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Twisted Mind

Laura was completely pale. Luke had placed a great responsibility on her shoulders, not just because of taking care of her in-laws, but the corporation required a significant time commitment.

"Mr. Lombardo changed the content of the document a few days before his wedding, just before leaving on the trip," replied the notary.

Laura understood that he had done it the day after learning that she would be a mother. He did it for their child, to protect him. She began to cry inconsolably.

When they returned to the mansion, she decided to talk to her in-laws. She didn't want them to think she had married Luke for his fortune.

"I need to talk to you. I was completely surprised by the will. I didn't marry your son for his fortune; that had nothing to do with it. I sincerely loved him. I will renounce the entire Lombardo fortune; I don't need it."

"I don't agree; it was my son's last wish, and I believe we should respect it," Luke's father knew that Laura truly loved his son. She was already a wealthy heiress, and the Lombardo fortune was unnecessary for her.

"That's right, dear. We have complete trust in you, and we know you'll never leave us in need," Luke's mother also agreed with her son's decision.

Hidden in the shadows, Sarah listened to the conversation between Laura and her in-laws.

"So, you're the universal heir to Luke's assets. Damn, you don't deserve his fortune, let alone the love of his parents. I'll find a way to make them see that you're not as perfect as they've believed," a malevolent smile appeared on her face; she was determined to do whatever it took.

That night, in her dreams, Laura recalled her last day with Luke, the day she thought would be the happiest of her life.

When she saw him standing at the altar, he seemed like the most handsome man in the world, her future husband and the father of her child. Walking towards him, arm in arm with her grandfather, Luke welcomed her with his best smile.

The priest initiated the ceremony, shortly after asking the couple to say their marriage vows. They smiled; they had decided not to write them, intending to speak from their hearts in the moment.

"I, Laura Cassini, take you, Luke Lombardo, as my lawful husband, so that the two of us become one from now on. I will love you forever, and I will age by your side if you allow me. I promise not to invade your closet space and try not to get annoyed every time you leave your clothes scattered around the house. I promise to love you with your flaws and quirks, which, even though they drive me crazy, are part of what makes me love you deeply."

Luke laughed upon hearing those peculiar vows from his still-fiancée.

"I, Luke Lombardo, take you, Laura Cassini, as my beloved wife. I promise that every night we will sleep embraced, even if my arm falls asleep. I will endure your strange musical tastes when we go on road trips, and I will be the pillar that supports you from now on, fulfilling all your desires. I know not everything will be happiness in our lives, but I will do the impossible to make you smile always. You will be the top priority in my life."

Laura couldn't hold back the tears upon hearing what Luke promised. The guests were surprised; they would have never believed that the formidable night wolf could be so romantic. Up to that moment, Luke displayed such behavior only in private.

When the priest declared them husband and wife, Luke passionately kissed his wife. After taking the wedding photos with family, they headed to the city's most exclusive venue for the celebration.

"Love, you look stunning," whispered Luke as he took Laura's hand on the dance floor. His eyes sparkled with the admiration that only true love can bring.

"And you, my prince, make everything feel like a fairy tale," replied Laura, smiling with the grace of a lovestruck bride. Luke drew her close, embracing her tightly.

"From now on, we will share our lives. I am yours, and you are mine."

"I am only yours, and you are only mine," Laura replied with a smile.

"My wife is the most beautiful."

"And my beloved husband the most attractive," the couple exchanged compliments and endearments, unable to hide the love they felt. A happy life awaited them with their child.

The guests applauded, celebrating the union of two destined souls. Toasts echoed in the hall as a beautiful falcon observed from the shadows.

Suddenly, the sound of gunfire cut through the festive air. Chaos took over the hall, and Luke, protecting Laura, fell wounded in the middle of the dance floor.

"Laura, run!" Luke shouted with his last strength, as the gunshots seemed relentless. After a gasp, a thick red liquid spilled from his mouth, and his body lay lifeless.

"No, I won't leave you, Luke, please, get up, my love, make an effort, I know you can do it," but Luke no longer responded to her desperate pleas. She tried to go to him, but the bodyguards prevented her.

Luke's pale and bloodied face was etched in Laura's mind as she screamed, being forcibly taken towards the exit by the bodyguards.

Laura woke up amidst desperate screams, reliving the terrible pain of seeing her beloved die. The grandmother entered the room immediately, having awakened upon hearing her desperate cries.

"Dear, what's wrong?" The grandmother turned on the light and saw Laura on her bed, covered in tears.

"Just a nightmare, Grandma, sorry if I woke you up."

The grandmother didn't inquire about the dream; she knew perfectly well what tormented her. She sat next to Laura to comfort her.

"I can stay with you if you want. It might make you feel more at ease." Laura nodded, and the grandmother gently ran her hand over her head until she fell asleep.

In the morning, Sarah left the house to go to university. She asked the driver to drop her off a bit earlier, pretending to buy some things she needed at a nearby store.

As soon as the driver left, Sarah took a taxi and headed towards Lombardo Corporation, a leading technology company where Lucas served as vice president.

"I wish to see Mr. Lombardo," she told the receptionist, casting a disdainful look at her.

"Who are you?"

"That's none of your business. I need to see him, let me through."

"If you don't tell me your name, I can't allow you to pass."

"Sarah Cassini. Announce me immediately," she ordered with displeasure.

The receptionist reluctantly picked up the phone to call Lucas's secretary.

"Miss Sarah Cassini is here, looking for Mr. Lombardo," the receptionist waited for a moment on the line before instructing Sarah to proceed.

"You see, Lucas would never stop me from coming in. In fact, I shouldn't even have to announce myself. After all, my sister is the new owner of all this."

The receptionist made a disgusted face as she watched Sarah walk towards the elevators. Sarah moved slowly, with sensual grace, having practiced her movements in front of the mirror for a long time.

She ascended to the top floor where the main offices were located and approached the secretary to inquire about Lucas.

"What's Mr. Lombardo's office? He's expecting me."

"Mr. Lombardo is in the executive suite; let me announce you."

"No need," she said before heading to the office and opening the door without knocking.

"Sarah, you should have called first."

Lucas was seated on the other side of the desk, in the place that once belonged to his cousin.

"Hello, aren't you glad to see me?" she asked with a flirtatious smile, walking over to him and sitting on the desk. Crossing her legs, the short skirt of her uniform rode up, revealing more of her legs.

Lucas couldn't help but look; he quickly averted his gaze while adjusting his tie knot.

"What do you want?" he asked, annoyed.

"I see you haven't waited long to take your cousin's place. But I believe this position doesn't belong to you."

"Why do you say that?" he asked, uneasy.

"Luke asked Laura to be the one to take over, so you'll have to leave through that door soon, whether you like it or not."

Lucas clenched his fists under the desk. He wasn't aware that the will had been read; he thought they would have called him to be present.

"I assumed my cousin would leave everything to his wife," he said, trying to show that he didn't care.

"Don't you mind?"

"Not at all. Why would I be bothered? Laura is his wife, after all."

"I don't know why, but I feel like you're lying. The Lombardo fortune can't be indifferent to you."

"If that's why you came, you can leave now," he raised his voice, revealing his annoyance.

"Hey, calm down. I just want you to know that I'm on your side, and if you decide to get Laura out of the way to reclaim that fortune, you can count on me to help you," a sweet smile formed on Sarah's beautiful face, hiding the venom within.

"So, you're willing to betray and hurt your sister?" Sarah had successfully caught Lucas's attention.

"Of course, I want everything she has."

"Haha, and here I thought you were a good girl. You have a twisted mind; you're nothing more than a venomous snake. And with vipers, one must be careful."

"Fool, I just wanted to help you," the girl raised her hand, aiming it toward Lucas's face. He caught it in mid-air.

"Be careful if you dare to touch me. You're nothing more than an ill-mannered person. Get out of here immediately."

"You'll see that you won't play with me. I'll talk to my sister to get you out of here right away."

Sarah jumped off the desk and quickly headed towards the exit. Before leaving, she turned to Lucas with fury, swearing that she would make him pay.

The secretary was not at her desk at that moment, and Sarah saw this as a golden opportunity.

She entered the restroom next to the small waiting area outside the office, stood in front of the sink, splashed a bit of water on her face, and, looking at herself in the mirror, smudged her makeup. Anyone seeing her face would think she had been crying. She pulled her blouse, unbuttoning it and tearing it a bit, and did the same with her skirt. She messed up her hair a bit and exited, pretending to cry.

Her performance was worthy of an Oscar. She walked toward the elevator, waited for a moment, and when it opened, she was face-to-face with the secretary, who was astonished to see Sarah in such a state.

"Miss, are you okay?" she asked with concern.

Sarah didn't respond; she covered her face and quickly entered the elevator. The secretary thought about asking her boss, but to her, it was more than obvious what had happened. She decided not to get involved to avoid losing her job.

Laura was sunbathing in the garden, sitting next to her grandmother, who was knitting little booties for her great-grandson.

"They're turning out beautiful, Grandma."

"I'm glad you like them," she replied with a smile lighting up her face.

Sarah arrived at that moment, headed toward them. Seeing her condition, they were terribly alarmed.

"Dear, what happened to you?"

"I went to visit Lucas to congratulate him because I imagined he is the new president of the company. When I entered his office, he immediately locked the door and... and... I can't say it, Grandma," Sarah's crying became heart-wrenching at that moment.

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