It was raining heavily, and the rain and cold were seeping through the thin and old walls of our tiny house, leaking through as usual but that wasn't my problem at the moment, I had more pressing matters and I was blind to anything else.
"You cannot tell me what to do Keith!..., I'm not a little girl anymore... After all, I have taken responsibility for our younger sister over the years... What have you done for us?" I yelled at my elder brother, shining my eyes angrily at him.
Keith sneered at me and touched his brows, always doing that to calm himself but I didn't care, at this point, he could as well kill me, we had had enough of his unruly behaviors.
"Kimberly I suggest you calm down and listen to me or I will beat you up... you know me too well, you will shut up and close your mouth about this issue and look for that money, or else Agatha dies...
"What type of brother are you? ... your little sister is dying because some men raped her to Comma and all you are after is me staying quiet about it and looking for money" I spat back at him, cutting him off at once.
He looked taken aback, I knew it was because he was very surprised about me talking and shouting back at him, I had always cowered away in fright, due to the safety of my little sister and now that she's dying, I couldn't care less.
"I pity you Kimberly... your sister is dying and you are here dragging words with me! I pity you... she will die!... my condolences.." He told me, mocking me with a burst of loud laughter.
My heart twisted painfully, and I staggered away from him in irritation. Of course, I wasn't surprised by his behavior, our elder brother had always been useless and pathetic.
Our parents died a few years ago, leaving us in his care but all he gave to us was physical pain and emotional damage. cares only about himself, leaving me and my younger sister to suffer.
"You are not a good example of an elder brother Keith... you are twenty-nine and I'm twenty-one, that girl dying Inside is eighteen and what have you done for us? Instead, you took our money, broke us, and destroyed us" I spat at him, my voice breaking, tears threatening to burst out of my face.
Agatha was sleeping inside so I could shout at my brother all I wanted without disturbing her sleep, i had to force her to bed as she's having great difficulty sleeping since the rape incident last week.
"You are tough there on the street, spend most of your weeks in the police station all due to your illicit affairs, smoking and drinking away and you can't find the wicked men who raped your little sister. I can't blame you, you are like them!" I screamed at him, moving away from him.
But I wasn't fast enough, he reached for my neck and hit me with a very hard slap. I bit my blood-stained lip and frowned at him. The beatings and abuse weren't new, today. I will stand up to him and not cry.
He was panting heavily at me now, my words had gotten to him just like I wanted, but I knew it was of no use, he would never change. Right now I care more about Agatha's health.
The rape incident affected her health and she was dying. She needed immediate surgery and proper care but we had no money, most especially my brother was not ready to do anything. The home remedies were making things worse.
"You can beat me up all you want.... Please save Agatha, I fell on my knees and held his left leg. "Please Keith pity us... it's affecting her mentally already, last night she cut herself severally... I'm scared... help us" I begged and pestered him. But he shook me off to take his seat instead.
Staring at me like he would love to hit me again, "You are here begging for her... who knows maybe she went to those guys by herself ... you women and your troubles" he replied scornfully.
My heart broke again but I managed my anger this time, I was getting him to talk about Agatha's health and I didn't want to ruin it with my anger, so I kept shut. Even though I know Agatha's isn't like that, she's a very quiet and calm girl.
We both endured our elder brother's abuse and only had each other to protect. She wouldn't do anything to hurt me, she definitely didn't go with those men, they raped her. I rocked my body angrily as the image of her almost dead and blood body resurfaced back in my head, the Good Samaritan had brought her to me and I almost fainted that day.
"I can't watch her die, Keith... I... I have some savings, saved for our school, I will give them to you, please add something and help Agatha. I will pay you back..." I pleaded.
Without waiting for his reply, I stood up from my kneeling position to get the money, when I returned to hand it over to him. He was already waiting for me at the entrance of my room.
Grinning and smiling at me, his anger and Frown disappeared at the sight of my savings. I knew he might do nothing but I had to try at least, hoping and praying hard that he did, so I gave him the money with my shaky hands knowing what would come next.
Our elder brother is bad luck but what can we do? At this point, we needed him to help us. At least once in his lifetime, he hijacked the money from me with a deep frown and raised his hand to hit me, jealous that I had some money saved. I stood there in fright and waited for his beatings, after all, I was used to it.
I just wanted my sister to be okay.