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Chapter 04: A Cruel Fate


My steps echoed in the silence that hovered over the place. I stared at the imposing structure that stood out against the sky, feeling a chill run through my body.

The tall towers and iron gates seemed to scream at me not to enter. But I had no choice.

The castle was a bit away from the nearest village, where I had spent the night. The structure was built on top of a large hill, in the middle of the forest, and a white mist formed between the trees all the way to the place.

My eyes scanned the dark windows, looking for any sign of movement. Nothing. The silence was oppressive, yet I took a deep breath and continued walking towards the entrance, following the male across the long courtyard.

Everything around seemed lifeless and although it was morning, the gray sky and dense fog contributed to the somber atmosphere that enveloped the place.

We climbed some stairs and passed through the main gates. After entering, I followed the male through the wide, dimly lit corridors of the castle, hearing the sound of our footsteps echoing off the gray stone walls.

A heavy, tense atmosphere hung in the air. My heart was beating faster, and my stomach was twisting with nervousness. Was this place to be my new home? A shiver ran through my body at the thought.

The male suddenly stopped in front of a door along one of the corridors, then he opened it and waited for me to follow him into a huge room.

"Wait here," he said, leaving me alone and closing the door after exiting.

Crossing my arms in front of my body, I walked to the center of the room, looking around. Antique and luxurious furniture was scattered throughout the space, and there were three huge floor-to-ceiling windows on the surrounding walls. But it was impossible to see anything through them, just the fog.

Someone cleared their throat, causing me to turn in the direction of the sound. Another male had entered the room. He was strong and must have been almost two meters tall.

His hair was as black as darkness and fell to his shoulders. He also had a goatee and strong features.

As he approached, I noticed his eyes were a very clear blue, so intense they seemed to pierce my soul. His presence had a dark and intimidating energy.

I stood still, in silence, watching him approach while his gaze roamed my body. There was no doubt about it. It was him. Viltarin, the king, and Alpha.

"Welcome, Miss Varagan!" he said with a deep voice, stopping in front of me, but there was no smile on his face.

"Thank you."

For a second I considered making a curtsy, but I didn't.

"I hope you had a good journey."

Before I could answer him, someone else entered the room, capturing my attention. And when my eyes met those of the male who had just entered, my body froze.

It was him.** The stranger from the night before. The stranger who had saved me and whom I had allowed to touch me and make me...

I pushed the thought away, feeling embarrassed. But how was it possible? What was he doing here? Maybe I was mistaken.

No. It was him. The same male with white hair, and he seemed even bigger than I remembered. His hair was unmistakable, as were his eyes. I would recognize him anywhere.

"Come, Volk," Viltarin called.

Volk? Is he Prince Volk? No way. Was this who I was supposed to marry?

Confusion clouded my mind. It made no sense. All the stories and rumors I had heard about the prince did not match the behavior of the male who had saved me the night before. Despicable and useless, that's how they usually described him.

But perhaps all the rumors and stories were just lies, and I was not about to marry a monster. That's how I had imagined him: a useless and cruel monster. I guess I had grown accustomed to the idea, after all, that was my fate. Promised to the prince as a child. Promised, like a damned gift.

Until my teenage years, the idea didn't seem so bad, until I started hearing all these stories about the royal family. Not just about the prince, but also about the king, a cruel king who ruled through fear.

Since then, I started praying that this day would never come, but a week ago I received the news. Viltarin had decided it was time. And, unfortunately, I had no choice. It was as if I had been raised just for this after I lost my parents.

I loved them dearly and still suffered from their loss, but I wouldn't think twice before renouncing the damn royal blood I had inherited, the only reason I was in this situation. I never understood how they could agree to this. Why would they sell me off like a thing?

A thing. A gift. That was my fate. No choices. No right to meet someone destined or simply choose someone. At least that had spared me the illusion of spending my entire life waiting for a partner sent by fate, like many.

My only goal had become to survive this. Survive the marriage and my future husband. But now, I no longer knew what to expect.

Volk approached, stopping to my right. He showed no reaction to seeing me and didn't seem surprised at all. In fact, he seemed completely indifferent, which intrigued me.

"I believe you two don't remember each other, as you were very young, so perhaps I should make the introductions," Viltarin said, stopping in front of one of the windows.

Only then did I realize he had moved away. But what was he implying? Was he suggesting that we already knew each other?

I stared at Volk, searching for any memory in my mind. Nothing. I had no recollection of him.

"I think I was right," Viltarin continued, noticing my confusion. "So... Miss Varagan, this is my nephew, Prince Volk. And this, my dear nephew, is Morana Varagan, your betrothed."

Volk continued looking at his uncle, avoiding directing his gaze at me. Not a single word about the previous night, no emotion whatsoever on his face. Why was he acting like this?

"I think both are aware of the agreement made between your parents and must believe you are here because there will be a wedding soon," Viltarin said, approaching again. "However, I fear there is a problem."

He stopped in front of us.

"Throughout these years, I made sure Miss Varagan was taken care of, after the tragic death of her parents. I did everything possible so that she grew up according to someone who belongs to a royal blood family and who would one day be your wife," he explained, addressing Volk.

His words made me uncomfortable. I didn't know what my life would have been like without the help of all his employees, but I had never asked for any of this. Maybe I could have managed on my own.

"However, after what I discovered, it seems that all this work was in vain," he declared, walking around the room and leaving me confused. "Unfortunately, I cannot allow my nephew to marry you."

What? What was he talking about? I automatically looked at Volk and for the first time, I could see a look of confusion on his face.

"What did you discover?" he asked his uncle before I could.

"I believe the main reason your parents made this agreement was to maintain a strong lineage, pure blood, like yours, nephew. But there is no reason to go ahead with this since Miss Varagan cannot offer that to you."

Suddenly, everything made sense. He knew.

"Why can't she?" Volk asked, still confused.

"Because my mother was human before she met my father," I explained, feeling relief hit me.

My chest filled with hope at the idea of freedom. I never thought I would be so grateful for something that had always made me seen as weak and inferior.

"So you know," Viltarin said, stopping beside a large wooden desk. "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow my nephew to marry someone..."

"Of impure blood," I concluded. "I understand."

Maybe he thought I was offended, and maybe I should have been, but all I could feel was relief, my chest filling with a feeling I hadn't experienced in a long time: happiness. It was as if I could finally breathe again.

"Volk descends from a lineage of great Alphas, a pure lineage, and I cannot allow my brother's and my family's legacy to end in this way. I also believe that my brother was not aware of such information when he decided to make this agreement, and that's why I'm making this decision," Viltarin explained.

But I didn't care about any of that, just about the fact that there would be no marriage. I needed to make sure I was free.

"Does this mean I can go?" I asked, longing for freedom.

"I thought a lot about your fate, Miss Varagan, and it didn't seem fair to me that things should end this way for you. You were raised for this and must have waited for this your entire life."

No. He was completely wrong. I couldn't be more satisfied.

"It's okay, I understand," I softened.

"No. You came here for a marriage and although my nephew cannot give that to you, I still intend to honor the agreement my brother made."

What? What did he mean?

"You won't be my nephew's wife, but you will be my wife. My queen."

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