, closing my eyes, and feeling the warmth of his sturdy embrace enveloping me. The following dawn greeted me with a gentle caress of sunlight, as it gracefully streamed through my window, illuminating the room. A sight that greeted my eyes was my dress, meticulously placed upon the chair, a symbol of the tender care he had bestowed upon me.

My lady-in-waiting Daphne entered the chamber. Assisting me with my petticoats, she then adorned me with a floor-length gown. The corset she fastened enhanced the contours of my figure.

With utmost skill, she artfully fashioned my tresses into a magnificent display of cascading curls. Adorned with a delicate touch, she intertwined blossoms and bejeweled pins within the sophisticated updo. Gracefully, she positioned the regal tiara atop my crown. Subsequently, she adorned me with emerald, blue earrings and a necklace, exuding an aura of opulence.

Despite their discomfort, she assisted me in donning a pair of shoes. Lastly, she encircled my waist with a shimmering belt, completing the resplendent ensemble.

Alexander stirred from his slumber.

"You look beautiful Adeline."

Despite my anxiety, I understood that I could not keep my visitors waiting.

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