Chapter 7
The tournament area was set up more like an arena in the training grounds. I was getting more and more excited. I changed my clothes and listened to the cheering crowd as the fights continued while I waited for my turn to come.
“Are you ready?” A voice came from behind me. I turned and saw Trey. I smiled and nodded. “Remember to take a deep breathe when you get in there to settle the nerves. Only focus on your opponent.” He continued. I nodded and took another deep breath. Trey rubbed my shoulders to help settle my nerves. I’ve been working so hard for this moment and now I get to put myself to the test. “Alright,” I said and then continued. “Let’s do this.” I was determined to be the best today. This is only the first round and we go until there’s only one left. I walked to the door and Trey wished me good luck. The doors opened and I walked through to the middle of the arena.
I was in the center of the arena and it went dead silent. You could hear the drop of a needle if you had one. Then the announcer came on. “Our next fight includes our very own Princess Immyria! Our birthday girl!” He finished and it was quiet for a moment, then one person started clapping, slowly the rest of the crowd present began to clap and cheer as well. I looked at the stadium set up for this. I saw my brother and sister and they looked happy for me and excited to see what would happen. My father was beaming with pride for me and had a large smile. My mother on the other hand was staring with an open mouth, and looked like her head was about to explode from how angry she was becoming. I looked at prince Garret next, he had a look I couldn’t make out. Somewhere between curious and confusion. But he stared at me back and I focused on the other sides door and who was about to come out of there.
“And for our first princess’s opponent, we have Brandon Lackshur” the announcer finished. I’ve heard of him. He’s an officer in the royal army. Not bad for a first round. He walked out of the doors wearing nothing but shorts and shoes. “Princess,” he said and came out to bow. “This isn’t much of a fair fight for you is it?” He asked with a smirk. “Are you afraid to loose to a princess?” I asked with a smirk on my face. He laughed and smiled “I won’t go easy on you because you’re royalty little girl.” Was all he said after that. “Good, because I won’t go easy on an officer in the royal army. Don’t hold back.” I said as a remark.
We both got into our fighting stances, and started circling each other. I contemplated making the first move but decided against it. I was going to wait for him to move first, then I’d use his body against him. He finally decided to move, he started with a punch that should have landed on my face somewhere but I was able to dodge and punched the opening across his chest. He stumbled back and mumbled “lucky shot” I giggled but kept my focus. He lunged next at me, and tried to take out my right leg. I dodged again and grabbed his left leg, but he was able to counter and use my body to prop up his to kick me in the face with his other leg.
I was slightly disoriented and dropped his leg while stumbling back. I was able to snap out of it just in time as he was coming at me again. He tried punching again but I was able to dodge once again however I didn’t see that he anticipated that and had another fist that slammed into my side when I dodged. I dropped to the ground gasping for air. One arm across my stomach and side, the other holding me up off the ground. Brandon was enjoying the applause while walking in a circle around me. Then he came over as I was barely catching my breath when he crouched down and spoke to me, “Well little princess, was it everything you hoped for?” I looked at him, and then I looked around the crowd and found my dad. He looked worried, and I could tell he was trying to yell get up. I stood back up. I wasn’t sure what Brandon had said but I felt another punch in the same side as before and I dropped again. This time I coughed up some blood and spit it out while catching my breath. There was a searing pain and I could tell something wasn’t right.
He knelt back down to me and started talking, “This is why princess’s don’t fight. Why women don’t fight. You are meant to be pretty and an arm attachment for men and real warriors.” He said and then continued “Just give up. You obviously aren’t meant for this.” Was he right? This was my first test. My first shot at everything I wanted and I was blowing it. I raised my hand to feel the necklace my dad gave me and I looked at him again. He smiled and nodded at me. I knew what he meant. I couldn’t give up. I came all this way and was giving it everything I had. I had to do more. I had to catch this guy off guard. Looking at my mother, she was about to cry. Rose and Tibs looked worried. I couldn’t give up. I couldn’t. I would not!
I stood, and my opponent did the same and decided to try and taunt me, “You really don’t know when to stop do you?” He was getting cocky. And I was going to use that against him.
He tried to say something else to me but I shut him up by giving him a good punch to the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. When he arched forward grabbing his stomach I grabbed his shoulders and forced his face into my right knee. He fell backwards holding his nose that was now broken. He rolled on the ground and stood back up, stumbling a bit when he got to his feet but he was still ready to fight. We were both injured and matched now. I just had to outsmart him at this point. I could tell he was getting mad as when kept throwing and dodging punches. I decided I was going to exploit it.
“Come on Brandon I thought you were good. Why are we still at this?” I was taunting him. He practically growled at me when he lunged again. I saw an opening for his left shoulder and if I played it right I could wipe out his leg as well. He swung his arm and I bent backwards dodging, I swung back up and went for his shoulder and linked my fist with his body. As he was taking a step back I went for his right leg and swept my leg under him taking out his remaining leg so he fell on his back. I ran to his side and put my foot on his chest making sure he didn’t get back up. He put his hands up on a surrender sign and I looked up at my family. My mother was actually smiling, Rose and Tiberius we clapping and shouting for me, and when I got to my dad I saw the most radiant smile on his face and I could tell he was happy and proud of me!
I did it! I really did it! I headed back to the locker room to shower and get dressed and see the damage to my body.