Chapter 3

Greyson clears his throat looking at me and Margine watches Kai intently.

I wish I could explain what just happened but I can't. I'm shocked too.

"Never have I ever kissed two girls within hours of each other." I say standing up and exiting the tent. "Drink up lover boy." I say before sitting in the grass with my arms crossed.

I hear the tent unzip and Greyson sits beside me.

"What the fuck just happened in there?" He asks me. I laugh and shake my head.


"Don't lie to me. Ever since Sunday you've been acting strange, Kai's been acting strange. He kissed you?"

"Yeah." I breathe. He sighs and rubs my back.


"In your room. When you were sleeping."

"What the fuck?" He asks.

"I don't know. He told me he liked me and then the next morning he was kissing Cara."

"Son of a bitch." He fumes trying to stand up. I grab his arm and he sighs dropping beside me again.

"I was sick Sunday. Heart sick. I invited her tonight to show him how mature I am. How much it didn't bother me."

"It does though."

"I don't want it too. It shouldn't. He wanted me to be his closet girlfriend. Or something along those lines."

"As your best friend I am going to say this. He doesn't do relationships well. They all end in disaster and he's a prick. It's a lot of drama to deal with. I don't want that for you."

"Thanks Grey." I smile.

He nods and helps me up and back into the tent. Kai's sitting in the same spot and Margine's still staring at him. I don't get it.

She snaps her head up and smiles gently at me and I nod back.

"We should get some sleep." Greyson says laying between Margine and I. I turn the flash light off and lie down.

I don't understand how I was on top of the world this morning and now I feel like I'm drowning underneath it.

I hear Kai shuffling around before he lays down. I roll onto my side and cover up.

My phone vibrates and I sigh.

'I didn't mean for that to come out in front of them. Not like that at least.'

I ignore his text and close my eyes only to receive another minutes later.

'Sorry I ruined your birthday.'

The texts don't stop coming.

'Say something?'

'Cass, I don't want Cara. I told her that earlier.'

'I meant what I said. I really like you..'

'Tell me you don't hate me.'

I sigh and text him back.

'Goodnight Kai.'

I hear him throw his phone and shake my head. Greyson was right about one thing. I don't want the drama.

I'm almost asleep when a hand touches me. I jump out of my blanket. I open my eyes and see Kai beside me. He nods his head outside and I huff following him.

"I was sleeping." I groan.

"Well, I can't because you won't speak to me. And the fact that you can hurts my feelings." He whispers loudly.

"Seriously? Grow up Kai." I scoff.

"I like you. A lot. A scary lot. Like Saturday is my favorite day. And I told Cara I had a girlfriend. I don't know why but I did. I'm sorry I hurt you. I never wanted that. I want to make you smile and laugh. I want to make you happy not sad."

"It's too late, Kai. You already hurt me. You lied. And you told my friends what happened between us because you were upset."

"I'm sorry! If I could take it back I would. I don't want it to be a secret anymore. I want to hold your hand and kiss you everywhere we are. It's insane it really is and I'm not sure when it changed but it did and I am not sorry about that."

He's breathless now and quite frankly so am I.

"We can't Kai. Too much could go wrong." I sigh stepping back. His face falls but he steps closer to me again.

"My feelings for you aren't going to just go away."

"You don't know that."

"Neither do you. That's sort of the point. To take a leap of faith."

I swallow and shake my head but he kisses me before I can say anything back. I kiss him back on impulse.

"Kai." I whisper stepping back.

"Please Cass. Just say yes. That's all you have to do."

We stand there in silence for a long time. I close my eyes and nod slightly and he kisses me again. I can feel him smiling as he pulls me back into the tent.

He lays beside me wrapping his arm around my back.

He plays with my hair until I fall asleep.

I wake up way too early and clean up the cups and hide the Vodka bottle in Margine's bag before heading inside to brush my teeth. When I get downstairs my fathers talking to Kai.

"Morning." Mom says behind me making me jump. I smile and walk to the kitchen to hear the end of a conversation.

"That being said, if you hurt her in any way I will find you and I will hurt you in EVERY way. Understood?" Kai nods bravely. I swallow a groan.

"What's going on?" I ask. Dad smiles and hugs me.

"I was just telling Kai he can go out with you as long as he is a perfect gentleman." My eyes widen and Kai smirks.

"I'm going to wake the others." I sigh heading back outside. Kai follows me. "What is the matter with you?" I ask him.

"I told you I wanted to tell everyone." He shrugs. I shake my head and climb back inside the tent.

"Greyson, Margine." Kai shouts making them wince.

"What the fuck." Margine groans. Greyson sits up confused and I giggle.

"It's morning! Oh, and Cass and I are dating. Get up." He leaves them staring at me with wide eyes.

"I think he's drunk." I shrug.

Greyson gives me a look then smiles. They both hug me before helping me carry everything back inside.

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