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Chapter 7: She Was So Ridiculous

Felix knew he couldn't stick around any longer; the whole scene was just too awkward. "Mrs. Mitchell, there are still some details in the contract that need ironing out. I'll head out for now. If you have any questions, just give me a call. Get some rest," he said to Ava.

With that, Felix made a quick exit.

Ava didn't say a word, her heart sinking into despair. Her phone slipped from her hand, the sound of it hitting the floor seemed distant. She couldn't stop picturing Alexander and his first love tangled up in bed, their bodies entwined. In those heated moments, his first love would run her fingers through Alexander's hair, which was such a contrast to his personality; he seemed so distant, yet his hair was soft.

That woman—it had to be Isabella Harrington, Alexander's first love.

Ava still wanted to win him back. But how?

She vaguely heard Alexander's voice on the other end of the phone. "Hello? Ava? Are you still there? Hello?"

Ava picked up the phone and said, "I need to rest. I'm hanging up now."

Her fingers slid across the phone screen. After hanging up, she felt like all the strength drained from her body. She collapsed onto the bed, tears soaking her pillow. Her heart ached with pain and helplessness because Alexander, the man she loved so deeply, wasn't by her side. She gently touched her belly, where their unborn child, now two months along, was growing.

The next day.

Sunlight peeked through the curtains, landing on Ava's face. She opened her eyes; it was already noon. The soreness in her body reminded her of last night's tears. She forced herself to sit up and mechanically went through her morning routine, trying to shake off the gloom in her heart.

Just then, the phone rang, shattering the silence. It was Scarlett. Ava answered, her voice a bit hoarse.

"Ava, you sound off. Are you okay?" Scarlett asked, concerned.

"Grandma, I'm fine. Just stayed up late last night," Ava tried to sound calm.

"Is Alexander with you?" Scarlett inquired.

"He... he went out," Ava hesitated.

"Went out?" Scarlett's voice had a hint of displeasure. "Today is your birthday. How could he leave you alone?"

Ava's heart sank. She had almost forgotten, but she couldn't show her disappointment to Scarlett.

"Grandma, don't worry. Alexander remembers. He just went out to prepare a surprise for me," Ava said, trying to sound hopeful.

Scarlett was silent for a moment, then said, "Alright, I believe you. Enjoy your evening together. I won't disturb you."

After hanging up, Ava sat alone, feeling guilty and lonely. She didn't want to deceive Scarlett, but she didn't want her to worry either.

Soon, her good friend Amelia Bennett called to wish her a happy birthday. Ava smiled and told Amelia she would be celebrating with Alexander.

As time passed, Ava's heart grew heavier. She didn't know where to go or want to see anyone. Eventually, she chose a hotel and stayed quietly in the room alone.

The TV played various shows, but Ava couldn't find peace or entertainment in any. Suddenly, a news segment caught her attention—intimate footage of Alexander with a mysterious woman. Although the woman's face was blurry, Ava's heart felt like it was being slashed.

She knew that woman was Isabella. Ava felt as if the world had abandoned her. The laughter on the TV became grating, and she could no longer smile.

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