
“Alma up here."

“What are you doing up there?”

“Reading books,” I replied to her before I climbed down the book shelf to meet her. I was so enjoying my book before Alma distracted me.

“Do you know how long I have been looking for you? You had mum all worried sick.”

“But I'm always here reading books, and besides, why is everyone looking for me?”

“Wait a minute,” Alma said, giving me a funny look.

“What?” I asked when I couldn't understand what she was trying to tell me with her eyes.

“Don't tell me you forgot what today is." I was confused, so I twisted my face and asked...

“I'm sorry, but what is today?”

“Oh boy, have you forgotten that you are meeting Eldarion of Baernarta today?”

“Oh my God, Mum is going to kill me.” I was already on my heels, running to my room to get dressed.

“Be careful, or you will fall right on your face,” Alma called after me.

“Thank you, Alma.” When I got to my room, I saw it was empty. I thought my mum would be pacing around my room by now with an angry expression on her face.

I don't know why I keep forgetting things that are very important to me. As much as I don't want to get married, I don't really have any other option.

I took a deep breath and started going through my wardrobe, looking for the dress that was presented to me the night before yesterday for the dinner between my family and Eldarion’s family.

"Siofra.” I froze immediately. I heard my mum's voice behind my back. What is going on? How on earth did she get inside? I really thought I locked my room as soon as I entered.

“Queen Alary, you look gorgeous this evening,” I said, bowing slightly as I greeted her, not daring to look her in the eyes.

“Siofra, where have you been all day?”

“At the library, mother, I was gathering more knowledge about the village of Baernarta. If I am going to marry their young chief's son, then I should learn more about them.” I said it politely with my chin raised up, just like I was taught.

In the elves' kingdom, the queens rule. I heard the wand of light has never picked a male to rule. My mum, being the queen of Álfheimr, wants her daughters to be perfect.

“Siofra I know you are lying. What am I supposed to do with you? Can't you be more like your sister? She is well composed; she acts just like a princess is supposed to act, but you are totally different from her.” I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

“I'm sorry, mother; I will try my best.”

“Get dressed and meet me downstairs, now." I took a deep breath immediately after she left. That was so intense. Now, where did I actually put that dress? I went through my wardrobe but couldn't find my dress.

My mum is going to kill me if she has to come find me again. What should I do? Maybe I should start with styling my hair. I was still pondering within myself, trying to figure out a hairstyle to go with, when I heard a light knock on the door.

Who could it be? My mum? I silently walked towards the door, hesitating to open it.

“Siofra, it's me, Alma; open the door." I sighed in relief immediately when I heard Alma's voice. I unlocked the door, letting her in.

“Thank goodness you are here, Alma. I really need your help styling my hair, and I can't seem to find my dress,” I complained to her with a frown on my face.

“That's because you left it in my room. I can't believe you have already forgotten about that."

"Sorry, Alma, I'm just confused at the moment. Is everyone here already?”

“Well, Eldarion’s family hasn't arrived yet, but you still need to hurry. Mum said we all need to be present to welcome them.” It was then that I took a closer look at Alma.

She has changed into a new outfit, a beautiful blue dinner gown designed with pearls that matches her earrings and necklace.

“You look beautiful,” I complimented her unintentionally. Before releasing, I said something.

“Thanks, but we need to get you ready. Come sit,” Alma said as she dragged me towards the big mirror sitting on the other side of my room. I sighed in frustration as I glued my butt to the seat and allowed her to get things done.

“You don't look happy or excited. Why, if I may ask?”

“Are you kidding me, sis? All our lives, we were told what to do. It's always do this, don't do that; princesses don't eat this way; they eat with manners, like seriously.

Can't we just live our own lives? For how long are we going to continue this?” I hate the fact that both of our lives are at the mercy of our mum.

“We were trained from a young age to respect and do as we were asked to. We must make mum proud,” Alma said. I could hear the determination in her voice.

Dad had Alma before he got married to my mum. Alma’s mother died a few months after she was born. My mum literally raised Alma after her mother died. She said she fell in love with Alma immediately when she first met her.

She has been my mum's favourite, despite not being her biological mother. But she always gives me this disappointed look whenever I fail to do something right.

I admire my sister a lot, but I can't be like her. My mum wants me to be as perfect as Alma is, but I just hate giving up my own happiness to please someone else.

Alma will really make a good queen; she has been training her whole life for this.

“I wish I had half of your courage. I don't want to get married just because my parents feel like I should. I want to get married because I want to, but mum is not listening, and dad can't even talk her out of it,” I said, pointing my lips like a toddler whose mum refused to give her favourite snacks.

“You are such a child, Siofra,” Alma said as she chuckled. But the funny fact is that no one is taking me seriously.

“All done; now you look beautiful and perfect, just like a princess should,” Alma said when she placed the little tiara on my head. Looking at my images in the mirror, I just couldn't recognise myself.

I hope the chief's son deserves this; he better not waste my time and everything.

"Siofra, cheer up; we are only having dinner with them. You can always find a fault in Eldarion and reject him.”

“But mum is going to freak out, then she will give me one of those scary looks,” I replied to Alma with a sigh escaping my lips.

“Since when did you start listening to mum or doing as she says? You have always been your own boss.”

“Are you saying I should go against her orders?” I was confused because Alma has never told me to do as I want. She is always trying to turn me into her.

“No, don't get me wrong. Siofra, but you have never ever listened to anyone. You have always had this side of you that always challenges mum, and as a queen and a mother, she doesn't like it.

We are her daughters, and we will always represent her outside this palace, but I know you too well. You value your happiness a lot, so I just don't want you to feel alone or left behind. So just do as you always do; don't listen to mum if you don't like Eldarion.”

“You and I know the punishment that I will face if I ever go against her will. I wish mum would understand me just like she understands you.

“Let’s get you dressed up so we can start heading down. If mum were to come back and find us here, it might not be funny.”

I just followed Alma to her room, which was just next to mine, where she presented my dress to me. Looking at the beautiful red gown, I couldn't help sighing.

“Do I have to wear this? You know how much I hate the colour red.”

“Mum picked that up; remember, princesses are not supposed to be picky.” Alma’s words got me rolling my eyes in annoyance. I asked Alma to help me pick out the right shoes to go with the dress.

“I look like a duck,” I said as I stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself. I don't like heavily designed dresses. I just love a simple dress with not much design, and I hate packing my hair up. I love having my hair down.

“Do not lose that hair, young lady,” Alma said, giving me a warning look. But I couldn't help tugging at the hairpin holding my hair in place.

“Can't I leave my hair down, please?”

"No, you can't; now let's go.” Alma literally dragged me out of her room as we joined our parents in the dining room.

“Sweetie, you look beautiful,” my dad complimented while my mum kept staring at me.

"Thanks, dad, but I don't think I can last long in this dress. How on earth am I supposed to eat and digest my food properly with this dress on?"

“Are you that uncomfortable, or are you just making excuses?” My mum asked as she started walking close to me.

“Yes, I'm super uncomfortable in this; does that mean I can go change it and wear one of my dresses?"

“Take that dress off, and you will be meeting the chief and his family in your underwear,” my mum said before drawing out a seat for me besides her. I thought I was going to cry. Can't I just sit with my dad?

I looked up at my dad and asked him to help me in a whisper. But when he gave me an apology look, I knew I was left to deal with my mum alone.

Soon, the chief's family arrived. It was a family of four: the chief, his wife, their son, and their daughter. When my parents stood to greet and welcome them, I was lost in my own thoughts until I heard my name.

"Siofra,” my mum called out, glaring at me. It was only then that I figured out I was the only one sitting while others were greeting our guests.

I laughed nervously and stood up, adjusting my dress as I wore a pleasant smile on my face.

“This is my first daughter, Alma; she is my pride and will one-day rule Álfheimr,” my mum said with so much pride after she introduced my father. I wish she could at least introduce me with the same love in her eyes.

“And this is Siofra, my second daughter.” That was all she said. I smiled elegantly at them as I bowed, greeting them.

“Your daughters are such beautiful ladies, your highness. It is an honour to have the princess marry my son.” The chief said it with a lovely smile.

“We are truly honoured, your highness,” his wife said, backing him up.

“Of course Agada and I have been friends all our lives, and our children are just perfect for each other,” my mum replied as she continued her conversation with the chief and his wife.

While Eldarion stood on the other side of the room, looking uninterested like I was, I could see a frown settling on his bright green eyes. When he looked up at me, our eyes met.

He smirked and looked away. Did he just smirk at me? You have to be kidding me. I couldn't help glaring at him in return.

"Siofra,” my mum’s voice forced me to return the once elegant smile to my face.

“Yes mother"

“Why don't you take Eldarion around the palace? I'm sure he must be curious about certain things.

"Okay, mother,” I answered her before walking up to Eldarion. Standing in front of him, I couldn't help feeling nervous; this is insane.

“Shall we,” I said to him as I turned to lead the way, but my mum wasn't satisfied with our manner of approach to each other.

“You both act like you are world enemies, but that can be fixed. Siofra, why don't you hold Eldarion’s hand? You know there are many maidens around the palace, and they might be attracted to Eldarion since he is too handsome.”

"Yes, mother, I won't let anyone near him. He is all mine,” I said with the same smile on my face. With a smile that didn't reach my eyes,I grabbed onto Eldarion’s hand as I twined it together with mine and dragged him out of the room.

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