Chapter 6

The months came and went without us. We were to wrapped up in living our lives. By the time Of Kai’s graduation three years later I had the perfect life. The perfect friends and boyfriend.

I tried to steer clear of Killian. He was always weird around me, especially on the nights Kai was out with his friends.

Now I’m sitting in my bedroom talking to Greyson on the phone. Another normal night.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come tonight? It’s gonna be so lit.” He says down the line.

“I’m not feeling well.” I sigh. “Let him have fun I don’t want to ruin it for him.”

He sighs but I know he gives up on convincing me.

“Let me know if you change your mind.”

“Okay.” I disconnect the call and stand up walking out of my room and to the bathroom.

My parents are out with Sara and Brad. I stare at the box on the bathroom counter.

Just do it you coward.

I rip it open and sit on the toilet. My hands shaking ridiculously.

Flashes of prom night drown my head. One night we were careless and now we might be paying the price. I set the stick on the counter and decide to take a shower.

I stand under the hot water and let it wash over me. I stand there until the water turns cold. I step out and pull jeans and a tank top on. I comb through my hair and put on a little makeup.

Then I look at the stick.

I do the math in my head. I lean against the counter breathless.

17 years old. A senior this year. And pregnant. I fist the stick and walk to my room. I know what I have to do. Tonight. Now. Before I back out.

I grab my keys and slip my shoes on heading to my car.

It’s a twenty minute drive. I have twenty minutes before I destroy his life. His entire future. Tonight everything is going to change.


I debate turning around but I’m halfway there by now. I grip the steering wheel. The test is in my hoodie pocket.

Maybe it’s false. God I hope it is.

I park on the side of the road. Staring down at all the people on the beach. I have to find him.

I hope he’s not drunk already. Actually I sort of hope that he is.

I’m a coward. I know this.

I get out of the car and make it to the edge of the trees when I see him. He’s with his friends laughing and talking. I sigh and take another step.

I freeze as Cara walks over and wraps her hands around his waist. I wait.

Come on Kai. Do the right thing. I think to myself. Instead he leans into her and smiles wider.

I try to move but I can’t. The bloods rushing to my ears and I notice Killian standing at the fire. Watching me. He’s always fucking watching.

His face is blank though.

My phone vibrates and I unlock it. A picture. I don’t see it though I only see the words before my stomach churns.

‘What would your girlfriend say, Casanova?’

My hand twitches. I scroll down and see Cara and Kai making out on a couch.

I run towards the trash can and retch. All my dinner is being released. My heart is fucking breaking.

Then I hear it. And I want so badly to disappear. It’s closer now.

“Cass you came!” Greyson says reaching me. “What’s the matter?” He asks.

Before I can answer phones everywhere start going off. He looks. He looks again. Then he clenches his fists.

“That son of a bitch.” He growls.

“No Grey please. I just wanna go home.”

“I’m going to kill him!”

I take a deep breath before I stand taller.

“Greyson Evers listen to me. I’m going home. You’re going to party your ass off and tomorrow we will deal with all of this.” I wave my hand around.

“Are you drunk?” He asks. I understand why. I’m calm. Too calm. The tidal wave of calm.

“I wish.” I laugh bitterly.

“I’ll get you a drink.”

“No. I can’t.”

He stares at me for a second and I see it click into place. My mood swings. My appetite. All of it.

“No. Cassie no.” He pleads holding my face.

“It’s okay. Go.” But he tenses and it makes me tense. “Go.” I whisper again. He locks eyes with me and nods slowly.

“This isn’t over. I’ll come check on you later. I have the key still.” I nod and he drifts away.

I turn around ready to face the music.

“Cass, let me explain. Okay?” He says hurriedly. I want to laugh. I want to scream and yell. I want to cry. But I can only stare at him.

“I’m so tired of hearing you explain. All the time. Everything. There is NO explaining this one. None.” I say stepping away from him. His face falls. “Do you love her?” I ask. He doesn’t answer. He’s staring at me like I’m the one in the wrong.

I turn and take two steps and he speaks in a rush.

“I care about her. But I love you.” I’m already shaking my head though. It shouldn’t be this way. It shouldn’t be this hard. But everyone’s laughing at me now. Because this is the way it is now.

I make it to my car when a hand grabs me.

I turn to shout and stop.

“Killian. What do you want?”

“Let me take you home.”

“I’m fine I haven’t drank anything.” He looks like he doesn’t believe me. “Killian. I CANT’T have any alcohol.”

“Fuck.” He breathes running a hand over his hair. “You’re upset let me drive you. I’ll feel better.”

“I’m fine. Greyson’s coming over later. I’ll be fine.” He looks like he wants to argue but I’m already starting the car.

My body’s shaking and my minds a mess as I drive away from him for the last time.

It’s pouring now. I’m focusing too hard on the road.

Thinking about the last few years. Thinking about all the times Greyson was strange and Killian was cruel.

I missed all the signs. Prom night floods my mind again. Along with the night I gave him my virginity.

I hear a horn honk and see headlights flash.

It’s too late.

Something hits me. Hard. And I’m taken by blackness.

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