Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Alexander's Magnificent Plan

The sun timidly peeked over the horizon, casting a gentle glow of pink and gold upon the awakening world, I was abruptly awakened from my peaceful slumber by the insistent call of Alexander.

"Adeline, my beloved," he murmured, his tone filled with urgency and determination, "I implore you to attire yourself with haste."

Startled from my dreams, I blinked away sleep and focused on his face, illuminated softly by the gentle morning light filtering through the windows.

"Nyx embarks upon the vast sea today," Alexander continued, his words carrying the weight of the impending journey, “I have convened the council.”

“Your presence is required in the throne room."

With a quick but tender kiss pressed to my forehead, Alexander departed from the room, leaving behind a sense of purpose that stirred within me. In a daze, I rose from the bed and hastened to prepare for the day ahead.

Quickly with careful consideration, I selected my most regal attire, the silks and velvets whispering tales of ancient elegance as they draped over my form. Daphne, ever the faithful handmaiden, stood by my side, her skilled fingers deftly fastening clasps and laces, ensuring every garment fell perfectly into place.

I stood before the mirror, while Daphne cinched the corset with practiced precision, pulling the stays tight to accentuate my figure. Though the constriction was uncomfortable, I endured it without complaint, knowing that today, every detail mattered.

With each adjustment, I felt a sense of anticipation building within me, a silent promise of the events that awaited in the grandeur of the throne room.

I entered the throne room. The air crackled with anticipation, the weight of the impending news hanging heavy in the chamber. The scene quickly unfolded before me, each participant

playing their role with precision.

Alexander, resplendent upon his throne, exuded an aura of authority and command as he surveyed the grand councilmen gathered before him. His eyes, sharp and discerning, took in every detail, every nuance of the room.

To his right stood Nyx, a towering figure whose presence seemed to fill the room with a palpable sense of strength and determination. His gaze locked with Alexander's, a silent understanding passing between them, forged through years of camaraderie and shared purpose.

Among the assembled noblemen, Matthew stood tall and regal, his demeanor a portrait of unwavering loyalty and steadfast resolve. Beside him, Cecelia, with her grace and poise.

I made my way to the throne. The hall fell into a hushed silence, the intensity of the moment hanging thick in the air. Every eye turned towards me, their gazes weighing and assessing as if searching for clues in my every movement and expression.

With a graceful curtsy, I paid homage to Alexander, acknowledging his authority and the gravity of the decisions that lay before us. His subtle nod of approval granted me permission to take my seat, a silent invitation to join him in the deliberations that would shape the destiny of our kingdom.

Once settled into my seat beside Alexander, the tension in the room seemed to crackle with anticipation, every eye fixed upon him as he prepared to address the council. His voice, when it finally broke the silence, rang out with a commanding presence that demanded attention and respect.

"Esteemed members of the council and honored guests," Alexander began, his words carrying the weight of authority and purpose, "you have been summoned here today to bear witness to a momentous occasion in the annals of our nation's history."

He spoke elegantly. The gravity of his words seemed to settle upon the gathered assembly like a heavy cloak, anticipation mingling with curiosity as they awaited the revelation of what lay ahead.

"I have recently come into possession of knowledge regarding a private island owned by Lodamir," Alexander continued, his tone measured.

"It is with great pleasure that I announce to you all today: this island now belongs to me, a gift to my beloved wife, Adeline."

A collective gasp rippled through the assembled crowd at the unexpected announcement, murmurs of surprise and speculation swirling amidst the air. It was clear that this decision had not been brought before the council for deliberation, a fact that did not escape notice, yet Alexander pressed on undeterred.

"Nyx, our trusted ally, will lead an expedition to this newly acquired island," Alexander declared, his voice ringing with conviction.

"Accompanying him on this journey of discovery and potential prosperity will be our esteemed guest, Matthew and his family."

The significance of his words sank in. a ripple of anticipation swept through the room, mingled with a sense of apprehension and intrigue. Matthew's inclusion in the expedition spoke volumes about the importance of this venture, his expertise and dedication heralding a promising future for the island and the kingdom alike.

"Matthew has graciously agreed to take up residence on the island, dedicating his skills and knowledge to its development and transformation into a thriving asset for our kingdom," Alexander proclaimed, his words resonating with a sense of hope and possibility.

In the wake of his declaration, a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation filled the room, mingled with a hint of uncertainty and apprehension. beneath it all lay an unwavering confidence in Alexander's vision and leadership, a belief that together, they would forge a path towards a brighter and more prosperous future. Alexander dismissed the council men.

“Nyx and Matthew please stay so I might have a word with you.”

Matthew, his demeanor a blend of humility and determination, stepped forward, accompanied by Cecelia, approached the majestic thrones. As they neared, Nyx and Matthew both inclined their heads in a respectful bow before the esteemed presence of Alexander, acknowledging his authority with reverence and deference.

With a nod of acknowledgement, Alexander addressed them, his voice carrying the weight of command and expectation.

"Nyx," he began, his tone firm yet tinged with a note of warmth, "I entrust upon you the important task of bringing back the individuals we discussed yesterday, upon your return journey."

Nyx, met Alexander's gaze with a solemn nod, accepting the weight of the responsibility placed upon him with a sense of duty and determination.

Turning his attention to Matthew and Cecelia, Alexander's expression softened, a faint smile playing upon his lips as he spoke.

"Matthew, I have arranged for an estate that befits Cecelia's accustomed lifestyle," he declared, his words carrying a promise of comfort and security for the newly appointed Lord and Lady.

"You shall take up the mantle of leadership as the new Lord and Lady of the province."

Alexander continued, his voice ringing with confidence and conviction.

"It is your duty to restore joy to the inhabitants of the small island, to oversee its prosperity and well-being."

“In doing so you will host social events.”

Matthew and Cecelia exchanged a glance.

"In addition," Alexander added, his gaze steady and unwavering, "I expect you to keep me informed of any changes or new arrivals to the island.”

“Your reports will be invaluable in guiding our decisions and ensuring the continued success of our endeavors."

"As you wish, Your Majesty," Matthew replied, his voice steady and resolute.

Cecelia's protest cut through the solemn air of the throne room like a sudden tempest, her voice laced with a mixture of indignation and desperation as she confronted Alexander with her grievances.

"Alexander, this was never part of our agreement," she declared, her eyes flashing with defiance.

"You cannot simply relegate me to some remote island, leaving me to languish in obscurity while you pursue your ambitions."

The intensity of her words hung heavy in the air. The tension crackled between them, a silent battle of wills unfolding.

"What of your promise to Nathan?" Cecelia pressed on, her tone unwavering despite the weight of the situation.

"You vowed to groom him for the throne, to instill in him the wisdom and leadership needed to succeed you as king."

In the face of Cecelia's challenge, Alexander remained composed, his expression unreadable as he considered her words. Beside him, Nyx and Matthew stood silently, their presence a silent testament to the gravity of the moment. With measured resolve, Alexander finally spoke, his voice firm.

"Cecelia, I understand your concerns, but the welfare of my kingdom must come first," he explained, his words carrying the weight of duty and responsibility.

"I have made arrangements for Nathan's education to continue under the guidance of private tutors, ensuring that he receives the knowledge and training he requires."

Cecelia's gaze narrowed at his response, a flicker of defiance still burning bright within her eyes.

"He will be raised knowing everything that Andrew knows," Alexander stated his voice unwavering.

"To exile us from the castle, to bar us from our rightful place... it is an injustice that cannot be ignored." Argued Cecelia.

Alexander's jaw tightened at her words, the weight of his decision evident in the furrow of his brow.

"Cecelia, I assure you, this is for the greater good of my kingdom.”

"The island holds promise for our kingdom's future, and I need your cooperation in making it thrive."

Cecelia remained unmoved, her resolve unyielding.

"If you or your son dare to set foot in this castle again," Alexander declared, his voice echoing with the weight of his conviction, "you will find no welcome here.”

“Our ties will be severed, and you will be met with closed doors and barred gates."

With those words hanging heavy in the air, the tension in the throne room reached its peak, the fate of their kingdom hanging precariously in the balance as Alexander and Cecelia stood at the precipice of a decision that would shape the course of their destinies. Matthew quickly intervened.

“We humbly accept your decision, Your Majesty.”

Before Cecelia could say another word Matthew escorted her out of the chamber. Alexander then turned his attention to Nyx.

“Nyx I am entrusting you with the task of making sure Cecelia gets on the boat in the morning.”

“Consider it done, Your Majesty.”

“I expect you will have a safe journey.”

“On your return trip, I would like for you to bring back Ms. Macy and her family.”

“As you wish, Your Majesty.”

“Please leave us, for I must speak to my wife in private.”

Nyx left the chamber with a low bow. As Nyx left the chamber, I turned to Alexander astonished.

“My lord, I am speechless.”

“I thought of the plan last night when I was conversing with Nyx.”

“He was telling me of the small island, where people from Lodamir disappeared to.”

“On Nyx's last visit to the Lodamir castle he was able to secure the deed to the island.”

“Through careful negotiations, I was able to contact the owner and get ownership signed over to me.”

“Nyx decided to send Matthew and Cecelia to rule over the land.”

Alexander gently pulled me into his embrace. He kissed me ever so softly. I swayed in his arms. The weight of the world seemed to shift off my shoulders. I was finally going to receive some answers. He murmured in my ear.

“I will always put your safety, above my kingdom’s needs.”

“What will the rest of the court think, when they hear about Cecelia’s sudden disappearance from court again?”

“I have fulfilled my promise of educating their son in the ways of being king.”

“I have also arranged for her to be comfortable.”

“In putting them in charge of the island she also has a way to be involved in our kingdom’s affairs.”

I smiled for he seemed to think of everything. All doubt left my mind immediately.

“Come let us not stay focused on this matter at hand.”

“I believe a grand celebration is in order.”

“I have arranged for a special lunch to be brought out to the gardens.”

We exited the hall a smile graced my lips. Finally I was going to be rid of Cecelia once and for all. I once again felt secure in the castle knowing that Andrew would be safe from harm.

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