Chapter 6
The arrival of the three of you was very strange, especially for you both, Kim and Kelly. As for Emerald, I saw you when you were still a baby in the yard outside the house; it was like you were abandoned by someone. Your wrapper was stained with blood, like you were just brought out of your mother's womb. I took you in, nursed you, and gave you your name, Emerald, because you were a rare gem, one week after the strangest thing happened. I was inside that night helping Gretchen in the kitchen prepare dinner for everyone when one of the housekeepers came to me and said that there were two infant babies outside by the door. I can still remember vividly that it was a full moon. I looked around to see if I could trace the person who dropped you both, but I didn’t see anyone. When I saw the both of you, you were like angels, even at night; you both had the perfect face and smile. Just as I was admiring you both, I saw a note in your basket that read thus: “They are both from different royal families; train them to love and care for each other." She suddenly paused, went to her wardrobe, and brought out the piece of paper. She kept it firmly in her diary. She took it out and showed it to Kim and Kelly. They were shocked at what they were hearing. That means we were both born on the same day and also from different royal families? Yes, my child, now listen as I continue. I also noticed the necklace on your neck had your name carved on it. The piece of art was so beautiful, and there were your names, Kim and Kelly. While you both were growing, I tried convincing myself that you both were siblings, but the note I saw that day kept ringing in my head. While you were both young, you always played and did everything together until you clocked one. Things suddenly changed. I’ve tried all I can to raise you both as I was instructed, but it feels like an impossible mission to do the same thing over and over again. You three just make me feel like I’m a bad parent with the way you act every day. It always gives me concern, Mrs. Lydia said. If I may ask, what really caused the hatred between you two? Kim and Kelly stared at each other, not being able to point out one reason for their hatred. Well, for me, I think it's because he always picks on me, and he would always be the one to pick a fight with me. Kim said What? Me? Pick a fight with you? What did you do to me when we were five? What do you call that? See Mrs. Lydia? This is what I was talking about: Is he always ready to pick a fight with me? Enough with your childishness, you two! Emerald yelled, "Can't you understand what Mrs. Lydia has been trying to say? Yet you guys chose to be a pain in the neck, jeez. The room went dead silent as both of them now felt remorseful for their actions. We are sorry, Mrs. Lydia, and we both chorused Sorry wouldn't make me happy, but seeing you guys talk without fighting would definitely make me happy. Ma "I don't think that would be possible," Kim said. Mrs Lydia We would try our best, and for me, I will. I don't know about some people. Kelly said, staring at Kim. Kim glared back at him. So, Mrs. Lydia, what you are saying now is that you don't have a clue about the weird changes we are going through and the powers we have? Powers?? What powers?? Mrs. Lydia asked. Guys, let's show her, Kim said. Kelly got up and lifted the wardrobe in Mrs. Lydia's room without even going close, while Kim got up to lift her bed with little or no effort. Emerald read what was going through Mrs. Lydia's mind and told her about it. Shocked Mrs. Lydia stood there, short of words, as she watched the trios do their thing. She couldn't take it anymore, so she passed out. They immediately stopped what they were doing and ran to her to give her CPR before calling the doctor. ————————— It wasn't long before the doctor arrived, and he gave her some medications as her blood pressure shot up. Soon he was done, and the whole orphanage surrounded her, praying that she would wake up. Kim, Emerald, and Kelly went outside as they were feeling guilty for what happened to Mrs. Lydia. Kelly followed the girls to their rooms as they were all worried for Mrs. Lydia, so they stayed together in case their attention was needed. Soon enough, they heard their names being called. One of the housekeepers came to meet them outside and asked them, "Hey, the three of you, you were the ones who were with her; what really happened?" We were just in her room, asking her a few questions about our birth, and then we showed her the changes we Kelly covered Kim’s mouth with his left hand. We were just asking her some questions about ourselves and the story behind our birth, but I guessed we asked too much, which made her panic. The housekeeper looked at them as if not satisfied with their reply, but he shrugged it off and went his way. What did you do that for? Kim asked You run your mouth too much. What if he had asked you about the changes and we were told to show him, then he also got a panic attack? That would be two panic attacks in one day, which would make everyone suspicious of us. Don't you get it? That's true, Emerald said. I think you are making sense. I guess you are right, but you should have just given me a sign to be quiet. Instead of using your hands to touch my mouth, Kim complained. Would you have done that easily without picking a fight with me for telling you to shut up, just as you are doing with me now? I know you too well to have taken that risk, Kim. Really?? So you are indirectly saying I am a loudmouth, right? I'm not saying it indirectly; it's the truth. You both should just stop this. Can't you do without fighting for once? I know it's hard, but just try. Emerald said so and went inside. She came back again minutes later to inform them that Mrs. Lydia was awake. The three of them went inside to see her, and then she asked to be left alone with the three kids. ——————— Mrs. Lydia's POV I woke up to see my children surrounding me. I recalled what transpired before I blacked out. Oh my, if I had not raised these children myself, I would have said they had witchcraft powers. Just then, they walked in to see me. Mrs. Lydia They all chorused as they ran to hug me. I told everyone that I would love to be alone with the three of them. Mrs. Gretchen took the rest of the children outside and left me with Kim, Kelly, and Emerald. My children, I am really shocked by what I saw. If I had not raised you three myself, I would have said that you were not humans. So please tell me when you all first noticed these powers you possess. For me, it hasn't been long since it started. I just feel so strong and energetic as the day goes by, and I also found one cool power I have. Kelly said he took a pin close to the bed and pierced himself. No!!!! Don't do that. Mrs. Lydia tried to stop him, but it was too late. To her utmost surprise, she watched as the wound healed and his skin went back to normal that same instant. What!! How come?? Kim and Emerald were surprised. Kim thought she should also give it a try. She did it, but it didn't work for her. Kelly went to her, looked into her eyes, and told her to take healing from him. He howled, and his eyes became yellow, while Kim’s eyes also became yellow as she took healing immediately after her wound was covered. Kim was surprised at how he did that and how he had unlocked so many potentials on such short notice. Mrs. Lydia was shocked by this, as she thought she had seen too much in one day. Emerald immediately noticed that Mrs. Lydia was about to pass out again, but she was quick to hold her up and give her a glass of water. Mrs. Lydia drank and was back. She looked at the three of them and said, "You three need to keep your powers a secret from the world, okay?" Otherwise, when the government finds out about it, they could turn you into lab rats. Ok ma, they all chorused. You must also learn to love and support each other now because of what you possess. You must also learn to fight for each other. Especially for the two of you, Kim and Kelly. I’m sure that there is a strong reason why the person who left the note in your basket did so. So please do as instructed. Yes, Ma, Kim, and Kelly said So please, you can go to your various rooms. She dismissed them. ——————— Kelly’s P.O.V I walked out of Mrs. Lydia's room so she could get some more rest, as we had just scared her too much in one day. Kim and Emerald followed behind me. Kelly, please wait up. I heard a voice, and I turned to see Kim calling me. That was strange, I thought within me. She caught up with me and thanked me for healing her wound back there. It's nothing next time; just don't be jealous if you do something like that to yourself. Jealous?? Kim asked. You wish I wasn't jealous of you. I just thought since we were both experiencing the same changes, I should also have what you have. Kim said And what do you call that? What do you call wanting what another person has? Whatever, but please don't flatter yourself. You didn't do anything great there. And yet you came to thank me? I think I should have just let you bleed back there. Coming to you, thank you, was a big mistake on my part. I should have just kept it to myself, she said, leaving for her room. Kim's P.O.V After telling Mrs. Lydia about our potential, she watched us like a hawk and never allowed her eyes to leave us for even a second. Emerald powers also grew as she was not just able to read minds; she could now see into the future what was about to happen. The three of us had become a bit close, but I and Kelly still fight occasionally; I just can't stand him around me. Emerald would always be the one to make us stop fighting. She became like a second Mrs. Lydia to us. One day we decided to go out for a stroll with just the three of us. On our way, we took a busy route so as to be seen by all because it was nighttime. Well, that was what we were instructed to do by Mrs. Lydia. On our way, Emerald just stood by a rail on the road as her eyes went from brown to white before they became normal, and then she said an accident was about to take place right where we were standing. We asked how she knew, but she couldn't explain how she had just said she had seen it. That we should prevent it, or else many lives would be lost. Not long after, we saw a huge, heavy truck that lost balance and was heading straight for a restaurant full of people. Kim immediately went in front of it and held it down while the driver jumped out of it, while Kelly immediately lifted it up and threw it far off into a space free of people, where it exploded. Kelly and Emerald crossed to the other side of the road to see how the driver was doing. They saw that he had a minor injury, but soon an ambulance came and took him to the hospital. They didn't realize how many people witnessed what happened after they heard everyone applaud. They quickly rushed out of the scene when the media came so their faces would be captured. When they got home that day, the news was all over the country. Mrs. Lydia immediately knew it was their doing and restricted them from ever going out of the compound again. According to her, she doesn't want the world to know about them and then take them away from her, as they are her precious and most valuable asset.....