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Chapter Two: Left With No Choice

"Mr. Astor will pick you up for the marriage registration tomorrow, Miss Emma. The outfit and anything else you could need is in the box, please be ready by 9am,'' the guy stated with his stare set on Emma.

He had come to make the arrangements with her Dad. He appeared like a P.A to the Astors or something similar.

"Your father's debt has been wiped off. And all other preparations have been made. We hope we'll have a good partnership."

After making sure that he was done with what he had to accomplish, he got up and reached his hand out to Emma.

She leaned out to shake his hands and watched him depart. Emma slid wearily into the soft three-seater couch, tiredness seeping into her bones. Her thoughts swirled with a tornado of questions, each one more intimidating than the previous.

What was Jason truly like? The guy she was going to marry appeared like a mystery, his genuine motives buried under a mask of charm. She couldn't avoid the sense of discomfort that stayed in the air. Was he as indifferent to their forthcoming wedding as she feared?

And how would she manage with a marriage devoid of love or one sided? The mere notion of spending her days stuck in a loveless relationship sent a shudder down her spine. Marriage was intended to be a celebration of love, a tie built in passion and devotion. But for her, it seemed like walking into a blank space.

The sound of her father's footsteps descending the stairs broke her from her stormy thoughts. His presence brought a short feeling of comfort, a reminder that she wasn't alone on this scary path.

"Emma, are you getting ready? The wedding will be registered tomorrow " he declared as he entered the living room, his voice filled with both enthusiasm and fear. "I'm sorry, Emma…"

"It's okay, Dad," she soothed him, offering a tiny smile as she approached and gently grabbed his hands. "After all, I'm doing this for us, right? For our family, for our future."

Her father's eyes welled up with unshed tears, his emotions strong and real.

"I adore you, Dad. Please, don't worry too much," she said, her voice filled with a combination of calmness and anxiety. "And moreover, I'll be married to Jason Astor. Do you realize how many females out there would kill for that?" she teased, hoping to lighten the gloomy mood with a bit of humor.

Her father attempted a feeble smile, the lines of concern carved firmly into his old face.

"Yes, my dear, I know," he muttered, his voice thick with grief. "But your happiness is all that matters to me."

Yes, that was her ultimate goal. To hide her father from sadness, to protect him from the hard facts of life. He had been her rock for the previous 25 years, her steady source of strength in a world riddled with uncertainty.

She wrapped him in a close hug, seeking consolation in his warm presence. In that little moment, she found the fortitude to face whatever lied ahead.

"Let's do this, Dad," she stated, determination racing through her veins as she prepared to go on the adventure that awaited her.

A sleek black Lamborghini drove up in front of the big mansion. The driver swiftly got out and opened the door for his boss.

Jason emerged, looking good in a navy blue suit and sunglasses, with an aura of luxury about him. He proceeded towards the home, followed by his driver holding his suitcase.

Inside the house, Jason's parents were already waiting for him in the living room. He turned to his mother, frustration clear in his voice.

“ Mum, was Dad serious on the phone? How can you folks expect me to marry someone I don't love? It's not fair. I won't be coerced into an arranged marriage," Jason yelled, his irritation clear in his voice.

His mother, with the look of the combination of despair and resignation, attempted to explain, "Honey, I know it's terrible, but it's the only alternative we have. Your father and Mr. Miller made this arrangement years ago, and now we're bound by it."

Feeling trapped, Jason pushed back, his emotions running high. "So I have to compromise my personal pleasure or happiness for some commercial deal? That's not fair, Mom."

His father interrupted with authority, his voice steady, "Young man, you will marry Emma Miller."

"Dad, please, this can't be real, it has to be a joke," Jason argued, turning to his mother for reassurance. "Mum, please talk to Dad."

His father's tone remained stern as he asked, "Do I seem like I'm joking to you?"

"Dad, how can you simply throw this marriage on me like this? I'm an adult, for God's sake..don't I have a say in who I spend the rest of my life with?" Jason's fury increased with each syllable.

"You don't have a choice," his father said angrily. "You will marry Emma Miller. The deal has already been made."

“What deal? What freaking deal?" Jason's voice echoed with surprise, his fury seething under the surface as he attempted to absorb the weight of his father's remarks. "This won't work Dad. I've already found the lady I love, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Marrying Emma, or whatever she is, is out of the question."

His father's visage remained stern, unimpressed by Jason's earnest appeal. "I don't care about your transient infatuations, Jason. Emma comes from the famous Miller family—a great fit for our lineage. You will marry her, and that's final.”

Jason's brows wrinkled in defiance, his determination steadfast. "Dad, you can't push me into a marriage I don't want. I won't do it, no matter what threats you make."

His father's eyes intensified, his tone tinged with power. "Then consider your job in the firm terminated. All your rights to inheritance will be transferred to your cousin Raymond.”

Jason's heart fell at the conditional offer, the weight of his father's words crushing down on him like a tidal wave. "Dad, how could you do this to me? You know how relentlessly I've fought to establish this firm, to protect our family's business. How can you ruin all I've worked for?"

But his father remained adamant, his choice definite as he turned to leave the room, leaving Jason wrestling with the brutal truth of his dilemma.

Alone with his thoughts, Jason felt a combination of rage, betrayal, and helplessness sweep over him. The immensity of the problem was staggering, threatening to take him whole.

"Honey, please," his mother's kind voice broke through his agony, her touch a soothing salve against his struggle. "I realize this is tough to accept, but your father is determined. He honestly feels this is the greatest course of action for our family's future. Emma is a great girl, and maybe, with time, you'll learn to realize that too. You'll learn to love her”

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