Chapter 3
“I have no idea what to wear for training now.” I said to myself, normally I would just throw on a pair of leggings and a tank top with my favorite sports bra. But now that I’m actually training will that be alright? I decide to pack a bag but stay in my dress until I get to the training room so no one will suspect my end game.
I’m getting ready to leave my room and head to the training ground when my mother comes in without knocking. “And just what were you so excited for earlier? You seem more giddy than someone with their first crush.” She said. She startled me so bad that I jumped and almost tripped on my dress and fell backwards. “Mom, you should knock before you enter someone’s room without permission! You scarred me half to death!” I started, “I’m just happy that dad actually let me have something at my birthday other than pampered guests, and talking about gossip with other people. Now it might actually be exciting!”
I finished talking and looked at her, she looked slightly offended. My mother was always the best at social functions. She was quite the talker and loved to gossip. “Be that as it may,” she started, “It happens to be your duty to attend those functions and learn what I do with people so that when you finally become betrothed you will know what to do with your life.” She started to scold me. I’m used to it though. I’d rather exercise or read than learn what she has to teach about that stuff. It’s boring and honestly a waste of time.
“Mom, dad agreed to hold a tournament in exchange for me to learn dancing properly. Isn’t that a start?” I asked her. She looked frustrated again. “Alright. Fine. I can agree with you there. At least you’re finally doing something to do with your title and not just staying in your room or sneaking out. Why are you packing a bag though? Shouldn’t dancing lessons be fine with what you’re already wearing?” Okay, I have to think quick. I can’t let her sniff around. “Trey said that to properly learn, I had to have a more flowing dress and flat shoes are better for starters and I’d rather change when I get there than walk through the castle grounds in practice clothes.” I said. It just rolled off the tongue, I’m not exactly sure how I came up with it but it works. She looked at me for a moment and I decided to ask “so can I go? He said we would be starting in an hour and that was 30 minutes ago. I don’t want to be late.” She finally responded, “alright. Enjoy your lessons Immy, and please don’t disappoint when your party is here.”
Yes! I actually got away with it! Now to keep it up for the next week. I’ve got this. I started walking out of the room and I ran into Tiberius again. “And where are you going sister dear? Don’t you have classes too?” He asked in a matter of fact voice. Before I could answer my mother interrupted us. “Tiberius, your sister is finally using her time to learn things a princess of her age needs to know. These are part of her classes now. Go on and stop bothering her.” She gave me a wink and I let out a small giggle. Sometimes she’s on my side and I love it when she is!
Tiberius waited for mother to walk down the hall and leaned in closer to me, “Immyria? How do you do all these classes? They’re exhausting and I feel so burnt out. How do you cope with all this?” He asked. I could tell from how sluggish he had become and how tired he was all the time that he was burnt out. As a royal no matter the title, you have to learn so much. Normal school until you’re 13 and from there they double the classes plus royal duty classes.
I put a hand on his shoulder and started, “How about I come help you with it after my dancing lesson? I know how overwhelming it can be, but I’ve been through it. I can help you study.”
He looked up at me with pleading eyes, “Yes please Immy! I don’t know how much I can keep doing by myself. I don’t know how you did it at my age!” He said, I started laughing but we agreed to meet in the library after my class to help him. As I started walking away I heard him let out a big sigh. As annoying as he is, he’s still my brother and I look after him as much as I can since our parent are almost never around unless they need to nag us about something. I went through it all alone but I don’t want rose or tibby to go through that.
When I took the past turn on the castle grounds I could finally see the entrance to the training grounds. I felt my heart racing and I started to get sweaty palms but I was still so excited! After I was done gawking I saw Trey talking to a new recruit about his form. I walked over to him. “Make sure when you swing, you tighten your core and use the force of your body. Alright?” He hadn’t noticed me yet, but the recruit nodded and saw me behind him and bowed to me. Trey turned around and started talking. “Princess. I’m glad you’re here early. I’ll give you the tour after you’ve changed into more proper clothes for working out. Celia here will show you to the changing room for women.” He motioned for an another new recruit, this time a girl to come over. “Sir? What can I help with?” She asked.
Celia was about an ince taller than me, only a little bit more muscular, and had pretty brown eyes to go with long red hair. Her skin was fair and more of a tan color, probably because she's always in the sun given how she trains. Treys voice pulled me out of my thoughts. “Take our special guest to the locker room and bring her right back here when she’s done changing.” He told her. She tipped her head and said, “Yes sir.” Trey started walking over to the group of people sparring and Celia motioned for me to follow. “This way please miss.” Was all she said while we were out in the open.
After she showed me where the locker room was, she showed me a locker that wasn’t in use. “Why are there so many unused lockers in here? Don’t we have more female troops?” I asked without realizing. She simply replied, “No. they are very picky about the women they let on the force. We have to prove ourselves harder than everyone else if we even want a shot at being here. I had an upper hand because Trey is my uncle and I’ve been training since I was a kid.” She had a small frown on her face. “I never knew the captain had siblings.” I said. Trying to fill the silence that was settling in the room.
She looked up and I could tell I struck a nerve she was upset but more sad, “my mother died giving birth to me. I never got to know her and my uncle doesn’t talk about her.” That was all she could say. I decided not to push it. I had finished changing and came out of the dressing room. “How do I look?” I asked her. She perked up and said “Perfect”.