Pissing Off Godric


I glanced at Beanie as he drove a mile down the road on the way to the city.

“Stop the car.”

“Osprey, I’m supposed to take you straight to school.”

“Stop the car, Bernard, or I swear when I’m alpha I’ll throw you out of the sleuth,” I threatened.

He cursed as he pulled over to the side of the road. I got out before leaning down to peer into the car.

“I’ll meet you there.”

“Whatever,” he grumbled before taking off.

I looked around before I silently crept through the trees, heading towards Scarlett’s house. I couldn’t walk her to school. Everyone would know I skipped first period if I did, but I wanted to see her. She stepped out onto the porch, and her beauty made my breath catch in my lungs. My eyes helplessly moved over her, lingering on the butterfly clip she wore in her hair. Goddess, she was gorgeous. I took a step toward her when a low growl sounded behind me. I sighed when Elena’s scent surrounded me.

‘What are you doing, brother?’

I leaned against the tree next to me with my arms crossed over my chest. ‘I’ve always walked her to school,’ I linked back.

‘Our parents think you’re gone.’

‘I know they do.’ I cut my eyes at her. ‘And you are not going to tell them otherwise.’

‘This is stupid. Just go over there and walk her to school.’

I bared my teeth at her. ‘Dad will have my ass.’

‘What you need to do is tell her. Fuck your father. Mom will slap him, too.’

I rolled my eyes. Of course she thought I could get away with breaking the rules like she could. All she had to do was bat her eyelashes, shed a tear, and her dad gave in like a marshmallow. Mine would beat my ass until I was a puddle on the ground without even laying a hand on me. I stuck my hands in my pockets. I couldn’t wait until my aura was that strong. Nobody would be able to boss me around. I narrowed my eyes on her.

‘Get to school.’

She shoved my shoulder. ‘You go to school!’

She stomped off while I kept waiting for Scarlett to go. Valerie stepped out and I straightened up as Scarlett looked up at her with tears in her eyes.

“I don’t think he’s coming, honey.”

“But he said he would be here.”

I clenched my jaw. I hated it when she cried. Please, don’t cry. I’m here. Please. I wanted to rush over to her and hug her, but Godric held me back. He knew the repercussions better than I did, since he took the brunt of our punishments. I slowly kept pace with them as I listened to their conversation on the way to her school. My heart swelled when she asked if I was sick and immediately deflated when Valerie told her I went hunting. Fuck.

‘We need to talk to Dad. This isn’t fair. He promised that if we behaved, we could see her. We have listened to everything they said,’ Godric spat, pacing angrily in my head.

‘We should talk to Mom first. If anybody can reason with them, it’s her.’

“NO! I thought he liked me, too. He told me he did! HE DIDN’T LIE!” she screamed, drawing my attention back to them.

I punched a tree in frustration before reaching for Elena’s link.

‘Lena, do me a favor. Please, talk to Letti. Tell her…’ I took a deep breath. ‘Tell her that I’m sorry for missing our walk this morning.’


I cursed as I punched the tree again before stripping my clothes off. I let Godric take over, and he picked up my clothes before sprinting toward the city. My mind swirled in a million different directions as his paws carried us rapidly through the forest that shielded our home from the outside world.

‘Hey, Mom? Will you be home when I get there? I really need to talk to you.’

‘Not today. I’m helping your grandmother with surgeries, and then I have to help Valerie. If this is about what Raul told you, you have my permission to ignore it. I will handle it.’

‘But what about Dad?’

I felt her amusement come through our link. ‘He’s not happy either. He really is just trying to protect his little sister, son. Slow down a little and everything will be fine.’

‘I can see her after school.’


‘Thanks. I love you.’

‘I love you, too. Now, get to school. Your father is not happy you didn’t ride with Bernard.’

I groaned. ‘He knows?’

‘Of course he does. You may be the future alpha, but your father is the current. Be prepared to have a discussion about threatening our sleuth members.’

‘Yes, Mom.’

She cut the link as Godric slowed to a stop. We shifted back and I quickly got dressed before jogging the last little distance to the school. I got to my first period class as the bell rang to dismiss it. I walked in and my teacher rolled his eyes.

“Is this going to be an everyday thing?”

I massaged the back of my neck. “Probably, sir. That’s why I wanted study hall for first period.”

He sighed. “Alright.”

I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. “I really am sorry.”

“Does your father know why you were late?”

“No, sir.”

“Care to tell me?”

“My mate. I had to make sure she got to school.”

Surprise crossed his face. “You found your mate?”

I gulped. “Well, not officially, but I’m going to mark her as my mate.”

He tilted his head as he studied my face. “Hmmm. Get to second period.”

I hesitated. “Please, don’t tell my father. He told me not to tell anyone who she was.”

He gave me a sharp nod. “Well, go on before you’re late.”

I hurried out of the room and immediately bumped into Vanessa, who grabbed my arm, smiling at me. I jerked my arm away from her.

“Don’t touch me!”

She pouted. “We’re going in the same direction.”

I glared at her. “Doesn’t mean you have to touch me.”

She stayed at my side as we made our way through the packed hallway. As soon as we got to the classroom, I walked away from her to sit at a desk surrounded by other students. She huffed and sat in a chair away from me. Mrs. Taylor called us to order. She handed stacks of papers to the people in the front row who passed it backward. I looked down, sighing when I saw the project instructions in front of me. Day 2 and we already had a project. This was complete bullshit. And then my eyes fell on the bold print. To be completed in pairs. As I quickly glanced around, my eyes fell on Silver, sitting two seats in front of me. I relaxed. I would partner with him and do the whole damn thing by myself.

“We are going to take five minutes for you to find your partner.”

I instantly got up to approach Silver. “Hey, you and me?”

He smirked as he looked at me. “Nope. I’m doing it with William. Aren’t I?” he asked as he turned to the smartest student in the room.

William looked shocked as he stuttered, “y-yes, S-Silver.”

He turned back to me. “Sorry, buddy, but I already have a partner.”

I looked around and saw that most of the other students were already partnered up, leaving only four of us to pair together. Before I could move on to the next unpaired student, Mrs. Taylor told us to take our seats as she turned to me.

“Osprey, who do you want to partner up with?”

“I’ll take Jason.”

Vanessa thrust her hand in the air. “Mrs. Taylor, Osprey and I should be partners. We live in the same area. It would be easier for us to work together.”

“I don’t want-”

“Alright. You two are partners.”

“But Mrs. Taylor, I-”

When she narrowed her eyes, I stopped talking. Well, fuck. Vanessa sauntered over to me and sat at the empty desk next to me, smiling at me.

“So, what should we do the project on?”

I took a deep breath to calm my fury. “Antarctica.”

“That’s just ice,” she whined.

I glared at her. “Just like you. You should be very knowledgeable about it then, yes?”

I got up and walked across the room to check out a laptop from the set of school owned ones that had been rolled into the room. I sat close to the door and started pulling up articles on Antarctica while she moved next to Silver to whisper in his ear. I could feel the glances they threw in my direction throughout the rest of the period. I had never been so happy to hear the bell as I was at the end of class. I put the laptop away and ran from the room.

I went straight down to the weight room to skip the rest of my classes. Not only was I pissed off, but so was Godric, which was deadly. I put us through a rigorous workout until I was ready to collapse from exhaustion. I kept moving from machine to machine until Beanie cleared his throat. I shot him an irritated look.


“The bell rang 15 minutes ago. Are you going home… or are you staying?”

I grabbed a towel on my way out of the weight room, grumbling about bullshit school and stupid sluts. We drove silently back through town to my house, where I didn’t wait for him to put the car in park before leaping out of it to storm inside. I bared my teeth at Raul as I passed him, waiting for me in the entryway.


“Don’t even try,” I spat. “I don’t care.”

When the doorbell rang, I used that distraction to go upstairs until a sickly sweet voice had me turning back. Raul glanced up at me.

“Ummm, she says you two have a project?”

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