"He who does not love does not know God, because God is love." —1 John 4:8
Florianópolis, May 21, 2020.
Giovanna Rinaldi
As time went by, more guests arrived and each time Lorenzo and I greeted them, we talked about the wedding and about the company that has been in my family for generations and about the company that is based in Italy and how much they were looking forward to a new manager. It was decided that Lorenzo and I would share the presidency, while the other family companies would be left to my brothers. Some of Lorenzo's friends had arrived and he was overjoyed; he said he was going to introduce me to them.
I want to introduce you to some of my friends, okay? - he asked, smiling
Sure, come on. - We walked over to a group of four people.
Good evening guys, long time no see!
What's up, man! It's been a while! - said a young man as he turned to face us.
I'm very well, it's been a few months since I've been in Brazil, work has been eating me up and now there's my wedding too, it's all a rush. This is my fiancée, Giovanna, Gi, this is Filippo, his wife Mary - Anne and Vittorio and Alicia, my best friends since childhood, they got married and are living here in Brazil for a while. - He smiled and introduced his friends.
It's a pleasure to meet you, make yourselves at home and welcome. Enjoy the party.
The pleasure is all ours, Giovanna, we'll certainly enjoy it. - Mary - Anne smiles.
I hope you enjoy everything Mary - Anne. - I smile back.
Just Anne, Giovanna.
As you wish, Anne. - I agree, smiling.
We need to talk to the other guests now, so we'll come back later and you can make yourselves at home and enjoy the party! - he smiled excitedly.
We talked to the other guests, I introduced some of my friends, and he introduced his, the twins haven't arrived yet and that makes me worry, but I'll wait a bit longer, Lorenzo went to talk to his parents and left me here talking to a woman I didn't even know, after she congratulated me on the engagement she left leaving me alone.
Gigi! - I heard someone calling me, my back was turned to this person and when I turned around I saw my friends.
Girls, I thought you weren't going to come anymore, I was almost freaking out here. - I said happily and hugged them both.
Gigi, did you really think I was going to miss a free banquet? Never, and piss off that crazy Antonella. - Elisa laughed at her own words.
It's so good to have you here. - I said, smiling.
And what's the groom like? Handsome, hot, piece of work? - Ana asked, laughing at her own words.
He's all of those things, Ana. We don't talk much, believe me, he said that Antonella doesn't like me.
You know that's not hard to see.
According to him, it's perceptible to anyone's eyes, he gave me a fact that might make me believe the explanation.
Explain it better Gigi. My curiosity is killing me.
And when you're not curious, aren't you, Ana?
Always Gigi!
He said that when I appeared on the stairs, my father's face lit up and Antonella looked like someone had died, his words, not mine.
I liked him already, he understood exactly how crazy she is!
Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends, Gi? - said Lorenzo as he hugged me from behind.
Of course, but don't worry about showing anything in front of the girls, they've been brought up with me and they've seen the whole of my brothers' marriage unfold and they're seeing mine. Lorenzo, meet my best friends/sisters of the heart, Ana and Elisa Fiore. - I said smiling
It's a pleasure to meet you girls, welcome and have fun. Gi, I didn't do what I did to impress the girls, I did it because I liked you as soon as I saw you, you know that, could we talk for a minute? -He asked and I said yes.
I liked him Gigi, I hope I can keep it that way because you know how it is, you dare hurt my friend's heart and I'll hunt you down in hell darling. - Elisa speaks amiably
And I thought you were the quiet one by the look on your face.
This time you're wrong Lorenzo, it doesn't look like Ana is the quiet one, even though she's crazy, Elisa is the protective one, if you only knew what she did to a guy I fell in love with when I was a teenager?
I was curious about the story.
That's for another time, girls go eat, they're already serving.
I'll go with the greatest pleasure in the world, and I'll take the opportunity to talk to Uncle Romeo. - Ana smiles at the end of her speech and pulls Elisa away
I'm going to take you somewhere where we can talk alone and without all the noise.
I walk with Lorenzo to the outbuilding, which is well away from the main house. Mariam lives here and as a child I spent several nights with her here. Mariam was my nanny and today she is the housekeeper, and I consider her more than a nanny, Mariam is a mother to me.
What's wrong? You look different, did Antonella say something to you?
She did, but I don't think it's any of my business, but the way she spoke really bothered me.
What did she say? She was about to do something and ruin my day.
Who is Saulo Ferreira? - When I heard that name come out of Lorenzo's mouth, my whole body shivered.
He's nobody. - I said with a shaky voice.
Are you sure? Because he told me that he's very important in your life. - His words were laced with sarcasm, I have no idea what Saul said to him.
Is he here? What is he doing here? - I asked frightened, but he didn't seem to notice.
I don't know, you tell me what your ex-boyfriend is doing here. - There was anger in his voice now.
Lorenzo, he's not my ex, that asshole is nothing of mine, never was and never will be and if he's here that means he's broken the protective order, my father promised that wouldn't happen. - I said and I felt the anger take over me.
What? A protective order? What for? What does Antonella have to do with it? - he's nervous.
It's always her! Is it too much to ask that she be my mother for once? But it seems that the unhappier I am, the better she is. - I say, feeling a tightness in my chest.
I don't understand. What really happened between you two? What's all this about a protective order? - he asks worriedly, he seems to realize that something serious has happened.