Chapter 12

********** King Carman’s P.O.V********* I sent my soldiers to go and keep watch of the children if they noticed anything different. Minutes later they came back running like chickens that they had seen the western alpha king. What?? That’s not true how? We saw him looking out the window but he was much younger. Dummies that’s not him, that’s his son. Ahhhhh!!!!! Why didn’t I kill these children earlier sixteen years ago? What about my daughter? Did you see any girl who looks like me? No we didn’t, immediately we saw him we ran to come and report. What?? Fools!!! You all are fools!! As for king Liam’s son I wouldn’t let a reborn happen. I have killed to protect me and my late wife’s secret and I won’t stop now. Start getting prepared, killing this child wouldn’t be easy. The sorcerer did say he’s ten times stronger than his father, just that his full potential hasn't been active so killing him now would be the perfect time. We attack by night time. ****** Kelly’s P.O.V ******* It was night time and we had just taken dinner, I just had the most boring day of my life. None of the girls came out of their rooms today which is very strange except when it was time to eat especially for Kim but I was happy though. At least one day being argument free, it seemed like a miracle, I entered into my room took my shower and was preparing to go to bed when I heard noises from outside. I look through my window and saw some creatures their eyes were all blue. They had thesame physical feature as me apart from the blue eyes they were coming in their numbers. I ran to tell Emerald but she said she had seen this before. So we both went to Mrs. Lydia’s room and told her to put some silver objects around the house. Mrs Lydia did as instructed while Emerald took me to Kim’s room she said we have to stay indoors for th night as that we must not go close to the silver objects else we would meet our end. By end do you mean death? Kim asked Yes. The day has just gotten worse. I asked Emerald how she knew about this she said she still doesn’t understand but for every vision she sees she always notes them down she brings out her note book and shows it to me. Wow you mean all these are going to happen in the future? I glanced through the book. Yes Wow, how nice. Let me see, Kim said and took it from me. Hey you can’t just do that, you should have said please. So you want me to beg you? That’s definitely not happening Here we go again. Can you both just stop it!! Emerald said as she looked at both of us. Can I have my book now? But I haven’t even seen it Book? Ok fine, have it. Now listen, Emerald beckoned We were quiet for a while. Soon we heard noises of wolves coming from outside as it seemed like the silver was having an effect on them. We heard howls as they ran back. Now that was the most exciting part of the vision Emerald said as we all burst out laughing. That night we all slept in one room till the next morning. ******* Morning came sooner than expected, I looked around and the girls were fast asleep I got up to Mrs. Lydia’s room and asked her to remove the silver objects now that it’s morning as it can be harmful to us according to Emerald. She asked why? But I just replied with a; We are still figuring it out. She got up to remove all the silver objects when she got to the ones at the door screamed with horror. Ahhhh!!!!!!! Mrs Lydia!!!! I screamed and rushed to her aid. Soon everyone came down to know the cause of the noise. I got there first and saw that she was ok but her gaze was outside the door as she pointed at something. I traced her eyes and saw that there was a lifeless body in the corridor. I moved closer and saw that it was one of those men I saw the other night with blue eyes. He looked weak. When he saw me he was shocked and muttered these words “westerners ” with wide eyes. Emerald came down to take a look when he saw Emerald also he looked surprised and said My Queen it’s you, it’s really you then he passed out. Queen? Emerald, why is he calling you his queen ? How do you expect me to know? Take him inside I guess it was as a result of the silver from last night that is why he is weak. We brought him inside and placed in on the couch, it took up to an hour before he regained consciousness, he looked around and saw Mrs. Lydia who asked him where he was from. He said he is from the beta packs of werewolves Werewolves? Emerald asked. Yes, and the both of you are also one because your parents were all rulers. What? Rulers? Yes Just then Kim came downstairs to join us. He turned to her direction and was yet again shocked. He slowly stood up from the couch and went to hold Kim on the shoulder. If you weren’t a lady I would have said that you were king Liam. You look so much like him, he said with moist eyes. Where do our parents live? He turned to me with moist eyes. They are dead. Dead? How? I’m sorry but that’s all I can say. He said as he ran out of the house as he bid us goodbye.

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