Read with BonusRead with Bonus



When I saw my future husband, I was impressed. It was the same man I had woken up next to. Was this some kind of joke? Was I really that unlucky?

The guy was tall, with golden hair. Even his little beard was the same color. I had to admit, he was really handsome.

After all the priest's babbling, we both walked out hand in hand. I wanted to let go, but he wouldn't let me. He smiled for the press while my face showed annoyance.

We got into his car and I let go.

"What's your problem?" he said angrily.

"My problem? My problem is you, you piece of animal. I didn't want to get married."

"But didn't you want to sell yourself like a pig last night at the club? No one forced you to sign," he replied arrogantly, ignoring me. I didn't know what to say. He was right, I was so stupid. I got lost in my thoughts.

"We'll stay two days at my hotel, you know which one it is, I guess you visit it often with your clients. Then we have to go on a honeymoon trip. I hope you know how to behave. I don't care what you do when the press isn't watching us. Remember that only we know this isn't real, so I would appreciate it if you stopped being so immature."

"I don't want to go to any hotel with you. For your information, what happened last night was because I was drunk. I refuse to share spaces with you."

"Well, tough luck doll, there's no other choice. I'll have to forbid you from drinking. With that confession, you're just showing that you sell yourself cheap."

I decided not to argue anymore. I didn't want to die young, so I stayed quiet. Five minutes later, we were entering the suite of his majestic hotel.

"You can take a shower. You reek of alcohol, and take off that horrible scarecrow dress."

"Go to hell," I said, walking angrily towards the bathroom. I wouldn't make it so easy for him. I would come up with something.

I hadn't seen my beloved husband since we arrived here. It was already midnight, so I decided to sleep. I wouldn't wait for him in his dreams.


I was in a meeting and I was running late. By the time I arrived at the room, my unbearable wife was sleeping like a half-naked angel in my bed, right in the middle. I was already familiar with her body, and it was beautiful.

I watched her sleep for a few hours. She was truly attractive, she awakened things in me, feelings I had never felt before. When I was close to her, my heart ached. I hated these feelings. I'm not a man of flowers and hearts, especially not with a woman like her.

When it was time to sleep, I had a hard time finding a place in the bed. I tried to move her, but she wouldn't budge, so I resorted to an extreme level.


I was peacefully asleep when water fell on my face, scaring me to death.

"What's going on?" I asked, frightened.

"You're on my side of the bed. I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't move, so you left me no choice."

"Are you crazy or what? Sleep on the couch, maniac!"

"Well, no. Turns out you're the one who needs to sleep on the couch. This is my hotel."

This man was as unbearable, if not worse, than my father. If he wanted his bed, he would have it, but he had to learn that no one yelled at me. I quickly got up and walked to the small kitchen, taking several bottles of water. I ran back to the room where he was already lying on the bed. Like a madwoman, I removed the caps from the bottles and emptied them one by one. At first, my glorious husband was in shock, but then he reacted. Obviously, it was too late. His body, the sheets, and I could even assure that the mattress were soaked.

"Are you insane?" he shouted furiously.

"Yes! I'm insane, you have no idea what I'm capable of."

"You'll see, you'll pay for this."

I didn't know when he got off the bed, but when I realized it, he was running towards me. I reacted too late. He managed to catch me, but like a wild beast, I gave him a knee to the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground, which gave me the opportunity to try to escape, but once again, I failed. My husband was much faster and was able to grab me by the legs, causing me to fall to the ground, hitting my forehead on the floor. I felt pain in my forehead, I tried to move my hands, but he had me pinned to the floor, on top of me.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I shouted, kicking in vain.

"I told you that you would pay for this. Don't play with me. Do you like water?" His tone of voice was savage and altered. I refused to look at him, but my forehead hurt so much, so this time, I would ask for mercy.

"I have a headache, I hit my head. Let me go."


"Damn it!"

"That mouth of yours!"

"Go to hell!"

"We'll go together."

I felt my body moving. He was carrying me over his shoulders. I didn't know where he was taking me, but I had stopped fighting back. I felt dizzy.

We entered the bathroom. Oh no! He was going to put me in the bathtub, but I couldn't have been more wrong. He turned on the shower.

"What are you doing?" It was the only thing I could articulate. Within seconds, the cold water soaked my pajamas, clinging to my body like a second skin, but that wasn't the worst part. Serkan was hugging me, getting himself soaked with me, with the only difference that he wasn't wearing much clothing, just a pair of briefs.

I blushed instantly, but neither of us could look away from each other. His eyes stripped my soul, his mere touch made me burn as if I were about to die.

"Are you going to let me go or are you just going to stand there without saying anything, Serkan?" I nervously asked as the water continued to soak us.

"For what I want to do, I don't need words," he replied.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to kill me? Are you going to drown me?" I asked.

"No, I will do something much better. You will fulfill your role as a wife, even though we already did that last night," he said.

"What?" And that's all my body needed to react, his lips kissed mine, surrendering to the purest desire.

We have been married for two months, neither of us could stand each other after that night. He never touched me again, his treatment became colder and more contemptuous, so we were both enemies living in the same hell.

Today we would finally return home, the honeymoon trip didn't sit well with me, I couldn't stop vomiting, I hardly wanted to eat. He had noticed my condition, but he didn't even bother to worry about me.

We landed in the city, I still felt unwell, he couldn't stop looking at me, it made me nervous.

We were on our way to his house when he finally deigned to speak to me.

"You'll go to the doctor, you must have caught some virus, you look horrible. I refuse to get infected," he said.

"Let's sign the divorce papers and solve everything," I said without any enthusiasm, feeling terrible.

"No, first you must give me a child."


"Are you joking? I'd prefer death," I replied arrogantly and with a huge smile, which vanished from my face when I remembered that I hadn't protected myself with either of the two men I had been with. One was my current husband, and the other was still a stranger.

"What's wrong?" he asked curiously.

"Nothing," I replied, snapping out of my trance.

We arrived at his luxurious apartment in the capital of the country, unfortunately, there was only one main bedroom and the maintenance staff's room, so it was logical that I would sleep with him.

"This is our room, I don't want any tantrums. You're my wife, so you will fulfill your role," he said.

"You will never touch me again. We will sleep together, but to me, you're nothing more than a needy man who has to pay for sex," I said.

"And you're just a whore who sells herself for tips and liquor."

Hearing him say that made me explode, my hand slapped his cheek, I could see his face burning with anger. He approached me like a wild animal and grabbed my wrists.

"You will not touch me again."

That was the last thing I heard, a deafening sound stunned my brain, my eyes lost their vision, everything turned dark. I could hear him calling my name from afar, but I couldn't control myself anymore and lost consciousness.

I opened my eyes and a white light blinded me, so I had to close them again, but an unfamiliar voice caught my attention.

"Hello, Mrs. Ferner, I'm Dr. Lesters, your treating physician. Do you feel any pain?"

He spoke to me while examining me.

"What am I doing here?"

"Your husband brought you here, you lost consciousness, but that's normal in your condition."

"In my condition?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, Mrs. Ferner, you are pregnant. Congratulations."

Oh my God! This can't be happening.

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