“Dude, what did your father say? Is he planning on sending you to Africa?” Charles asked after letting himself inside my office without even knocking. Sometimes I wonder who the boss is around here.
“Why would he send me to Africa, and besides, since when does my father have power over me?”
“I know you still have your opinion, but he is still your father.”
"Whatever," I replied to him. I took off my suit jacket, grabbed my reading glasses, and started going through the pile of files sitting on top of my table.
“Aren't you going to tell me what your father said?”
“He came with a business proposal.”
“Wait, what? Your dad came with a business proposal? That is strange; I thought he wanted the downfall of this company so you could finally go back to your family business.”
"Well, according to him, no parent would wish for their children’s business to fall.”
“That still doesn't make any sense. He totally ignored you for years; why now?"
“I don't know, but I'm as concerned as you are.” I was finding it difficult to focus on work. My mind was restless.
“Did you accept his offer?”
“Yes, it was irresistible. He got a contract with Glams Beauty and Fashion. I watched Charles’s mouth drop wide open.
“That is literally impossible; how was he able to do that? We have been trying to get a contract with them for three years, dude.”
“I know; that's why I keep feeling uneasy. If my dad is willing to do this for me, then he wants something in return.”
“Which is?”
“That I haven't figured out yet. He wants me to come home for a family dinner.”
“He wants you to come home?"
“Will you stop twisting my words into questions?”
“Sorry, I just can't help it. I'm too shocked to process everything.” Charles said, grabbing onto the seat besides him.
“I think I need to sit and process everything. And I'm also hungry.”
“Then go find something to eat.”
"Yeah, I will, but since when did you start bringing lunch to work?” His question left me confused.
“I don't understand; I have never brought lunch to work.”
“Then who owns that?” I looked in the direction he was pointing and saw the lunchbox sitting next to my desk.
“I clearly told Rosa to get that away from my office, but she had to do the opposite of what I said.”
“Wait a minute, if you don't own that, then who does?”
“Someone I met earlier at Mr. Sebastian's office. She said it was trash, but then she wanted me to have it since she didn't want her effort to be wasted," I said and signed in frustration.
“And why did you ask Rosa to trash it out?”
“Because I don't eat trash.”
“Well, can I have it?”
“Why should I give it to you?”
“Because you don't eat trash,” Charles replied before he picked up the lunchbox. I can't believe he is planning on eating whatever is in that box.
“Wow, it's pesto turkey pinwheels. I love turkey. And it was specially made; who could have rejected such good-looking food without even taking a peep or tasting it?"
I wanted to lose interest in whatever Charles had to say, but the aroma of the food hit the right spot in my stomach.
“Dude, are you sure you don't want this?” I took the food away from him before he could ask more questions.
“Fine, just go; I will have it later.”
“That wasn't fare; you rejected the food, remember. You even called it trash. Now can I have it back?”
"No, you can't.”
“But I want to have some of it; share it with me.” With the desperation in Charles’s eyes, I could tell he wasn't going to leave without having that food, so I let him have it.
He kept completing the meal over and over again. I was beginning to get angry with every single word that came out of his mouth.
I tried ignoring him, but he was too noisy. When I couldn't stand it anymore, I snapped and hit my hands on top of my desk.
“Will you please let me work? I have a pile of files to sort out, and many of them need to be signed, so stop distracting me and go to your office.”
"But are you sure you don't know the lady who made this ditch? I could tell she channelled her love into it. Do you happen to be dating but hiding it from me?”
I just don't get it. I was trying to get rid of one conversation, and he is starting another.
“Mr Charles! Please head down to your office and do what you are paid for.” I said it using my bossy voice.
“You should know that voice doesn't work on me. So, thank you, sir, for the meal, and if you happen to see the lady who cooked this food, make her your wife.
"Charles, please, let me do my work. I still have to meet up with my lawyer, and I have like three hours until our scheduled time.”
“Fine, I will go, but just so you know, I am coming to your family dinner with you. I have missed your mother’s cooking," he said, dropping the now empty box on my desk before getting up to leave.
“I will happily take you with me, but just so you know, it's a reunion.” I knew my word was going to leave him confused, but he needs to know that Emily will be there.
“What do you mean by reunion? Emily needs to be around to complete the reunion.” He said, giving out a small laugh. But I looked up at him and allowed him to read the meaning of my expression.
“Wait, it can't be. Emily is back from England!? I thought she was not supposed to be back until the next three years.”
“Well, she is back; at least that's what my dad said.” I watched as he went pale within a second. I thought he had gotten over this.
“Charles, are you okay?” I asked with a worried expression on my face as I approached him. I helped him back to his seat since he suddenly looked so weak.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied with a very distant look in his eyes.
“You are not okay; maybe I shouldn't have mentioned her. I thought you were over this.”
“I thought so too, but just knowing that she is back is bringing back memories that I want to forget.”
“Do you still have feelings for her?”
“No, I don't.”
“Good, then don't let her presence affect you. Cheer up; you are looking like you just saw a ghost.” I tapped his shoulder slightly, trying to comfort him.
I really don't know how they both ended up like this, but I don't think Charles is ready to forgive Emily for what she did.
Alda’s POV
“What! That son of a bitch!. How could he do this to you?” Anna screamed out as she flamed up in anger.
“I told you not to trust that idiot; now look where he left you. Are you still going to give him a chance, because that's what you always do?
Giving him a chance.”
“I know I totally deserve everything you said, but I thought he was just stressed from work since his business hasn't been moving so well lately, but I guess I was wrong.
Cheating was the last thing I expected from Seth, but I guess I was a fool for trusting him too much. I feel like an idiot, Anna,” I said to her. I grabbed one of the tissues on the table, wiping my tears with it.
“It wasn't your fault that Seth turned out to be a jerk, so don't beat yourself up. After everything you did for him, he still paid you back with this?
I am so giving him a piece of my mind when I next see him. Now wipe those tears off your face because he doesn't deserve it.
I want you to start processing a divorce paper immediately.”
Even as I heard Anna speak of divorcing Seth, I still don't see myself doing it. How can I just divorce him?
“Wait, don't tell me you are not planning on divorcing that jerk. Alda!!!”
“I know Anna; I know I'm a fool for still having a little bit of faith in Seth. Even after everything, I still have this little faith in him.”
“Alda, Seth is not the right man for you. He will destroy you along with him. If you don't do anything about this, I'm telling your parents.”
"No, Anna, my mum will freak out, and my dad will do worse than that.”
“What type of friend will I be if I don't look out for you? You need to dump that man and get your life back.”
“I will think about it; right now I'm so confused that I can't think straight. I never would have imagined that my life with Seth would turn out this way.”
“I told you not to cry.” Anna said, wiping the tears off my face.
“Anna, I'm tired and confused. I haven't been able to get myself together all day. It all seems like a dream, but the only problem is that I have refused to wake up from this dream.” I said this as I finally let the tears fall.
I have been holding it all back, but it is beginning to suffocate me.
“Anna, I can't breathe properly. My heart is in pain. All I have ever done was love Seth, and I have never once given him a reason to doubt me.
I have always loved and cherished him. I wanted our marriage to work out, and I did my best to make sure that happened. I defended him in front of my dad. I did a lot of things just to get us going.
“But it seems it wasn't enough.” Anna hugged me as she tried to comfort me, but I needed to let my frustrations out so I could feel better.
“It's okay; I know how much you have tried to keep your marriage going, but not all marriages are worth saving. Seth doesn't deserve any more chances. Wipe those tears off your face; I will make sure he pays for putting you through such pain.”