Chapter 4
By the time summer rolls around we have a good routine. Weekends between houses and weekdays in town. Things have been great all around.
Mom and dad sat me down for the talk after Kai and I had been dating for a few months. Time really flies.
It's Saturday so we're at the Evers house for the night.
I'm lying on the trampoline with Greyson.
"What do you want to do tonight?" He asks me.
"This." I murmur.
"Okay, but it gets cold at night so you may want to put some clothes on." He teases.
We're tanning. I slap his arm and he chuckles. "Plus my brother hasn't been laid in god knows how long sooo."
"Shut it." I warn. The thought of Kai and other girls makes my stomach hurt. I shove the thoughts away as a shadow looms over us.
"You're blocking the sun." Greyson groans sitting up.
"You're hogging my girlfriend." Kai states.
"Boys, boys." I sigh sitting up and adjusting my sunglasses.
"Let's go get some ice cream." Greyson says standing up and heading inside without waiting for a response. I stand and grab my shirt but Kai grabs it out of my hand.
"I need that if we're going to town." I laugh.
His eyes rake over my body and I shiver making him smile. He leans in and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back.
"My eyes!" Greyson cries. I laugh and step back taking my shirt back and pulling it on. Kai winks at me and I look away.
"Ice cream?" I ask.
"Kai's driving." Greyson says tossing him the keys. He just turned 16 so he drives whenever he can with his permit. Sara sits in the front with him and I sit with Greyson. I lay my head on his chest and sigh.
We get to the ice cream shop and Sara goes to look at antiques. I sit at our regular table and check my phone. Sighing I put it back.
"Other boyfriend not up yet?" Kai asks sitting beside me.
"Margine is a girl and no I haven't heard from her yet today."
"Maybe she made friends." Kai shrugs. She moved when summer started. I miss her and usually we talk everyday. As of two days ago that stopped.
"Maybe." I whisper. He squeezes my knee and I force a smile.
Greyson brings the ice cream over and quirks a brow. Kai tells him what's up and he nods thoughtfully.
"What's the plan for tonight?" Kai asks around his ice cream.
"Not shit." Greyson says. "You?"
"I told the guys I would hang for a bit." Greyson's eyes dart to me which is odd but he doesn't comment.
We finish our ice cream and hunt Sara down. The ride home is quiet. Not comfortable but strained.
After dinner I walk Kai out.
"I'll be back late so don't wait for me."
"Have fun." I smile kissing him. I watch until he disappears from sight then seek out Greyson.
He's on his bed throwing a ball in the air.
"What's up?" I ask nudging his leg.
"Do you trust my brother?"
"Yes. Why?"
"I just worry. He goes to those parties that he knows you can't go to."
"You think he's cheating on me?" I ask feeling nauseous.
"I don't know what I think anymore. I just know I don't want to get involved." I nod slowly and lay beside him.
We end up watching The Longest Yard and Greyson falls asleep. I try and fail to do the same. Instead I wait.
And wait.
My stomach aches with nerves. I pick up my phone then drop it back down.
I do this multiple times.
Would Greyson tell me if he knew something? He said he didn't want to get involved.
I sigh and go downstairs for a drink. The door opens and I freeze.
Killian enters the kitchen.
"Hey, Cassie." He says lowly. I nod. Usually he ignores me. "Know where Kai is?" My spine stiffens.
"No." I say evenly.
He smiles a vindictive smile and walks to his room. I grip the counter and breathe deeply. I make my way back to bed forcing sleep to come.
I wake to Greyson bouncing on the bed.
"Really?" I ask sitting up.
"It's a beautiful day to annoy you." He teases.
I stand up and head to the bathroom to get dressed before going to have breakfast.
It's quiet. No sign of life aside from Brad and Sara.
As the day goes on I don't see Kai at all. I go home and take a nap. I go for a walk. I check my phone. At lunch mom tells me her and dad are going out of town tonight so I'll be alone. I don't mind.
They leave after dinner and I go to my room. Greyson offers to come over but he's being weird so I tell him it's fine. I just wish the sinking feeling in my gut would go away.
At ten a knock on my door startles me. I get up and open it revealing Kai.
"Hey." I say stepping aside.
"Grey said you were home alone. I came to check on you." I hold up my phone.
"Could have called."
"I lost my phone last night. I spent all day looking for it." I nod my head. It makes sense.
He steps forward and kisses me and I melt into him. "I missed you today." He murmurs.
"Me too." I whisper. I take his hand and we go to my room. He flips through tv channels and I sit next to him. "When do you have to be home?" I ask.
"Whenever." He shrugs rubbing my hand.
He puts the tv on Friends and we sit in silence before he turns his head and kisses me again.