Chapter 1
On Sunday I dread going home. I want to sneak more moments with Kai. That's shattered when his ex-girlfriend shows up. I feel sick. I may actually vomit.
I turn around and pretend to be busy when I hear Greyson whistle.
I turn back and see them kissing. Tears swim in my eyes and I frustratedly swipe them away. I finish washing the dishes and run upstairs and grab my bag.
I can't stop the tears this time.
"What's the matter?" Greyson asks touching my back.
"I don't feel good. I want to go home."
"I'll get mom." He says reassuringly. I wipe my eyes but it's pointless, they're still red and blotchy.
I walk past Kai and Cara and to his moms car. I don't look at him. I can't. I hear Killian say something to Kai and Kai starts towards the car. Thankfully his mom pulls away and he looks mad.
He doesn't get to be mad. I stay quiet the entire ride home and thank Sara when I get out. Mom hugs me.
"Are you sick sweetie?"
I only nod before going to my room. My heart hurts. I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. Dad comes to check on me before dinner but I tell him I'm not hungry.
Before bed mom and dad knock on the door.
"We have something for you." Mom grins. There's a box in her hands so I sit up and she puts it on my lap.
I lift the lid and gasp.
"Thank you a million times! I love you guys." I wrap my arms around them and they both laugh.
"You're getting older now. So, we got you a phone. However, it is retractable." Dad warns and I nod solemnly. They kiss me goodnight before leaving and I smile again.
I notice Greyson's number is in here along with his parents and mine. I hug the phone and plug it in for school tomorrow.
When I wake up I look in the mirror and grimace. Puberty hit me last year but I always felt awkward for being 13 and having boobs. Mom says I'm curvy in the right places but I feel weird.
I go to my closet and sift through it. I pull out a pair of jeans that are snug and a sweater that is my actual size. I take out the makeup my mom got me that I never used and out some on. I brush my blonde hair and pull it into a ponytail, It's so long it still touches the center of my back this way.
When I look in the mirror I grin. I look pretty.
Sara honks her horn and I grab my phone and rush out of the house. Both my parents work before school so she drives me with Greyson and Kai.
I climb into the back seat with Greyson and hold up my phone. Only he's staring at me.
"What?" I ask lowly.
"You look HOT." He mutters winking at me. I roll my eyes and he takes a picture of us and sets it as my background.
When we get to school Kai gets out and goes inside.
"Have a good day, love you be safe!" Sara calls out the window and we both wave.
"Wow Cassandra, you look great." Margine says meeting us at my locker.
"I got a phone." I say passing it to her to put her number in.
"Bout time." She teases making me laugh.
We walk to class and sit together, the three of us have been friends since kindergarten. She moved her the summer before so we adopted her.
"How was the party?" Greyson asks her.
"Lame. Wish you could have come." She pouts.
"Me too." I sigh under my breath.
By the time lunch comes around I have had more compliments then ever before. Two boys even asked me out but Greyson told them no. They were Kai's friends.
When I walk in to the cafeteria I freeze. I was the first one of our trio but Kai is at the table sitting. I sigh and walk over there.
"Cass." He says standing up.
"Hmm?" I ask taking my seat and opening my water.
"Are you mad at me?" He asks worriedly. I roll my eyes towards him and shake my head. "It's okay if you are. I can explain." He presses.
"I'm not mad, Kai." I blink slowly and he deflates. Relieved I think. "Who you kiss is your business." His eyes widen but before he can speak Greyson and Margine arrive taking there seats.
Greyson looks between his brother and I. I turn around and Kai sighs walking away.
"What's up with him?" Greyson asks me.
"How would I know?" I snap back. "Sorry. Long day."
He seems skeptical but he let's it go thankfully.
"Are you having a party this weekend?" Margine asks me, finally.
"Yes." I sigh resting my elbows on the table. "Friday night."
"Awesome I can't wait for you to join the ranks of 14-year old's!" She laughs. I force a smile and take a swig of my water.
The rest of my day goes rather quickly and Greyson accepts my apologies with ease. As usual. When I get home mom bombards me about the party.
I ask her if Margine can stay even though the boys will be here and she agrees. I even go out of my way to invite Cara the next day, telling her Kai will be there. She graciously accepts.
Cassandra 1 Kai 0.
I fall asleep thinking of all the ways Friday will end. Revenge is a dish best served cold so I am told.
I hope Greyson can get on board with this without asking too many questions. I would rather he never found out what happened Saturday in his bed room.