Chapter 6: Letters Of Darkness
Tricia’s POV
While we were talking, I noticed there is one topic that Justin wants nothing to do with. And if his past is anything like mine I completely understand why. I wouldn’t want to talk about it and haven’t really. However if I was asked a direct question I wouldn’t lie about what happened and I made a promise to myself that I would keep up the strength of this pack and avenge my parents from that evil bitch… I mean witch.
“Justin is there anything that you would like to tell me about your parents?” I ask and I noticed he visibly tensed so I continued.
“If you don’t want to then I won’t force you to. I understand what its like to have things that you aren’t quite ready to talk about.” I told him in a soft tone and a small reassuring smile playing on my face.
“Thanks love. When I do want to talk about it I will let you know. And I would appreciate it if you would do the same with me.” He told me and I know the shock of what he said is well written of your face.
“Alpha you are needed at the west gate of the territory.” One of my worriers informed me.
“Alright I will be right there just give me a few minutes to get there.” I told him.
“Is everything okay?” Justin questioned.
“Yes everything is fine. Alpha business give me twenty minutes and I will be back okay. If you get tired then please… make your way to your own room.” I said with a sly smirk.
“You guys are from the Sunrise Pack, aren’t you?” I asked
“Yes Alpha. We were attacked by a group of Rouges and Alpha Zanders told us that since we had an alliance with your pack that we could bring our children away from the battle. There are supposed to be at least 3 more groups on their way. Myself, and the adults you see here brought the children from our packs orphanage.” One of the male pack members informed me.
“Does your Beta need reinforcements?” I asked and no sooner than I did, did we hear a very sad howl that only comes when a pack has lost one of its leaders. Seeing as how Alpha Zanders is the only other one of our surrounding packs without his mate I’m guessing either it was him that passed or his beta. As a matter of fact it would have to be the Beta seeing as how they have moved to Rouge status.
“That was our Beta. He has been slayne, our Beta was just taken down by the Rouges.” The man then said.
“Well come along then and lets get you all cleaned up and in rooms my guards will stay and bring the other groups when they arrive.” I told them with a sad smile. I will give them an option as to weather they will stay with us. If they have families in other packs depending on the Alpha they should be able to go back to them.
When I got back I told Justin what had happened and why I needed to leave. He understood and then retired to his room for the night so they we may both be able to get some sleep.
The sun being so bright and shining through the window along with hearing the birds is what finally pulled me out of my long rest. My plans for today are to just train with my pack and give the ones that came to me for help time to recuperate after what they went through yesterday. My guards had the means to get the others set up with rooms and food so I need to check on them today and offer some kind of counseling to those that survived the attack on the Sunrise Pack.
I get up and carry on with my normal morning routine of using the toilet and showering. I go to my closet and chose out my blue tank top, a pair of high waisted blue jeans and my black converse, along with my blue jean jacket to bring the whole look together.
When I reach the kitchen there were as many familiar faces as there were new ones. I smile at everyone and take my normal seat at the head of the table.
“Thank you Alpha for accepting us into your home in our time of need. My name is Darren by the way.” He said. When I looked up it just so happened to be the man I spoke with last night. Now that I have a better view of him I can see that he has sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. He stands at roughly 6’2” and his chest is chiseled and had I not known better I would have thought he was from my pack.
“No problem. You all are welcome here for as long as you need or would like. I will be having a meeting with your pack members tomorrow at noon.” I told him with a smile. I don’t want them to feel as though they have to leave immediately or that they are unwelcome.
“Sounds like a plan. Do you have anything for us to do? Like training and stuff? Or even stuff for us to help out with?” He asked.
“You don’t have to, but my pack trains at 4pm for all the members that are still in school, and at 5am for everyone else that would like to train. The younger members are the only ones who are required to participate in training.” I told him with a smile when I felt a tug at my mind link. “Excuse me please, duty calls.” I said politely and with a smile.
“What?” I growled through the link.
“Alpha there’s something that requires your attention at the main gate of the pack house. Oh, and you may want to bring Alpha Richards with you.” Taylor told me, and he sounds really worried.
“Alright, we will be right there.” I told him and stood up with my coffee in hand and walked to Justin’s room.
I knock on the door softly before opening it only to find him sleeping in the floor by the door. I smile softly set my coffee down on the table in the hallway and kneel down to him. I softly shake his shoulders and say “Justin, honey its time to get up.”
He growls in response.
“Okay lover boy, ill just go out and put myself in a dangerous situation.”
“No, you will not.” He says with a growl that makes me chuckle.
“Then come on. Taylor told me that we are both needed so see to something at the main gate before you get here.” I informed him.
He looks at me and smiles. Then he gets up and drags himself to the bathroom where he does his business. When he comes out I can’t help but stare at him because his hair is wet and his in only covered by a towel. I feel my wolf come up to the edge of the surface as my eyes go jet black.
“See something you like baby doll?” He asks in a cocky tone of voice.
“Nope, thanks for asking.” I tell him in the same tone. I get up to leave and before I can open the bedroom door he pins me up to it and I can feel his breath on my neck and his growing member in my back.
“I think your lying” He tells me.
I swallow hard and turn around to look at him with no emotions on my face and tell him “This is my house and if I wanted you I can guarantee that nobody here would argue with me on what I would do. Now if you would please get dressed we have people to see.”
“As you wish, my lady.” He whispers. I turn to leave again and he lets me go this time.
“I’m only giving you 5 minutes to get ready or I’m leaving without you.” I shout at him through the door.
I make my way down stairs and ask Silvia to prepare us both a breakfast sandwich to take with us and she complies. By the time Justin comes down Silvia has finished both of our meals and I am waiting by the door. We walk to the gate in a comfortable silence. Taylor is waiting for us when we get there and he had two folded pieces of paper in his hands with a very worried expression.
He hands me mine and instantly I get sick to my stomach and have to run behind a tree so I can throw up. I hear a deep thunderous growl that send pleasurable shivers down my spine and know that Justin has read his as well.
When I get back I see that all eyes are on me.
“What does it say Alpha?” Taylor asks.
“Where is the key to get into the cabinet with mine and my mothers files in them?” I ask him with a scowl on my face.
“I will have to look, but I am pretty sure that I know where it is. What does the note say?” He asks again trying to get the information out of me.
“It says, ‘your reign won’t last long whenever your pack members find out what you are.’ And its addressed by a single letter K.” I tell them with a horrified look on my face as I feel my stomach turn some more. “What does the other one say Justin?” I asked him as I tried to keep my nausea at bay.
“It reads ‘You won’t have your little hybrid for long. She will be mine.’ and its also addressed by the letter K.” he tells me and I instantly have to puke again. This is not going well.