Chapter 2
King Carma’s P.O.V. King Carma is seen instructing his two most powerful guards on what to do to eliminate the alpha pack’s werewolf. Now, for what I’m about to tell you, it must stay between you, my wife, and me. If I find out that it was leaked, I’ll have you beheaded and feed your remains to the vultures, okay? Yes, my king, they both answered in unison. Now we are going to the western alpha kingdom for a surprise visit. When we get there, one of you is going to be with me while the other is going to sneak in from the back door, find the king’s room, steal his warrior, and come back to the castle. I'll be speaking to the king and queen while this is going on. It'll only serve as a distraction for the king and queen but not for the guards in the palace, so make sure you don’t get caught. Am I understood? Yes, my king. They replied in unison. They all went for this operation except the Queen, and although they came back victorious, they then prepared for the next phase of the plan. The killing of the northern alpha pack rulers ———————- Langerhan island Tension fills the atmosphere as the people of the alpha packs roam around looking for what to do to help as their queen is in labor. They were even more tense than their king himself. It's been a while since they have been waiting to hear the cry of a baby, yet the midwives keep telling them to relax because her uterus hasn't dilated enough for the baby to come out. Seconds evolved, minutes evolved, and hours evolved, until it was about midnight on the dot when the full moon appeared. Just as the full moon was rising, the cry of the baby was heard. There was great joy in the atmosphere as they all kept howling in joy at the newborn. ——————— Islet land The western pack werewolves were seen rejoicing and celebrating as their queen had just given birth to a bouncing baby boy. She had been pregnant for three months now and had just put herself to bed, making the western alpha pack excited as they kept howling and celebrating their newborn. The baby was given a bath and wrapped in a royal robe. ——————- island of Langerhan They received a visit from the beta pack rulers, who brought gifts and gold for the newborn. They went into the palace and met the king and queen on the throne, but the baby wasn't with them. They greeted and congratulated the couples, but their countenance changed when the queen said, Thank you so much for the gifts and gold, but don't you think you also need to get the heir apparent to your own throne so we can do the same for you? She said it jokingly to them. The visitors begged the alpha king to let them talk about this privately, as they knew what the queen said wasn't supposed to be a joke. The Alpha King told the guards to give them some privacy and shut the door on their way out. So tell me, King Carma, I never wanted to say anything relating to this issue, but I still can't sit and pretend like I didn't hear anything. Why have you decided to keep such information from your people? It wasn't my intention to, but on the other hand, if I had told them my family would be banned from ruling the kingdom, that wouldn't go well with me, would it? Here's what would happen now that you both know about it: I hope no one else knows. No, we aren't that heartless to do such a thing. Ok, let's settle this amicably. I am willing to give you part of my kingdom to rule and do anything you like with the people in it; just make sure that you don't leak out this secret. What?? I can't believe what you are saying, King Carma. Are you so heartless that you are ready to give your people as sellouts to me just to protect your secret? I've protected it long enough to let it fly into thin air with you both. Deal or no deal? No deal, of course; I'm not ready to agree to that. Well, then I'm sorry to have done what I'm about to do. But you would agree with me that I tried. preventing this from happening, right? He said it with a smirk on his face. Preventing what?? King Liam said Now!!!! King Carma shouted, and his two guards attacked the king and queen from behind and slit their throats. Nicely done. Now where is the robe I asked you to bring? It's right here, my king. He collected it and placed it on the floor. Then he ordered his guards to leave the scene. He drew out a sword that was crafted like that of the western alpha king’s sword and left it on the floor, also with blood stains on it. He arranged the scene as one where a serious battle between wolves was taking place and ran out, pretending to be remorseful. He told the guards that they were attacked by the western alpha wolves and brought them to the scene. Of course, he did that after putting some marks on his body to show that he was also hurt during the battle. The guards notified the whole pack, and the previously excited and joyous atmosphere soon turned into a sad, remorseful, angry, and tragic atmosphere. The northern alphas were so furious when the beta king told them who was responsible for the death of their king that they immediately charged toward the westerner's kingdom.