Chapter 5: Cheating on My Wife.
** Colton’s PoV **
“I hope you have not forgotten your promise, Colton” she sidled up closer to me and sat on my lap. I once used to find her sweet, gentle and attractive, but as I got closer to her, I realized that she isn’t at all what I thought she is.
She trailed her fingertips down my chest as I sat there with my shirt unbuttoned. Her small hands reached my belt buckle and started toying with it “I can make you feel good, but only if you promise to not hurt me”.
Seeing her down on her knees, wearing a sexy silk babydoll should have gotten me hard but for some reason, I found it repulsive. The contract stipulated that if ever I was caught cheating on my wife, she would get my villa and twenty million dollars as compensation.
The amount is not huge for me but the very idea of seeing hurt in those baby blue eyes, made my chest ache uneasily. I grabbed her small hands stopping her advances “I am too tired tonight!” I got up from the lounger butted out my cigarette and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
Knowing her, I was sure that she would barge in on me in the shower, so I locked the door for good measure and sure enough, she tried to unlock the door and I heard her murmuring something under her breath which I am sure was her cursing before she gave up.
I was lathering my body ‘How I wish my little spitfire was here with me and it is her hands running over my body!' and an image of my shy little wife trailing her hands down my naked body popped in my head and that image alone got me hard as a rock “shit!”
I could not stop myself from my hand around my hardness as I fantasized my wife doing all the dirty things while her body flushed a beautiful shade of pink in embarrassment.
It did not take long for me to finish but I was surprised that it was my dirty thoughts of her that got me to finish “shit!!” well shit it is! Coz we were supposed to divorce in about six months’ time from now and this was not the time for me to be thinking about her.
I was forced to marry her in the first place by my grandfather, if it was not for him, I would not have given the time of my day to a woman that looked as average as my wife. It is not that she is ugly or anything, it is just that she is the type of woman I date.
Grabbing the towel, I wrapped it around my waist as I stepped out of the shower and glanced at my reflection in the large mirror “Why are you so happy? Though you have not actually broken the terms of the contract, even simply lying down next to a woman that is not your wife is still considered cheating!”
My sub – conscience mocked me “Just shut up!” I shut him out and raked my hand roughly through my hair as I walked out of the bathroom.
She was lying down seductively on my bed and honest to God, I was starting to get miffed with her behavior in the recent past “Are you going somewhere?” she sat straighter and looked at me with narrowed eyes.
There was silence as I chose not to answer her, but it did not last long “You are going to her, aren’t you?” I heard a shuffling noise behind me and a moment later footsteps echoed closer “Why are you suddenly going to her on days that you have not agreed on? This is supposed to be OUR time, Colton!”
Her hands wrapped around my waist, and I felt her cheeks rest on my back “She is my wife. What is wrong if I spend more time with her?”
I felt her body stiffen and jerk a little “Wife? She was your WIFE for the past two years and eight months, but you never bothered about her, why now? What has changed all of a sudden, huh?”
I unwrapped her arms and wore my shirt “Nothing has changed. Grandfather has been doubting me, so I need to spend more time with her. You know how his health is of late. If he so much as gets wind of us, he will take away everything from me, I told you that didn’t I?”
Anger started bubbling in me at the way she was trying to lay her claims on me and the way she talked about my wife like she knew her, when in actuality, she knew nothing about my wife! “You hardly know her!” she retorted rolling her eyes.
“Neither do you! You don’t even know what she does, whether she is working or not, what her favorite color is or her hobbies, or her favorite food. All you know is that she agreed to marry you in order to gain help”.
“I know all about what her father did and being a daughter of such a man means she is nothing different, now bugger off!”
My sub – conscience scoffed sarcastically “You don’t even if her father is actually in the wrong or not and you have decided that she is in the wrong! You might be one hell of a businessman, but you are fucking dick head when it comes to people you are prejudiced against!”
“Shut the fuck up and get lost!” I hissed at my sub – conscience and grabbed my phone from the bedside table, my mind a jumbled mess with these new thoughts that are swirling in my head.
“Colton… Colton… stop… you can’t leave me like this… COLTON!!” Her voice sounded shrill and grated on my nerves.
“I told you before and I will say it again, I AM NOT YOUR PROPERTY! DON’T FUCKING TRY TO LAY CLAIMS ON ME!” I yelled and stormed out of my penthouse.
I ripped my Bugatti Veyron out of the parking lot flooring the accelerator and driving as fast as I could. I needed to vent my frustration and who better than my wife? Perks of having a wife!
When I finally reached my marital home, the lights were on, and I could hear faint music where I stood and the image of my little spitfire prancing around brought an involuntary smile to my lips.
Sure enough, when I entered our house, I found her little tight ass shaking to the music of some Latin song, and boy what a sight it was. I wanted to grab those hips and do things to her that would drain all that energy from her and leave her panting in my arms.
I didn’t know that she could cook and though I have been a jerk to her and been ignoring her efforts, it was hard on me as the aroma of her food made me want more, and that thought scared the hell out of me.
My thoughts were cut short when she suddenly yelped, I caught sight of blood on her fingertip, and out of instinct I rushed to her and grabbed her hand before I could think. Her little hand fit mine perfectly and the smallness made me want to protect her.
Her body stiffened and she looked up at me with those doe eyes. She looked so adorable and cute all frightened and shocked just like a little rabbit. Though I had the urge to kiss her button nose I restrained myself coz that was not something I did.
I got myself busy with cooking, now, I know what you all are thinking, ‘How can an arrogant guy like me cook? Well, I always hung out around my mom as a kid, and my mom was an amazing cook, so I ended up picking up a few things!’
Bacon – wrapped salmon with smashed potato and sun – dried tomato was my specialty, so I started working on it while my wife got her blush under control.