2. Jarak; Keep my life
I'm trapped here, in a shoe shop. A few moments ago I almost died, at first I thought this place was quite safe, but apparently it wasn't. The corpses ran after them from nowhere.
I sat on the floor just like that after closing the door and propping it up with wooden tables. Taking out the contents of the backpack I was carrying, a bottle of mineral water from a well-known brand. I let the corpses roar, watching me drink.
My sweat has even drained out; my appearance is probably already unsightly. Several red stains dried on my jeans and the long-sleeved shirt I was wearing. I feel a strong smell throughout this shop, no, even this body smells bad.
I looked again at the three corpses out there, trying to get in, luckily they were senseless. Ah, one of them is named Sunaryadi, from his clothes he is most likely a security guard. Meanwhile, the other two were dressed normally, in shorts with short-sleeved shirts.
Don't ask about their faces. Bad.
I've been stranded on the streets for a long time. Of course, on foot, many vehicles don't work, even if I could, I couldn't drive it without using a key.
So, all I need now is drink and eat. Ah, of course proper clothes and shoes. I happened to be in this shop.
After looking for the right fit, size forty one. I replaced the shoes that were no longer suitable. I'm not looking for a good one, as long as it fits and is comfortable, of course durable, I'll use it.
Outside there were still the three undead. Keep watching eagerly, they're hungry, that's all. Banging on the door, but three corpses couldn't open it.
I was just thinking of a way to get out of here. The sound of the car was clear, the bodies were distracted, I hid behind a shoe cupboard and watched from a small window.
At times like this, humans could be more terrifying than the undead. Even when hungry, humans can justify any means, without thinking that it causes sin. Good or bad as long as your stomach is filled.
The red MPV car was driving, and several parts of it were scratched. The corpses are gone; it seems I should thank the driver. Once I felt safe, I moved the table covering the door, then stepped carefully. It could be dangerous if the sound of footsteps is heard by the corpses.
Of course I can fight one or two corpses, but not if there are more than that, I could die or worse become part of the mindless corpses. Armed with a crowbar in this bag, I protect myself, from corpses, as well as from other humans.
This city is dead, maybe several years ago, I don't really understand exactly. The rulers are no longer able to contain this terrible pandemic. As a result, there was chaos, people started taking to the streets, demonstrating, at first it was peaceful, but after that they became wild.
Start destroying public facilities. Burning buildings, clouds of smoke rose high in the sky of the capital. However, that was not the main problem, because afterwards, something terrible happened, the capital was quarantined, entry and exit were closed.
On news broadcasts, tens of thousands of people died at one time. Conspiracy theories emerge, debates cannot be avoided, even though in the end everything gets out of control, those who die will come back to life.
Until finally, Jakarta became a ghost city. Indonesia has become a country that has been completely paralyzed. What's even sadder is that the whole world is experiencing the same thing, including North Korea, a country that once claimed that it was very safe.
The corpses' steps were so fast. They don't need to rest or even catch their breath. So, the main choice as a human is to hide if you are tired of running.
I was in the middle of a road which was usually full of vehicles, and there was a traffic jam too. Now it is still busy with cars, but they have become wrecked, inside there are sometimes rotting corpses with wounds all over their bodies.
The smell of carcasses has polluted the air. While the heat of the sun cannot remove it. Apart from the MPV driver, is there anyone still alive in this country?
I stopped in front of a clothing store. I saw that inside it was still quite neat, only a few things were scattered around.
I gasped, falling backward with my eyes still looking into the shop. However, there were five undead there, all dressed in uniforms. It was clear that they were employees.
I immediately stood up. To hell with clothes full of blood stains, inside it was full of living corpses. If I stay in front of that shop, it's possible that one day the glass will break and the ugly corpses will kill me.
My body was still shaking. I'm not as brave as I say. Still, I'm afraid. I saw the shop again from a distance.
A truck is on the side of the road. I climbed into the yellow tub, that's right, it's just dirtn normal, still clean.
I hid in the back of the car. I drank a few sips of water in the bottle, the heat of the sun was really intense, but there was no other choice.
April 3 xxxx
"Jarak!" Call my friend, her name is Julia.
I approached her who was near a food shop. Jakarta is deserted, the top officials are somewhere, I don't even understand. At least I have someone to chat with.
Julia is not the friend I knew from the start. We met when we were both hiding from the undead. She was scared, so was I, but I tried to cover my weakness. Strengthening her and finally succeeding made her eager to survive.
She was still wearing school clothes. Her white shirt was now stained with blood, while her skirt had been slightly torn to make it easier to escape.
Julia had already opened the door. Go inside, then choose food that can last a long time. Putting it in the bag I brought, a can of liquid milk, a sandwich, and a lighter.
"Your brother must still be alive. Somewhere, he must be waiting for you." Suddenly Julia said that with a smile.
"Too much hope is not good, Julia," I answered, of course smiling back at her.
"But, don't give up hope. Humans live because of that, you know."
After talking for a while. We immediately left the shop. Looking for a place to spend the night, we thought that entering an empty house and occupying it would be safe.
Apparently not.
Two people came, talked, laughed heartily. We hid in the cupboard, didn't have time to leave.
Not only were the voices of two men, but there were also women's cries which enlivened the silence of the night.
"Stop crying! You could kill us all, you know!"
After the shout, the crying stopped. Maybe the woman's mouth was gagged. I don't know what to do, right now there's no way we can win against two grown men.
A voice I didn't want to hear sounded. Those cries, those moans. Even though it was dark, I knew that Julia couldn't bear to hear this sound.
Finally, Julia dared to come out of the cupboard, shouting, "Stop it!"
I saw it, two men were torturing one woman. They were like animals, and I then became the leading fortress, standing right in front of Julia while pretending to stare intently at the two people who were now standing up.
"What are you doing here, huh!" One person shouted, he was wearing his pants.
As I expected, their eyes immediately fell on Julia. I remained standing, and when one person approached, I couldn't hold my fist, it flew and landed right in the animal's face.
The man looked angry, I couldn't dodge when he landed a fist right on my face. I felt blood flowing from my nose. Not only that, the other man hit me hard, I fell down when they pushed me.
"Stupid brat!" One of them cursed, then he spat and I felt it hit my face.
They laughed, holding Julia who was trying to fight back. I tried to get up, but a kick hit my face hard, my body went limp and I could only watch them.
A scream was heard from outside the house. They said, it was the sound of the woman trying to escape and unfortunately, several corpses caught and ate her.
"Never mind, let them die here."
They came out carrying Julia, then screams were heard again. I stood up slowly, looking out at the crowd of undead.
I didn't feel like my tears were flowing slowly. Those clothes, that voice, were clearly Julia's. Meanwhile, the two people were seen far away at the end of the road, running, occasionally looking back.
I was forced to leave Julia. It was impossible to save her, she was already lifeless. Now, I'm alone again, walking aimlessly.
One night, I stopped walking. In front of me there was a car, intending to check its condition and I had prepared petrol. However, it turned out there were two people inside, I recognized them, I remember very well what they looked like. Two animals that I really hate.
A few moments, with full consciousness I had smeared the car and its surroundings with the gasoline I brought. I took the wooden matches that were in my bag, at that time, I burned them.
The two people got out of the car, their bodies engulfed in flames. Several undead came, at that time I ran away leaving them, I didn't even have time to carry the bag containing some of the food.
I felt water droplets hit my face. I slowly opened my eyes, the sky which was previously bright, was now black.
Rain, I haven't felt it for a long time. Since that incident, when the demonstrators began to lose their lives.
I remember clearly falling asleep in the bed of the truck. Well, it's time for me to leave, move again to stay alive.
However, when I stood up, I heard the sound of people talking, which made me alert.
They started the engine, then the car startedmove forward before I can leave.
"Damn, who are these people?"