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Chapter Three: It Got Registered

Emma woke up to the relentless ringing of her alarm clock, wiping sleep from her eyes as she peered at the time. Almost 9 am.. the day they were due to register their marriage before the proper wedding ceremony.

With a sigh, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stretched, feeling the weight of the approaching day falling upon her shoulders.

After a brief shower to revitalize her senses, Emma went over to the perfectly laid-out dress on her bed, the one the guy had brought the day before. When she reached for it, her hand hesitated mid-air, a flare of rebellion flaring inside her. Why should she adapt to their expectations? Why should she wear a dress selected for her by someone else?

With a determined sigh, she put the strange outfit away, deciding instead to hunt through her clothes for something more indicative of her own style. After all, it was her marriage they were recording, her time to demonstrate her sovereignty.

Just as she completed her preparations, the doorbell sounded, interrupting her thoughts. Emma paused for a minute, steeling herself for what was to follow, before proceeding to open the door.

There stood the guy from the day before, his countenance a combination of irritation and impatience. His glance flickered disapprovingly over Emma's selected outfit, a tacit censure for her disobedience.

"Miss Miller, we have clothes for you in the box I brought here yesterday," he declared curtly, his tone leaving no room for dispute.

"Sorry, but they're not my style," Emma said quietly, her determination strong.

The man's voice tightened, his tolerance getting low. "Mr. Jason won't like this. Please, cooperate."

"I can't wear those," Emma declared forcefully, her voice tinted with anger.

"You'll upset Mr. Jason," he cautioned, his tone containing a hidden threat.

Emma swallowed the knot developing in her throat, her resolve failing for a minute beneath the weight of his words. But she soon shrugged off the hesitation, knowing that she couldn't sacrifice her ideals for the purpose of pleasing others.

With a resigned nod, she followed the guy out to where a beautiful black Bentley Bentayga awaited them.

She felt the strain growing as she moved closer to the automobile.

Without giving her much time to prepare, he unlocked the vehicle door and ordered her to get in. Emma hesitated but ultimately consented.

As she sat down and the guy closed the door, she felt a warm body push against hers…

Emma turned to find Jason Astor seated opposite her, his fierce stare meeting hers.

He was obviously beautiful, with a strong jawline and a nicely groomed beard. His eyes were a startling blue, and his black hair was disheveled just so.

He had a confident air about him, and his grin was both appealing and a bit strange. Despite the uncomfortable scenario, Emma couldn't help but feel pulled to him.

Jason turned to face Emma.

"I hear there was an issue with the dress I provided."

Emma met his eyes firmly. "The outfit wasn't to my taste. I picked my own outfit instead."

“You probably don't comprehend the situation yet," Jason's voice dripped with disdain, sending chills down Emma's spine. "Although we're going to be married, you're simply a pet that was purchased by my parents for millions. Shouldn't pets know their tasks properly and obey their masters?"

His remarks felt like a hit to Emma's heart, reminding her that their marriage was nothing more than a commercial arrangement, and she was at an obvious disadvantage.

"As I explained, it wasn't to my taste," Emma responded, attempting to keep her voice calm despite the tumult inside her. "I chose another outfit that made me feel comfortable..."

But before she could continue, Jason sprang forward and tore off her red shirt, the sound of buttons bursting ringing in the tense atmosphere. Emma automatically sought to cover herself, feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"Now I'm giving you two options," Jason added, his voice devoid of any emotion. "Go change into the dress I prepared, or decline marrying me."

With a sad heart, Emma lifted her head to meet Jason's stare, finding streaks of hatred and loathing in his eyes. She recognized she had aroused all these feelings inside him, and knew she was the source.

At that time, she finally got a close look at the guy before her, Jason Astor. His chilly manner sent a shudder down her spine, making her comprehend the seriousness of the dilemma she was in.

"I'll change," Emma said slowly, her voice barely above a whisper. She realized that resistance would only lead to further agony.

In the Civil Affairs Bureau, Jason and Emma proceeded through the formalities rapidly, the weight of their imminent marriage hanging heavy in the air.

As they walked out of the bureau, Jason didn't spare Emma a second look, his apathy piercing deep into her spirit.

"Let's go," he directed the waiting driver, his tone stern.

As they sat in the vehicle, Emma couldn't help but let her mind wander. She worried what her marriage to Jason would entail, knowing that he plainly didn't desire her. This was their first contact since she last saw him about fifteen years ago before he moved to Australia, and yet he treated her with such disdain? Tearing her clothing was only the beginning. What had she gotten herself into?

With a troubled heart, she peered down at the brown file sitting on her lap, carrying their wedding certificate. She took a long breath, attempting to quiet her anxieties as doubt clouded her head.

Meanwhile, Jason seethed with fury. He had expected Emma to give up on the marriage after he tore her garments, but her tenacity just inflamed his rage. With the wedding ceremony nearing, he couldn't escape the sense of being imprisoned in a scenario he never wanted. Glancing at Emma, he couldn't help but wonder what was going through her thoughts.

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