Chapter 8

Prince Garret POV

Seeing Immyria in the tournament was definitely a surprise. I had sat with her family during the event as the Queen requested in hopes to get to know the princess better, but instead I watched her fight an officer in her fathers army and win while taking a beating at the same time. I’ve never seen a woman let alone a princess fight unless it was over a dress. She was the last fight of the round and the next round wouldn’t be starting until the evening so I decided I would try and talk with her more.

It was the king and queen who reached out to my mother about a possible marriage proposal to the princess. I thought she’d be stuck up like every other woman I met, however it doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Maybe this proposal was worth looking into. Although, if she is a fighter it would make it more difficult to continue my plan. I walked to the garden I was directed to, so I could meet my contact. I got to the water fountain and waited. Then a maid came by and watered the flowers.

“The roses are beautiful this year aren’t they?” She asked. I responded, “Until they are cut for a bouquet”. She nodded, smiled, and motioned for me to follow her. She led me back into the palace and through the kitchens, then into a pantry. “There’s a staircase behind those shelves. He’s already waiting.” She said then shut the door. I looked around at the shelves to figure it out. There were some fake bottles on a shelf and I found a latch on the side that opened up to a staircase. I went down the stairs until it came to a small opening. And a man standing, looking out a cellar window.

“You didn’t tell me she could fight.” I said plainly. Then continued, “How did your meeting with the king go?” The man looked at me then and responded in a deep voice, “I had no idea she had an interest in it or planned on doing anything for it. It might throw some complications into the plan but if you can get close to her, you can control her. The king has always been a fool. He took everything I gave him without question. He’s always been soft towards me so I’m not worried. Then there’s the Queen. She may start to suspect something since she came in on one of our meetings, we may have to silence her in time.” The man said. I thought about what he said. It seemed to fit together so far with the exception of the girl fighting.

“Alright,” I started and continued “We will keep you the plan for now. I assume you will keep your part if we are successful?” He looked at me and smiled. “Not if. When. When we are successful. I don’t see anything changing other than the Queen. And of course I’ll keep my part of the deal. I have you my word.” He finished, nodded, and walked away.

I made my way back to the ball room for lunch. “Well” I thought to myself, “Maybe if I play my cards right I’ll have a wife that likes me. Even if she looses both parents.”

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