Chapter 4
Celia and I walked back out to Trey and got to know each other a bit more. Her favorite color is purple, she loves to run, and she wants to be a captain like her uncle one day. I have to admit, I kind of like her. When we got to Trey, she had to make our presence known since he was on the training mat with another recruit.
“Sir, our guest has changed and is ready to have a tour.” Was all she said. Trey looked over to us and nodded at the recruits to continue without him. “Thank you Celia. Go ahead and do some exercises, when we are done I will need you again.” He said to her. She nodded and went to do some laps. “So what do you think so far?” Trey asked me. “So far I love it! And I really can’t wait to get started!” I responded almost instantly.
“That’s fantastic! I wanted Celia to show you around since she will be the one training with you. You’ll need a sparring partner to start with and she’s a good teacher.” He said. We walk through the training center and he showed me all the places I would be training. Since we had to keep my identity under wraps I had to use a hat and colored contacts when I was there. No one could know or they would probably go to my mother and father before I got the chance to compete next week.
I made sure my hair bun was high, tight and covered by a tight hat to contain my hair. “Alright! Listen up recruits! We have a special guest that will be training with us for the next week. I expect everyone to be on their best behavior. And I also expect you all to work hard.” Trey was making sure everyone heard him loud and clear. They all shook their heads in agreement and said “Yes sir!” All at once. Trey started talking again. “Celia? Will you take our guest to start her laps?” She nodded and gave the same yes sir reply and led me to the track where everyone ran.
“Alright,” she started and then continued “we start every day with 10 laps around the track. After that we stretch, and start doing push ups and sit ups. For now let’s focus on the laps I’ll run with you!” “Sounds good to me! And Celia?” I asked. She gave a small sound so I continued, “Thanks for doing this with me.” She smiled and said, “you’re welcome. It’s nice to have another woman around to be quite honest with you.” We started running and I was trying to focus on the my breathing. My lungs were burning by the 7th lap. I stopped for a minute to catch my breath.
“You alright?” Celia came up behind me and started asking but continued, “Let’s finish this lap and we can get a water break sound good?” I nodded in agreement and I stuck out the lap so I could get some water. I was drinking the bottle of water she handed me when she started talking again, “I’m impressed you’ve made it this far without stopping. Most new recruits stop after the third or fourth lap and can’t finish the first day.” She started drinking her water and I responded to her while breathing heavily, “I’m full of surprises I guess” I gave a chucked and did some breathing exercises to lower my heart rate. I continued talking, “I’ve been trying to train myself up until now. I finally got my parents to agree to let me train so I can compete in the tournament at the princesses birthday party next week.” I mentally slapped my face, why would I say that? Why? Let me practically tell her my name and who I am!
She looked at me confused, “what do you mean tournament? I haven’t heard anything about that.” She asked. Oh crap! What do I say now? Come on Immyria, think… think… “I’m a close friend of hers actually.”I started and continued, “she didn’t want the same boring party as the last who knows how many years. She begged her father for it so it would be somewhat exciting.” I said. Oh please please believe it. She looked at me with wide eyes “You know the princess? Who are you?” She started asking more questions. Why did I open my mouth? Why?
I asked Celia not to say anything until it’s announced and she agreed if I could get her an invitation to the party. We ran the last three laps and continued on to the body exercises. By the time we were finished my body was aching so bad I didn’t want to walk. When Trey came over to check on us, we told him we were fine. “Alright well you girls are all done for the day. Go ahead and get some food and take a shower. You’re both shiny with sweat.” Trey said giving us a wink. We all laughed but we went to shower. Celia tried to get me to hang out after training but I told her I had some business to attend to. “Okay! I’ll see you tomorrow for training then! Trust me the second day is easier!” She said and walked off.
“Oh goddess I’m sore everywhere” I said out loud to myself. I heard a throat clearing next to me. “Hey immy, what were you doing out there?” I looked to see who was talking to me. “Oh tibbs! It’s just you!” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Just me?” He asked then continued, “do you have any idea what mom will do when she finds out?” Tiberius asked me seriously. “You wouldn’t!” I raised my voice to him. He looked at me with a devious look in his eyes and grinned, “oh but I would.”