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Curse or blessing?

Evelyn’s POV

I got to my aunt's house without telling anyone not even Chloe.

I saw Joy and Angel my aunty's two daughters on the couch sitting and crying.

“Where is mum?”

I was so scared and memories of when I lost my parents began to come back into my head and I hoped it didn't happen again.

“She's inside with the doctor “

Angel replied to me. She was the youngest while Joy was a year older than me.

“Then why are you crying, Angel? please calm down okay”

And I hugged her, I liked Angel a lot she was the purest in that family.

I walked past Joy and went into the room to see my aunt and she didn't look good at all.

The doctor left and I sat down with my aunty I asked what was wrong with her, and she said the doctor told her she had an incurable disease and my heart skipped a bit out of fear of losing my aunt too.

“Evelyn just stay here with us for a few days please”

I agreed to stay and I called Chloe and told her about everything, my whereabouts and how I was doing.

“Girl tell me about last night”

“Chloe come on girl I just told you my aunt is very sick”

“OK the Lord be with her soul, now tell me about last night”

“Girl you are so crazy, but everything you thought and imagined did happen even more”

And we laughed so good.

She told me Walt had been as kind and looking for me we did everything but forgot to share our contact with each other. She asked if she could give him and I agreed of course I wanted him to call me.

I wasn't ready for any commitment but I didn't mind having Walt eat and slam my ass every day.

He called me and we talked at length he made me laugh and happy it had been a long time since I felt that way, I felt so alive and it was all thanks to the boy next door.

It's been three weeks have been at my aunt's place and Walt kept asking if he could come to see me but I kept declining I didn't want him to be mixed up in my family drama.

The dad’s lawyer came to my aunt’s house and joy came to my room to call me downstairs.

I got to downstairs and saw my aunt she looked so healthy and I was happy and surprised, I saw the lawyer and I became even more confuse.

“Evelyn, hi how long has it been?”

The lawyer Mr Kingsley said with a big smile on his face. He was my father's lawyer and have known him ever since I was little.

“What are you doing here Mr Kingsley?”

“I called him “

My aunt replied to me. She looked at me with a very strict and disturbing look I was confused.

“What is going on”

“Well you see Evelyn, the lawyer here told me your father's properties are still in your possession and you see my dear, your child signed a contract that if by when you clock 25 you are still unmarried or without a child then the properties can be taken away from you “

I started feeling dizzy like I was going to fall, I felt weak, and my legs began to go down, and the next thing I was on the floor

When I opened my eyes I saw Chloe and I was in the hospital on the bed.

“Chloe, what happened to me, why do I feel so weak? Why I'm I at a hospital and what are you even doing here?”

“Girl you fainted and your lawyer called me to come fast I came here as fast as I could, and, girl there's an issue”

“An issue? What issue? Did someone die?”

“Did you use some meds after you and Walt you know what?”

I didn't at all I was going to in the morning but when I got to my aunt's house I forgot about everything completely. But why did Chloe ask me that? I thought to myself

“No, I didn't I completely forgot “

“Well, girl the doctor just confirmed to me that you are a week gone”

“Gone? What do you mean”

“Bitch you are pregnant “

“Oh no, no, no, no, no!!!”

I was more than shocked I was speechless and didn't know what to say, how could I be pregnant it was not possible.

What am I supposed to do now, what do I do?

Run away? Hide the child from Walt? Terminate the child? How would Walt even react to the news he would never accept this child?

This child will only slow me down in getting my revenge on the people or person who killed my parents, this child was not a blessing.

But if I kill my child what's the difference between me and the people or person that murdered my parents? We would be the same we would all be killers.

And if I must keep the child then I have to tell Walt I would never keep a child away from his/her father. I miss my parents every day so if I must keep the child then Walt had all right to know.

My aunty walked into the ward and Chloe was, I was still on the bed thinking about what to do while Chloe was massaging my legs for me.

Immediately I saw her I remembered what she said in the house about Me not having a child or husband to claim my father's properties.

“Is this a drama you are trying to put on Evelyn ?”

“Aunty I think you are the one trying to put on a show, were you even sick? Or you only brought me here so you could take my father's properties away from me?”

I screamed with the last strength in me.

“Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm pregnant, and I promise to fight you till my last breath to keep my father's properties if I have to”

She looked very confused even more than I was when Chloe told me.

I immediately realized the child I was carrying was a blessing and not a curse, if not for the pregnancy my aunt would have ganged up with the lawyer to collect all of my father's properties and I was sure she paid him.

I stayed in the hospital for two days, I went back to my aunty's house with Chloe.

I packed all of my stuff and left for Los Angeles.

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