Chapter Three
"Hey mom," Lydia called out, smiling down at her comatose mother, tears glistening in her eyes, "I paid your bill in full today. That means another month in this facility. I did my part, mama. Now it's time for you to do yours, okay? I need you to get better for me."
The tears that she tried to hold at bay, fell freely down her face, sliding off her cheeks and onto her mother's.
"The doctor told me there really is no reason for you not to be waking up. She said that all of your internal damage has been healed and according to all of your charts you're as healthy as a horse. I guess the neurologist is considering checking on your brain activity again. They're starting to worry that maybe the internal damage was just too much on your brain waves." At this point in their one sided conversation, both Lydia and her mother were drenched in Lydia's tears.
"But I know you'll prove them wrong, mama. You always do." Lydia sniffled, taking a deep inhale and wiping her face. "I brought us a new book to read. It's one of my favorites." Lydia stated bending down to grab a book from her bag. "It's Hybrid Aria, by Jessica Hall. This is the first time the novel been in print. I've read it multiple times online though. Remember how we used to nerd out over twilight? Well, I do and I thought we could nerd out over this series together too. It has werewolves and vampires in it. As well as hybrids, which are just a vampire werewolf crossbreed. It's really intriguing. And now that we're both older, I'll admit, the spice... well let's just say it's chef's kiss."
Lydia beamed at her mom, then situated herself comfortably in the chair next to the bed as she began to read aloud from the book. She'd just finished the chapter where Aria had first met Reid in the Cafe, when the alarm on her phone went off.
"Well, looks like that's it for our visit today, Mom. I have to head into work and do a test. I love you to the moon and back." Lydia smiled, bending down to give her mom a kiss on the forehead, "Until next time, Mama."
Lydia hurried out of the room, rushing out of the door before she could start crying again. It was so tough to see her once cheerful, full of love, spiritual mom, like that. But Lydia couldn't find it in herself to let her mother go. She just knew her mom would survive this, just like she'd survived every other challenge thrown her way. She just needed a little more time.
Lydia quickly hailed a taxi and directed the driver to Mia Novella's headquarters. She arrived within fifteen minutes and threw her last $20 at the driver, before hurrying inside.
"Hey, Mindy." Lydia called out smiling at the bubbly receptionist.
"Oh, Lydia great! You're here. Saves me the trouble of having to call you. The madame would like to speak with you immediately. She's in her office. You can go back now."
"Umm...Okay." Lydia responded, biting down on her lip with worry. She couldn't afford to lose this job.
She quietly walked past Mindy's desk and softly knocked on Mia's door. She didn't have to wait long for Mia respond.
"Come in," Mia shouted, not bothering to get up from her desk.
Despite being in her fifties, Mia's figure was still toned and fit, a result of countless hours in the gym. However, her body wasn't all natural, she had gone under the knife to achieve what most would call perfection. Although she still attracted clients with her looks, she rarely accepted their requests now that she ran her own successful business. She often joked that she'd left her old life behind when she became an entrepreneur.
"Lydia," Mia crooned while staring at Lydia like she was her prized possession. She donned a smile that could put the Cheshire Cat to shame.
"Umm...Mindy said you wanted to see me?" Lydia asked hesitantly as she forced her hands to remain by her sides. She wanted nothing more than to pick at her cuticles, but she didn't want Mia to know how uncomfortable her presence made her.
"Yes, dear. Now please come forward," Mia stated, beckoning Lydia closer to her desk, " We have much to discuss."
Lydia dashed across the office, her heels clicking on the linoleum floor. She quickly slid into the empty chair in front of Mia's desk, her head bowed in submission as she waited for Mia to begin the discussion.
"I have a job proposal for you. One of society's elite has requested your services. He specifically asked for you by name. He wants you solely contracted to him for the month. There is a possibility that the job might run longer than that. If you accept this job you will need to cancel any of your other obligations." Mia stated, rifling through the folders on her desk, until she found Drake Alston's file.
Lydia took a second to think about the proposal. She liked the idea of only have to be with one client for the month, instead of taking multiple clients a day. "What would the pay be?" Lydia asked nervously. She hated discussing money with anyone, but she wasn't sure if this client would be able to meet her income requirements.
Mia's manicured hand reached across the polished desk and snatched her calculator, pulling it closer to her. With expert precision, she punched in numbers before pausing with her pen poised above the paper, as if deep in thought. She then shifted her gaze back to Lydia and replied, "After deducting the house's 60% cut, you can expect to take home approximately $40,000 per week."
"A...wa...wa...week?" Lydia stammered out, completely shocked by such an enormous amount. Just exactly who was this guy, and what exactly did he want her to do if he was willing to pay the escort services such an astronomical amount.
"Yes." Mia glared, frowning disapprovingly at Lydia, "Our client needs extra secrecy, which is why the pay is so high. He also needs someone who doesn't look like an escort, which is why he has chosen you. You'll be accompanying him as a date to his brother's wedding." Mia paused for a second before continuing, "So are you willingly to accept the job?"
While on the outside Lydia appeared stoic, on the inside she was practically leaping up on and down with joy. This would be enough money to pay off the remainder of her mother's medical debt, plus she would be able to place a hefty downpayment on her childhood home, which was once again up for sale. And if she managed her expenses carefully, she could even quit being an escort for good. She could go back to waitressing and finish getting her college degree.
"Yes. I am willing to accept this proposal."
"Good. I figured you would." Mia smiled as she pushed the file containing the contract across the desk to Lydia, "You'll need to sign the Non disclosure agreement on top first and then we can go over the remaining details in the file."
Lydia quickly signed the disclosure, not even bothering to read the terms, and passed it back to Mia.
"Perfect. Your client is Drake Altson. He is hiring you on for his brother Kevin's wedding. This file contains your cover story. Read it, memorize it, live it. You'll need to get your STD testing done today, while they're waiting on the results for the blood work, the gynecologist will come in and check the placement on your IUD. After that is all said and you'll need to head to the salon for the full works. Waxing, lashes, nails, cut and color. You know the drill. Tomorrow night at 6pm sharp, Drake will meet you here and take you to his house. You'll be staying with him for the entire month. At some point during this time, you'll be boarding a cruise ship headed towards Cancun, and once there you'll witness his brother's wedding. Drake is paying for VIP status, meaning you will give him whatever he wants, whenever he wants it, however he wants it. Do I make myself clear?"
Lydia hesitated for only a second. She didn't like the idea of being stripped of her free will, but she needed this job. It would be life changing. "Crystal clear."
Mia smiled and nodded in response, silently dismissing Lydia's hesitation. "Perfect. Let's get those papers signed and Theo will take you to your appointments for the day."
It was clear to Lydia that she was being dismissed. She quickly signed the papers and left the office in search of Theo.