Chapter 7

Damion, Alexander’s uncle, is known throughout the world as being the guy you call if you really need help. Alexander has never had to call him for anything and even if he could have used his help, he didn’t want it. Damion is his father’s brother and surprisingly enough hated what Alexander’s father did to him and his mother. He was nasty and ruthless when he needed to be but had a soft spot for his nephew.

While Alexander waited for the call back from Damion, he let his mind wander to Symphony. He hated the fact that someone was trying to get to her, granted he was no better than the ones after her considering that he killed her parents and kidnapped her for her power. Things had begun to change in his mind about her since she was growing up. Yes, he knew that she was powerful in her own right and would make him unstoppable but there was something more happening. He wasn’t sure why but since she first shifted there had been a nagging feeling in his chest that he should tell her everything, starting at the beginning. Part of him knew it would be a stupid idea because he could lose her forever but the other part of him wanted to be honest with her.

“I think you are starting to fall for her” Dax said, “She was just supposed to be used for our advancement of the kingdom.”

“Don’t you think I know that Dax” Alexander said “I don’t understand why I am letting her get to me like this. She was a pawn nothing more.”

“Was a pawn or still is a pawn” Dax questioned smirking.

Just then the phone rang and pulled Alexander out of his thoughts. Finally, the phone call that he had been waiting for.

“Hello, Alexander speaking” he answered trying to sound as professional as possible “how can I help you.”

“Alexander, this is Damion, you called me remember” Damion said stifling a chuckle “something terrible must have happened for you to reach out to me after all these years.”

Alexander rolled his eyes at the old man’s words.

“Yes uncle, we have a situation here that has me concerned. We have had a few threats and an attack on my ward, Symphony” Alexander said calmly.

“Your ward, you mean the girl whose parents you killed and then kidnapped for her power?” Damion asked.

Alexander was shocked. Of course, his uncle knew about that he had his ways of finding out everything. He took a deep breath before continuing.

“Yes, that girl, her name is Symphony. She received a threating note after her birthday party and now her school has been attacked by an unseen force. I think it is rouges, but Gavin thinks the witches have something to do with this. Either was there have been no clues left behind and my trackers are unable to find anything. I need your help, please uncle” Alexander said to him. He hated asking for help but in this instance, he needed it.

“I see” Damion took a moment to process what he was just told “I can be on the road in less than an hour and to your place in less than 3, I will see you then and we can go over everything that you have. I will see you soon, and Alexander, no one is to know I am coming.” Damion hung up the phone, leaving Alexander listening to the dial tone.

He let out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding.

“Great” he thought as he ran his hands through his hair “how am I supposed to keep this from Gavin and Symphony.”

While he waited for his uncle to arrive, he began working on a plan of attack or tried to, his thoughts began to wander back to Symphony. He was snapped out of his thoughts again by a soft knock on his office door.

“Come in” he said gathering up the papers on his desk.

He heard the door open.

“I didn’t mean to disturb you” Symphony said making his hair stand on end “I brought you a cup of coffee and some cookies.”

“Thank you” he said trying to hide the smile that was creeping on his face “I thought you had gone to bed?”

“I did but I couldn’t sleep so I made cookies and thought you needed a pick me up. I noticed you weren’t in your room, so I came here” she said innocently.

“Well, your thoughts were right on that, I have a lot of work to do and will be here a while so thank you for the coffee and snack.” He noticed Symphony looking around his office as he spoke. He watched her carefully study everything.

“The last time I was here it seemed more cheerful” she said looking over at the couch where she once sat and watched Alexander work. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when Alexander cleared his throat.

“I have a lot of work to do, and you need your rest” Alexander finally said.

“Right, sorry to bother you again” Symphony said as she headed for the door “Goodnight.”

She didn’t wait for a response as she closed the door. For some reason her heart was racing, and it didn’t make sense to her, was she crushing on Alexander. She dismissed that thought with a roll of her eyes and headed up to her room.

“You need to get a grip on yourself, man” Dax said while chuckling.

“Oh, will you shut up and focus on the task at hand, finding out who is behind these attacks and why” Alexander said rolling his eyes.

Alexander started going over the reports again there was another knock on his door, he checked the time and realized it must be his uncle.

“Its open” he said while looking over the reports in his hand.

“Long time no see, Alexander” Damion said as he walked into the office, closing the door behind him.

“Yes, Uncle, it has been a long time” Alexander said not looking up from the paper in front of him.

“Let’s see what you have on these attacks” Damion said settling into the chair across from Alexander.

Alexander put the papers that he was looking at away and brought up the surveillance footage from the school. While Damion was watching that he dug through the rest of the file on the attack and found the note that was left for Symphony at her party and the list of guests that were there. He also got the reports from Gavin and his trackers and put them all neatly in a pile in front of his uncle. He then turned his attention back to the screen to see if there was something he had missed.

The pair watched the video in silence and when it was over Damion looked over the reports that Alexander set in front of him. A look of concern washed over his face as he finished reading. He looked up at Alexander, whose face mirrored his own.

“I will defiantly say witches are involved and that rouges are as well” Damion said finally “Who they are and why they are targeting her now is still a mystery though.”

“I was afraid you were going to say that” Alexander said, sounding defeated.

“Has she gotten her wolf yet? If she has then her power would have been felt by all supernatural creatures, yourself included.”

“Yes, she has, she first shifted the day after she turned 16. After she received the first threat” Alexander knew what his uncle was talking about with feeling her power, he had felt it the day she shifted.

“I see” Damion said while thinking “Since she has her wolf now, she has become an easier target to track. Before she just smelled of power but wasn’t traceable because it was faint but now its stronger. I smelt her power before I made it into your kingdoms border. Whoever is after her knows she is here and will stop at nothing until they have her.”

Alexander stiffened at his uncles’ words. He knew now that she wasn’t safe here but where was she safe. If her power was so strong that it could be smelt outside of the kingdoms border then every living supernatural creature would be after her, the Grey Moon Pack included.

He fell back into his chair with his head in his hands and sighed.

“Do not worry my boy. I have a few friends that will help conceal her scent and temporarily protect her until the threat is eliminated” Damion said.

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