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Chapter 8: Was She Caught Cheating?

Ava had no idea how long she'd been holed up in the hotel. Her stomach growled, reminding her it was time to find some food.

It was dinner time, and the restaurant was notoriously hard to get into. She lucked out with a small table for two, dropped her bag, and started looking over the menu.

Just then, a sharp-dressed man strolled over, looking every bit the charmer.

"Excuse me, miss," he said with a smile. "I didn't make a reservation, and now there's no table available. But I've heard great things about this place and really want to try it."

Ava looked up and replied, "Yeah, it's tough to get a spot here. I only got this table because someone canceled. You can join me if you want."

The man, William Bennett, took a seat across from her.

They started chatting about the menu and found they had a lot in common. For a moment, Ava's divorce woes seemed to fade away.

Meanwhile, a man stepped out of a nearby pharmacy and headed toward a sleek sports car. Just as he was about to get in, he spotted a familiar face through the restaurant window.

"Isn't that Alexander's wife? And who's that guy with her?" he muttered to himself.

Ethan Sullivan quickly pulled out his phone, recorded a ten-second video, and sent it to Alexander with a message: [Your wife is all dressed up and out on a date with some handsome dude! Just wait. I'll get justice for you!]

Back in the restaurant, Ava finished her meal and was about to leave when a voice called out, "Well, well, who do we have here?"

Ava turned around, surprised to see a familiar face. "Ethan, what are you doing here?"

"Am I interrupting something?" Ethan's eyes narrowed as he looked at William. "And who are you? Do you know she's married?"

William looked taken aback. "You're married?"

Ava nodded and turned to Ethan. "I don't know this guy. I came alone, but the place was packed, so we shared a table. I was just about to leave."

Not wanting to get into it, Ava brushed past Ethan.

"Hold on a second," Ethan said, stepping in front of her.

"What's your problem?" Ava frowned, clearly annoyed. She was heartbroken over Alexander, and now his friend was accusing her of cheating.

"Shared a table? You expect me to believe that? A good-looking guy and a beautiful woman, both dressed to the nines, just happened to end up at the same table because there were no seats? Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Ethan, I know you've always hated me. Think whatever you want." Ava didn't feel like defending herself and started to walk away.

"Did you know Alexander drank a lot last night?" Ethan called after her.

Ava stopped and turned around. "What?"

Then she quickly added, "Yeah, he must have been really happy last night. It's normal to drink a bit more."

Ethan frowned even more at her calm response. He wanted to get mad, but Ava was Alexander's wife. If Alexander found out he was harsh with her, he'd be in big trouble.

"Do you want to come with me to see him?" Ethan asked.

"No, I have things to do."

Seeing Alexander would only make her feel worse.

"Ava, you have no heart. You don't even care about your husband, leaving him at my place for two days, drunk out of his mind!"

Ava was shocked. "What do you mean?"

Wasn't he with Isabella last night? Isabella was still lying in bed waiting for him when they called yesterday.

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