Chapter 8

The following days became a waiting game for Alexander. His uncle was getting in touch with a friend of his that could cover Symphony’s scent and maybe help with the attacks. Thankfully there hadn’t been any attacks or anymore threats while she remained at home, its almost if they knew she was with Alexander and would be harder to threaten.

Symphony was starting to go a little stir crazy. It had been a week since the attacks at the school had happened and she missed her friends. The teachers had emailed her all the work that she was missing, and she had finished all that within the first few days. She was on to reading the books in the mansion’s massive library. She was able to find a few books on Lycan’s and werewolves but nothing that could help her find out who was behind her attacks. She also knew that Alexander and Gavin were on edge too because they were grumpier than normal, with each other anyway.

Alexander wanted to tell Symphony everything, about his uncle, about the witches, about the rogues, and about her past, Dax however thought it would be best to leave her in the dark about everything for now until they heard back from Damion. Alexander secretly agreed with him but he wanted to tell her, so she didn’t find out on her own and then never speak to him again.

As Alexander was getting ready to head down to the kitchen to grab something to eat there was a knock on his office door. The knock was so soft that if it hadn’t been for his Lycan hearing he probably would have missed it, the only one who knocked that softly was Symphony. Before she had a chance to knock again, he opened the door and there she stood with a tray of food.

“I thought you might be hungry” she said “I haven’t seen you eat today so I thought I would whip something up quick for you.”

Alexander moved out of her way so she could set the tray down on the coffee table. She looked different as she put the tray down. She looked paler and thinner. He knew that she must be getting bored in the house but until he heard from Damion it wasn’t safe for her to be out, whether it be at school or anywhere for that matter.

“You, ok?” Symphony asked, “You look like you’re thinking too hard about something.”

With her words pulled him out of his thoughts.

“Yeah I am. Sorry was just thinking how bored you must be here” Alexander said “I also noticed how pale you are becoming”

She blushed a little bit. She was bored but would never tell him that. They already had the discussion about going to school again and she didn’t want to make him angry.

As she was about to say something else there was another knock at the office door. Alexander opened the door again and it was Gavin, who was looking worse for wear himself. Gavin eyed Symphony and gave Alexander a side look.

“I will be going now. I have some schoolwork that I need to get done” Symphony said as she started to leave “I figured Gavin would be coming at some point so there is enough food for him as well”

“Thank you” both Gavin and Alexander said together.

Symphony laughed at them as she walked out of the office.

“Don’t say a word, Gavin” Alexander said as he started grabbing food off the tray.

Gavin chuckled and shook his head. He stood up and started making himself something to eat.

“I’ll give her this much, if nothing else that girl can cook” Gavin said

Alexander just shook his head and ate his food.

Shortly after they finished eating the phone rang and Alexander rushed to answer it. He was hoping it was Damion.

“Hello, Alexander speaking”

“Alexander, I have some good news for you” Damion said excitedly.

Alexander breathed a sigh of relief.

“What is that, Uncle.”

“I got ahold of that friend of mine, the one that can mask Symphony’s scent. They are willing to do this for her, but they named a price”

“Whatever it is I will pay it” Alexander said as he was willing to pay whatever the price for this girl.

“They are asking for 500,000 dollars” Damion told him. He wasn’t sure what to expect from Alexander when he said that.

“I accept their offer. Have them do whatever is needed to protect Symphony and when it is done, they will get their money.” Alexander wanted to make sure things were done before he spent that kind of money. He knew these so-called friends of his uncles were shady as it was.

“I will let them know and get back to you when it is done.”

“I want it taken care of within the next 24 hours. Symphony is going nuts being stuck in this house” Alexander told him.

“When it is done, I will make the trip to come out and see you. This way you will know if it worked” Damion said as he hung up the phone.

Forgetting Gavin was in the room Alexander did a little happy dance. Gavin cleared his throat and Alexander looked embarrassed.

“Good news I take it” Gavin said with a smirk.

“Yes, very good news” Alexander said laughing.

“I can’t wait to tell Symphony she can finally return to school” Alexander thought to himself.

“She will be very happy to hear that” Dax agreed.

They all knew Symphony wanted to get out of the house more than anything. She had been bugging for the last week for them to let her run through the yard in her wolf, but it was too dangerous. They didn’t know what or where the ones who attacked the school were and if they could hide themselves, it was not safe outside.

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