Chapter 2

Rose was racing me down the halls to the garden giggling the whole way. When we finally got to the garden she told me she was hiding first so I had to count to twenty with my eyes closed and turned around so I wouldn’t cheat. (Not that I would but she’s can be a paranoid child) She left to hide, and I started counting. “1…2…3…-“ I was cut off by a sound on the grounds below.

“Get back to your daily training!” It was a familiar voice. The head of our guard Trey, he was training new recruits for the palace. “Stop slacking! Ten more laps!” He continued to yell at them. “If only…” I thought to myself. Just then rose was poking my side like she was trying to stab me with a knife. I looked at her when she started talking. “You didn’t play with me! If you want to go meet those dirty smelly people then go! But you’ve been staring at them for a long time so I’m leaving.”

I didn’t even realize the time. Almost an hour had gone by since I was counting. I didn’t blame her for being mad at me. She was starting to leave the garden when our mother and father both came into view. “Daddy! Daddy! Will you play hide and seek with me?” Rose was excited to see our dad. We don’t get to see him very much anymore with everything going on. But when we ask he’s always saying it’s secret business. He had brown hair and green eyes, and very well built muscle wise, but his skin was more tan than the rest of us. He would frequently takes trips to different parts of the kingdom so he was in the sun so much more.

“I’ll play with you for a bit my darling” my mom said and took her hand and started to walk away. My father started to walk towards me, “So your mother told me of your request. Can I ask why you can’t let this matter drop?” He asked me. We both leaned on the railing where we could overlook the training grounds.

“Dad, you know how passionate I am about this. I’m not a pretty princess like Rose, I’m not the heir like Tiberius. And I don’t really fit in anywhere. I’ve always felt like I can do better or be something more if I could just be trained…” I started to plead my case but he put his hand up and started, “Immyria, you are my first born child and you were born very different from your siblings.” “Yeah that tracks,” I said to myself. But he continued “I know what you plan to do at your party with this ‘tournament’” he emphasized the word for me and continued, “I think it’s time you take the chance. Show them what you can do. Let me worry about how your mother will react but try not to get hurt alright?”

He was sincere in every way and I was tearing up. I couldn’t help but jump up and hug him while profusely thanking him. “However,” he continued but I couldn’t stop smiling. “If you really plan on going through with this, I’ll have Trey come train you for at least an hour a day and we will tell your mother you have dance classes. If my daughter plans to go through with it you may as well be as good as your old man!” He chuckled and I couldn’t help but join him.

Mom and rose walked over to us when we were done and asked what we were smiling and laughing about. My father started explaining before I could start, “I told Immy she could have the tournament at her party under the condition she goes to dance classes. Heaven knows she terrible at that” he winked at my mother and at first she was speechless, but then said “Alright. I suppose that’s a fair compromise.”

I was so excited! I couldn’t wait to start! And I can’t believe my mom fell for that. She’s one of the smartest people I know, she’s about as tall as I am which is roughly about 5 foot 6 inches but she had the same hair as rose and blue eyes while my dad had brown hair and green eyes. Typically only the royal family has eye colors different from everyone else. It was rare to see anything outside of brown eyes anywhere else and usually if those people appeared they were considered bastards from the king or queen having an affair.

I was walking with my father in the hall when Trey walked past us. He had more of a sandy blonde hair with blue eyes, and a nice build to his body. He was almost as tall as my dad who was about 6 feet tall. My father cleared his throat and he immediately turned around. “Your majesty! Your highness! I apologize I didn’t see you, I was caught up in my thoughts.” He bowed to us and resumed, “What can I do for you your majesty? I got a summons that you wanted to see me?”

Oh that cheeky man. He already knew what was going on somehow and was already planning ahead. I was lost in my thoughts as to how much he figured out of my plan when I heard another throat clear. “Is that arrangement alright dear?” My father asked. I looked at the ground embarrassed. How long had I been thinking to myself? What did I miss? I looked back up “I’m sorry father I was lost in my thoughts as well. Could you please repeat that?” I asked with an embarrassed look on my face.

“The arrangement is simple.” He started and continued, “Trey will give you one on one trainings for your dance lessons, and you will do exactly what he says to show off for the party next week. I don’t want to hear any excuses” he finished. I nodded in agreement but wondered if Trey actually knew what ‘dance lessons meant’ but I was again pulled out of my thoughts. “Fantastic. We will start in one hour. And we will meet in the training room. Understood?” Trey asked. I was shocked!

“Today? We start today?” I asked. I was still recovering from the stomach flu and hadn’t eaten anything yet today. “Yes, is that a problem?” Trey asked. My father raised his eyebrow at me. He did say no excuses. “No, an hour is fine. I will be there!” I replied. I was so excited but so nervous at the same time. I kissed my dad’s cheek and said thank you again while running down the hall to change into something for training. “You are not supposed to run in the halls!” I head my mother yell at my back.

“Sorry mom! I have to start my lessons!” I yelled back. I heard her give another sigh and she said something to my dad to make him giggle but I was almost to my room and I didn’t want to wait anymore!

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