**"Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love." - 1 John 4:8
Florianópolis, May 21, 2020.
Giovanna Rinaldi
When night fell, I knew it was time to put a smile on my face and go to my engagement dinner. As I finished getting ready, I could hear quiet music playing in the living room, as well as pleasant conversation, I would say.
I'm ready, today I've chosen a long light blue dress and nude heels. Dinner is scheduled for 8:30 p.m., with all the family and some of my parents' friends, mine and the groom's. I need to go downstairs to welcome the guests in the garden where the party will take place. The clock struck eight o'clock sharp, I needed to get downstairs soon, the guests were starting to arrive and I needed to meet my fiancé before then. I left my room and walked down the corridor until I reached the stairs that would take me to the living room. As soon as I descended the first step, all eyes were on me, but only one caught my gaze long enough for me not to look away: Lorenzo Bianchi. I walked up to my parents smiling.
You look beautiful, my jewel - my father said, drawing everyone's attention.
Dad, I'm not a baby anymore to be called that. - my father is my hero and for him I accepted this ridiculous marriage, but I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't do this to my children, I would never impose this on them.
They'll always be my babies to me. - He hugged me. - Darling, I'd like you to meet your fiancé and the Bianchi family. - He said as he released me.
Of course, Dad. - I replied with a forced smile.
My jewel, this is Branca, Armani and Lorenzo, your fiancé. - He introduced me to everyone, Branca and Armani greeted me with a hug, and Lorenzo just smiled, that smile is going to be my undoing, that's for sure.
You're still beautiful Giovanna, you've become even more beautiful with time. - Branca said.
Thanks Branca, but I don't remember you.
You were still small when I last saw you, but I've seen some photos of you over the years, you look so much like a friend.
I see, what friend?
An old friend, you look like her when you were younger. - She smiles mysteriously.
Lorenzo, I think you'd better take very good care of my daughter, after all you know I have a shotgun in my office and I'm sure you wouldn't want to meet her - my father clearly wanted to change the subject, Lorenzo in turn was startled by my father's words.
Of course I'll take good care of it, Romeo, there's nothing to worry about. - If I said that his smile was my undoing, I was wrong, because his voice was a total sin, and I don't want to run the risk of falling in love and loving alone.
Let's go to the garden, the guests will start arriving soon. - My mother said and started walking to the garden, Lorenzo at my side while the rest of the family was further ahead.
My mother is right, you look beautiful. - He addresses me for the first time in the evening.
Thank you, you look beautiful too. - I reply cordially.
You don't strike me as the spoiled brat type.
That's because I'm far from being that, I won't deny that I was brought up with everything I ever wanted, but none of that has managed to corrupt my essence.
I love your simplicity. - He smiled, that smile also enchants me Lorenzo, I replied mentally.
Thank you, have you invited many people here? - I change the subject.
No, just a few friends and you?
No, just my best friends and a couple of friends I haven't seen in a while, I took advantage of them being in town. I know my parents invited the partners of the companies too.
Mine too, they invited the partners of the company and the separate companies.
You're not much of a talker, are you?
Not much, I like silence better, but a good conversation can keep me going for hours.
I'm going to tell you something that you might not like very much, but it's stuck.
Should I worry?
I don't know, it depends on how you take it.
I can see that you're very honest, I like that, honesty is one of my qualities too, but tell me what the problem is.
Antonella, your mother, doesn't seem to like you. - He really is very sincere.
Why are you asking me that? Where did you get that from?
I'm not asking Giovanna, I'm telling you, it's so clear that anyone can see it, I understood it the moment you came down those stairs, the way she looked at you, it certainly wasn't that of a loving mother, but why? - she asked without looking away from my face.
I think your sincerity has affected me a little now. - I replied a little awkwardly.
Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, but Antonella makes me feel a bit strange.
Yeah, she's like that. My mother isn't the type to show many feelings.
Only with you? I'm very observant, I saw the way she interacted with your brothers before you came down, when you arrived your father's face lit up with your presence, as for Antonella it looked like someone had died at that very moment.
I wonder how you realized all this in such a short time. I saw that your eyes never looked away from mine, how could you? - I ask in doubt.
As I said, I'm a great observer. - You answer proudly.
I get it. It's a simple story, she's hated me for as long as I can remember, Giulia was her pet, while I was the forgotten one, the Cinderella as I like to say.
Was Giulia mean to you too?
No, Giu was my best friend, my companion, my protector. - I answer his question and end up shedding a few tears, talking about my sister makes me emotional, he takes a handkerchief out of his jacket and dries my tears lovingly.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry.
It's all right, though. You're probably wondering how the accident happened, aren't you?
If you don't mind, I'm very curious about stories.
Me, Giulia and Antonella were in the car when we passed a dangerous crossroads, Dad didn't like her taking that route, but according to Antonella it was the quickest way to get home, and that's when a truck hit the driver's side, where Giulia was sitting, and our car flipped over a few times. Giulia was in a coma for two weeks and then she died, I broke a leg, an arm, some ribs and in the accident an iron bar went into my belly, nobody could explain where those iron bars came from, I was lucky, it could have caused some damage to my organs, I have a "beautiful" memory of that accident, I got a huge scar on my belly, after Giulia died I started to suffer from Antonella's cruelties.
And she blames you for the accident?
Yes, she does.
I don't even know what to say...
Yeah, it's not easy knowing all this, that's why this family keeps secrets under lock and key, what the media would think if they knew all the dirt on my family.
Yeah, it wouldn't be nice. Looks like the guests are arriving. - he said, looking at the entrance to my house.