Chapter 3. Signifikant Choices

"Making a proposal?" Sis Yuni, who was present, was similarly surprised as Sarah and Marni, the orphanage mother who oversees the orphanage, were at the same time. Their eyes grew wide as they exchanged glances, stunned by what they were hearing.

Adiguna gave a nod. Yes, Rayen requested that I make you a proposal. His desire is to wed you." Adiguna gave Rayen a quick glance and a small nod. "Tell him." Adiguna gave his grandson a tender shoulder rub.

"Sarah, I understand that you were taken aback by my abrupt appearance and my surprise proposal, which I made without prior notice. Perhaps this is too abrupt, but. Following our encounter a few days ago, I am positive that you are the woman I will marry in the future. Rayen held off on speaking. The attractive man inhaled deeply and gave Sarah a serious look. Will you then become my wife?


Sarah felt as though her heart would burst from its socket. He was still processing all of this. Is this a dream? How is this possible to occur? Sarah did not know what to do. Everything happened too quickly, and based on the expression on her face, Sarah was obviously still unsure about how to respond.

Within her heart, she acknowledged Rayen's insincerity un proposing to her and graciously accepted all of his flaws. Furthermore, he is not on the same financial plane as Rayen; in that regard, they are as dissimilar as heaven and earth.

The fact that Rayen, the man Sarah was seeing, was a billionaire's grandson caught her off guard.

When Marni, who was standing next to Sarah, noticed that she was not responding, she gently touched Selena's arm and remarked, "Sarah, they are waiting for your answer."

Sarah gulped and looked again. The girl turned her gaze alternatively to Rayen and Adiguna.

"I am sorry ahead of time. To be honest, I found this to be rather abrupt. Sarah added, "I could not think," with an anxious expression on her face.

This is "I view marriage as a sacred institution. I am not messing around with it. In addition, I am still a college student. I still want to achieve my goals in life. I have to do something right now. I worry that I will not be able to accomplish all of that if I get married later. carry out."

"I do not find any of that problematic. I will still be here for you no matter what. "I can even help with everything," Rayen stated with a determined demeanor. Sarah could not have seen the tiniest doubt on Rayen's face.

Sarah attempted to politely decline the proposal, but Rayen's response caught her off guard. She was becoming more and more perplexed.

Rayen was adamant about marrying Sarah, and the attractive man did not care about anything.

Rayen could take all of the girl's justifications, so she was at a loss for what else to say. When Adiguna noticed Sarah was silent, she eventually spoke up.

Adiguna mutely remarked, "Looks like Sarah needs time to contemplate, huh?" The man gave Sarah a kind glance.

Rayen, please allow him some time to reflect. Grandpa believes that the fact that any of us desire to pop the question still surprises him."

Rayen nodded after inhaling deeply. "All right, Sar, I will give you some time to consider it. I hope you will accept my proposition."

Following their talk, Marni and Sarah took Adiguna and Rayen on a tour of the orphanage grounds. Adiguna purposefully withdraws from Rayen and Saran every now and again so that they can spend more time getting to know one another. But just like on our date yesterday, Rayen was largely silent and did not say anything.

Sarah experienced some guilt. Maybe Rayen's irritation with his genuineness towards Sarah sprang from his rejection. Nevertheless, Sarah was powerless. He must undoubtedly take charge of his own life.

But just now, she is getting an offer to become Cinderella.

"You move first. Sarah, it is nice to meet you. "I hope you can soon become my daughter-in-law," Adiguna confidently stroked Sarah's head.

Sarah grinned. "I am glad to have met Grandpa as well. I apologize for letting Sis Rayen and Grandpa down. However, I will attempt to give it more thought."

Their chat finished with a slight nod and a kind grin. Rayen hurried to get out of the orphanage with his grandfather. Sarah and Marni continued to gaze at the orphanage's owner's car, which was moving more and farther away. Then Sarah sighed and turned to face Marni. "Mom, I apologize."

Marni grinned and shook her head. It is alright. It is okay for you to do it. Marriage is a sacred institution; consider your options carefully beforehand." Marni gave Sarah a gentle head massage. He went on, "Yes, come on, let us go in."

Even though it was ten of the clock at night, Sarah was unable to close her eyes. The girl was still considering Rayen's proposition; it was clear that she genuinely adored the attractive man, but sadly, that was all there was to it. The girl had not yet considered moving on to a higher level because, in Sarah's opinion, it was still too far off and unattainable. Meanwhile, Rayen was quite enigmatic in the girl's eyes. Despite his intense curiosity and desire to find out. What solidified the man's desire to wed her?

Sarah was still perplexed, so she ran out of time to ask questions during the meeting.

But everything Rayen said tormented him every time. That is, until he heard a knock on the door.

"Sarah, are you sleeping?" From behind Sarah's bedroom door, Maria spoke.

"Not quite yet, ma'am. Sarah said, "Wait a minute," and she moved straight to her room's door. When the girl opened the door, Maria was there to deliver milk to her.

"You neglected to consume your milk," Maria said, presenting me with a tray containing a glass of Sarah's preferred chocolate milk.

"I apologize, ma'am. I am too preoccupied with my coursework in college. Ma'am, I should just shut up about it. Later, I will acquire the milk on my own." Taking the tray, Sarah entered her room, with Marni trailing behind.

"Do not worry, Sar. I would like to talk to you as well."

Before they began talking, they were now sitting on the bed. The girl took the milk and drank it right away. Sarah enquired when it was over, "It has to do with Sis. Rayen's proposal, right? Mom?"

smiling, which is the reason Marni adores her so much.

"Yes, ma'am, you have my attention. Simply state it." Sarah cast a loving glance at the middle-aged woman who had taken such good care of her.

"Rayen seems to be a decent and responsible young man. I am aware of Mr. Adiguna's upbringing. Rayen has only lived with Mr. Adiguna since the passing of his parents; as you are aware, it was he who awarded you a scholarship to attend a reputable university."In order to demonstrate how much Mr. Adiguna truly loved his late wife, this orphanage was established at her desire."

Marni recalls the days when she helped Adiguna's wife and got to know the elderly guy rather well. Adiguna will stop at nothing to ensure his wife is content. Every wish made by the lady he loves, even starting an orphanage where Sarah was nurtured, is always granted by Adiguna.

Marni can still vividly recall the day Adiguna's wife passed away. The man requested him to look after the orphanage his wife had left behind. Marni has continued to be tasked with overseeing this orphanage ever since.

You can naturally draw conclusions about the Hartawan family's character based on what your mother told you. Mr. Adiguna's favorite grandchild is Rayen. Despite his somewhat haughty demeanor, Rayen is a decent kid. He recently became anonymous. Sar, what you had been witnessing all along was not the real Rayen." Marni gave Sarah another head rub.

"To transform his life once more, he just needs to meet the perfect person. It is possible that you do not love him yet, but you will eventually come to love him. Ibuu also says that if you marry him, your life would change and you will not have to work. Just concentrate on Simply attend college, and with Rayen's assistance—considering the wealth and influence of the Hartawan family—it will be simpler for you to locate your birth parents in the future."

Sarah remained mute as she took in what Marni, who she saw as her own mother, had to say. Sarah believes Marni's words to be accurate. To tell the truth, Sarah is not a particularly materialistic woman. Sarah likes things to be simple.

But perhaps she might reconsider if her fortune allows her to locate her birth parents.

"All right. It is late at night, therefore you should go to bed.

I am hoping you can give it some serious thought." Marni rubbed Sarah's head and stood up. "Good night." Sarah gave a small smile as she nodded. "Mom, good night."

Before the door had a chance to close, Marni hastily moved out. Sarah blurted out, "I want to marry Brother Rayen." Mom."

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