Chapter 2

By the time Friday rolls around I'm bursting at the seams. Kai hasn't tried to talk to me since Monday and I feel relieved. However, Greyson was hesitant on the Cara plan after Wednesday. It was strange.

When I get into moms car I grin widely. I'll have enough time to shower and get ready for my party.

The whole way home I laugh with mom and it feels nice. Normal.

Once the car stops I race into the bathroom. The clocks ticking.

Once out of the shower I blow dry my hair and curl it, then I do my makeup and put my new sundress on.

I slip my sandals on and head to the back yard to help dad set up the tent we will be sleeping in tonight. I bring blankets and pillows and flash lights out.

"Ready?" Mom asks returning with the pizzas. I nod still grinning.

The Evers arrive first as usual. I lead Greyson to the back yard and we wait for everyone else.

When Margine arrives she puts her stuff in the tent before joining Greyson and I.

"I didn't know you were inviting Cara." She muses. Greyson tenses but I only nod.

"She's not staying though." I clarify. Margine looks surprised but it's forgotten quickly as more people arrive.

"Hey, I'll be right back." Greyson whispers and I nod still listening to a story my grandmother is telling.

By the time cake and presents are done it's already almost dark so Margine Greyson and I head outside.

I zip the tent behind us.

"I have something for us all." Margine announces. I quirk my brow already suspicious. She digs around her bag for a second and when she pulls it out I gasp.

"Listen Cassie, you were so bummed about missing the party I wanted to bring the party to you."

Greyson grins and high fives her. I blow out a breath. I have drank before. With Greyson in his room. This felt different though.

"Let's get this party started." I say shrugging. Greyson hands us each a cup of soda and Margine pours Vodka in each before we cheers.

"To being 14. May this year be kick ass in all the right ways." Greyson says saluting and making me giggle.

After two drinks my phone pings with a text. I pick it up and furrow my brow.


'We need to chat. Alone.'

'Who is this?' I send back.


My heart speeds up and I think I might pass out. I stand and unzip the tent telling them I have to pee. I walk out and look around confused when a hand grabs my arm and yanks me into the darkness of the bushes.

"What the hell?" I gasp.

"Are you drunk?" He asks surprised. I roll my eyes and remove his hand from me.

"It's my birthday."

"Oh, hell." He sighs scrubbing a hand over his face.

"What do you want? I was in the middle of something." I gesture at the tent.

"Why did you invite Cara today?"

"She's nice." I shrug.

"No. She isn't." He grits out.

"She has a nice mouth though. Right?" I muse. I can't help but laugh.

"You're mad." He states.

"Nope. Not even a little bittle." I laugh again and he groans.

"Jesus. Cass, you're drunk."

"And you're a liar." I shrug.

"I didn't lie to you!" He argues waving his hands around.

"S'okay Kai. I told you, you have nothing to feel bad about. I don't want your pity, or your kisses."

His face falls and he turns away nodding his head.

"You should get back in the tent now." He mutters. I stand there frozen. He didn't deny what I said. That makes twice now. I shake my head and walk back to the tent.

I take my place when Greyson speaks.

"Let's play a game."

"Like what?" I ask.

"Never have I ever." He suggests. I nod and we refill our drinks.

The tent unzips in the middle of a round and Kai sits with us. Greyson hands a cup to him and he sips it.

"Want to play?" Greyson asks and Kai nods once.

"Never have I ever been drunk." Margine giggles and we all take a drink.

"Never have I ever went streaking." Greyson laughs and Margine takes a drink making me burst out laughing. She winks at me and I shake my head.

"Never have I ever had my heart broken." Kai muses. He and I take a drink. Greyson looks at me strange and I shrug.

"Never have I ever kissed someone I shouldn't have." I blurt out then take a drink. All eyes are on me and I wink at Margine who laughs. Kai's watching me and I see the anger on his face.

"Never have I ever had a boyfriend." Greyson says. Margine drinks and I roll my eyes.

"Never have I ever kissed my best friends brother." Kai says watching me. I don't drink. I don't move. My mouth falls open and Margine drinks. Greyson eyes me and so does Kai.

"Never have I ever had a pity kiss." I fire back taking a drink. Kai's jaw ticks and I mentally high five myself.

"What the hell is a pity kiss?" Greyson asks looking at me.

"When you kiss someone out of pity." Margine says rolling her eyes. Then she winks at me.

"Never have I ever been so confused." Greyson says taking a drink. I take one too. Margine giggles.

"Never have I ever felt so much sexual tension." Margine says and we all drink to that.

"Never have I ever tried to be friends with someone to piss someone else off." Kai says. And I laugh out loud. I take a drink and Greyson sighs.

"Never have I ever thrown a hissy fit over a pity kiss." I smile smugly. He doesn't drink. I arch a brow.

"Never have I ever wanted to slap and kiss you more than I do right now." Kai says staring right at me.

It gets so quiet you can hear a pin drop.

Game. Over.

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