I woke up the following morning feeling worse than before. I managed to drag myself off the bed and met Anna, who was preparing breakfast.

“Good morning, sleepy head.”

“Good morning, Anna. Why are you up already?

“Because I know someone missed her dinner yesterday, so I made Baked Sweet Potato with Peanut Butter and Sliced Apples, your favourite.”

“Sounds yummy; I can't wait to taste it.”

“One plate of baked sweet potato with peanut butter and sliced apples coming right up.” I couldn't help laughing at her as she tried to act like a chef.

“Come on, Anna, let's eat. I know you need to get back to work.”

“I can stay if you want me to.”

"No, Anna, I have already taken much of your time; I can't stop you from going to work just to take care of me.”

“Alda, you know I can do anything for you. You are not just a friend to me, but my sister. You had my back all throughout our school days.

You helped me a couple of times when my parents couldn't afford to pay my school fees. You even got a scholarship for me to attend my dream school. I'm indebted to you all around.

So don't ever think that you are a burden to me, okay?”

"Okay,” I said, wiping the tears that were running down my cheeks off my face.

“So tell me what you want to do today."

“I think I want to surprise Seth with lunch at work." The excitement that was once on Anna’s face disappeared and was replaced with a frown.

“I can't believe you still want to make him lunch after he treated you the way he did last night.”

“I'm sure he has a reason for doing that, so I will just wait for him to come around and tell me what is bothering him.”

“Alda, you need to stop making excuses for him and think about yourself. You got yourself injured yesterday because of him. When are you going to start putting yourself first?” Anna’s voice came out strong and angry as she scolded me.

But I keep finding myself giving Seth chances to explain himself to me. I just don't want to rush to conclusions without knowing the real reason behind his actions.

“Anna, I understand what you are saying, but what if Seth is going through a hard time? What if he is not confident enough to talk to me and everything is just weighing him down?”

“You love him too much; I bet Seth doesn't love you the way you love him.”

“That's not true, Anna; he loves me." Even as I said those words, I didn't believe in them. I was hoping that they were true.

“Then why is he keeping things away from you at this early stage of your marriage? Why is he acting like a jerk around you? I mean, your marriage is barely up to seven months.”

“I just want to give him the chance to explain himself, that's all.”

"Well, it seems to me that you are giving him more chances to continue acting stupid around you. He was the one who pushed you even when he knew the floor was filled with broken glasses.”

“Anna, let's just eat, okay? I'm beginning to lose my appetite."

“Alda I'm just looking out for you. I don't know why you are keeping all these away from your parents.

"No, Anna, please, I beg you don't mention this to my parents. They will freak out and confront Seth, and I really don't want to make the situation worse." I took Anna’s hands, gently squeezing them as I pleaded with her.

“Fine, I won't tell them for now. But if Seth ever tries anything stupid around you, I will put him in his position.” I took a deep breath before smiling at her.

“Thank you, Anna; you are the best."

“It's okay, now dig in.” We changed the topic as we talked about work and how it was going for us. Having to handle my dad's fashion company while also keeping myself away from public eyes has not been easy.

“So tell me, how are things at the company?” Anna asked as she shoved a spoonful of her food into her mouth.

“Well, we have an audition this Friday. We are choosing the next face of Glams beauty and fashion, but I just haven't found the right face for the job.”

“What happened to your last model?”

“She is retiring, and with her first baby on the way, there is a lot for her to handle.”

“I feel her pain, but she could just continue after giving birth, of course.”

“I know, I offered her a space to come back after her baby, but she is not really buying the idea. Now my only option is to find someone as perfect as she is."

“But wait, how come you already have the perfect figure but yet you are looking outside?” Anna asked, getting me confused.

“I never knew you were interested in modelling; I never asked you because you once told me that modelling is very boring work."

“I wasn't referring to myself, Alda; I was referring to you,” she said, pointing at me.

“Wait, what? Me, be the face of my company."I asked with shock written all over my face.

“Yes. You loved fashion when we were in school, and you won all the year of our fashion week at school. But now all you do is hide behind your CEO while running your own company.”

“But it's been a while; I don't know if I still have that body, shape, and right face.” I said, stating how nervous I was about going out there and being the face of my company.

"Sweetie, your parents own one of the biggest beauty companies in New York, so what more can you say about your skin?”

“I don't know; I feel like I might not be up for these.”

“I'm really telling you this is going to work, trust me.”

"Fine, I will give it a try.”

“Now that's my girl; go unreach those modelling skills, baby.” I couldn't help laughing at how hilarious Anna is.

“Okay, enough about me. What's up with you and your boss?” I said this to Anna, and she let out a sigh of frustration.

“My boss is killing me, so don't get me started.”

“Tell me, I want to know.”

“He is always on my neck. I mean, I'm his manager, not his secretary. It's always Anna this, Anna that, and he is beginning to get on my last nerves.

I really wish I could just be a boss,” Anna said. With the expression on her face, I could tell she was having a hard time at work.

“Do you want me to look into another company for you?”

“Nah, I better retain this one, or I might not be able to find another boss as kind as this one.” I know she was being sarcastic, but I still felt like I should look into something for her.

“Speaking of my boss, I better get going before I lose my job. Help me clear the table, okay?”

“Don't worry about that; I will take care of it.”

“You are the best.” I started clearing the table as Anna rushed upstairs to prepare for work. I washed the dishes before looking up the food I could make for Seth online.

After much searching and watching lots of videos, I decided to settle with pesto turkey pinwheels. Hmm, I have never made this before. I just hope it turns out well.

“I can't believe you are still going through with this." I heard Anna’s voice behind me. She was all dressed and ready to go.

“Hmm, you look sexy in that dress."

“While thanking you, I know you are trying to change the topic.” I actually forgot that she knows me too well.

“But I wasn't lying about your dress, though.”

“I know, but cooking for Seth after what he did last night is not worth it. But if you want to go for it, then who am I to stop you?”

“I'm really sorry, Anna.”

“For what?”

"Everything,” I said as I hugged her.

“Just be careful around him; if he comes back in a bad mood, try not to pressure him to tell you things, okay?”


“Good, I will call you so we can grab dinner together; that sounds good."

“Yeah, I will be expecting your call,” I said, and I saw her off to her car before waving her goodbye.

The house was so empty without her. I wish there was a way to have her around more often.

I went back to the kitchen as I continued making my food with the help of the tutorial video I downloaded online.

It wasn't all good on the first trial, so I tried again this time around. I loved the result, and the taste was good. I packed it up in a lunch box as I went upstairs to get prepared.

I took my time taking my bath and coiling out my hair. I couldn't decide on the right dress to wear, so I settled on the body-hugging blue dress Seth got me for my birthday a few months ago.

I stood in front of the mirror, loving the way my coils turned out and how the dress really brought out my shapes. Maybe I will even try taking Seth out to grab dinner if things work out perfectly.

I smiled sweetly at myself before grabbing my phone and dialling Albert’s number.

“Albert, please prepare the car; we are going to see my husband before we head back to work.”

“Yes, ma’am” I went through my jewellery box, picking up the heart-shaped necklace with its ear rings and bracelet.

I grabbed my bag and the lunch box and started heading out. Albert was already waiting for me when I arrived.

“Are we going to any important meetings today?”

"No, Albert, I just want to surprise my husband.” I replied to him with a smile.

We took off to Seth's company as I hummed softly to my favourite song. I couldn't stop smiling as I tried thinking about the surprise look I would see on Seth's face.

I have never tried cooking up something delicious and surprising him at work. I got so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't realise it when we arrived. Albert had to inform me of our arrival, which snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Give me thirty minutes and I will be back, or you can go grab some lunch. I will call you when I'm done.”.

“Yes ma'am”

As I walked into the elevator, I met a few workers, each going to a different floor. I was getting stared at like I'm some celebrity. At a time, I started getting nervous at the eyes that were on me. I have been here like twice or three times, so why the stare? I ignored them and headed for Seth’s office.

When I got to the secretary’s desk to let her know I wanted to see Seth, to my surprise, her desk was empty. What type of secretary leaves her desk empty at a time like this?

I waited for her for about ten minutes, but to no avail. She doesn't look like she will be getting back to her desk anytime soon. I decided to just knock at the door and inform Seth of my presence.

I knocked softly at the door but didn't get any response. I repeated it over and over again but got nothing, so I twisted the door knob and was surprised and glad when the door opened.

I stepped in and found his desk empty. Where could he have gone? I can just wait for him; maybe he is in a meeting with his secretary.

I placed the lunch box on his desk as I sat on the couch, waiting for him. I was getting bored and nervous by the minute.

Staring at my wrist watch, I figured out I had only about five minutes more until my time ran out. I took a piece of paper and wrote a note, tagging it on the lunch box.

I sighed, as I was disappointed about not being able to see Seth. I turned to leave, but something grabbed my attention. Seth's restroom was open, and I could swear I saw someone in there.

I walked towards the restroom and pushed the door open. What I saw left my legs weak.

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