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Chapter Five: Wedding Day

Emma stood tall in front of the full-length mirror, taking in the image of herself in the bridal dress. It was spectacular, no question, particularly since Richard Astor himself had commissioned it.

Today was going to be her big day. According to custom, brides should be nothing but cheerful on their wedding day. And theoretically, she should be pleased; after all, she was marrying Jason Astor, the handsome guy she'd secretly liked since childhood.

Jason had everything any lady could dream of.. wealth, status, and obvious charisma. Yet, among the exhilaration, Emma couldn't shrug off the niggling uncertainty sneaking into her thoughts. Why did it seem like she was stepping into a trap?

The events of the previous day remained in her mind, making it painfully evident that Jason wasn't as enthused about this marriage as she was. His words, revealing his emotions for someone else, rang in her ears.

She had the chance to walk away, to protect herself from this misery. But the prospect of leaving would signal financial devastation for her father, and she couldn't bear to burden him anymore. Was she honestly willing to sacrifice her own pleasure for the benefit of others?

The weight of doubt rested hard on her shoulders. Would she grow to regret her decision?

Look at how lovely you are, my Angel," her dad's voice burst through her intense thought.

"Dad..." she mumbled. "Do you think we're doing the right thing?"

"Honey, I have no doubt that we are. I can't wait for you to become Mrs. Astor. Emma Astor... doesn't it sound lovely?"

Her dad sported a big grin, apparently happy. Emma didn't want to damper his happiness, so she managed a grin in response. "I can see you're excited."

"Yes, very much so, my love." He stopped, eagerness boiling up. "Oh, I ran into Jason outside just now, and we had a little chat."

Emma's gaze turned to her dad quickly. She wondered what they had talked and what Jason had said to him. "What did you two talk about?" she questioned, having a pang of fear.

"It was nothing extraordinary, just the regular discussion a father would have with his soon-to-be son-in-law. He appeared like a great young guy. And he made a point of telling me that he'll take excellent care of you. So, honey, you're in excellent hands, alright?"

"He said that?" Emma questioned, her uncertainty deepening. "That he'd take care of me?"

"Yes, indeed. I know it could be intimidating at first, since you're just beginning off, but you'll both come to love one other, won't you?"

Emma nodded, still wondering about Jason's commitment to her dad.

A knock on the door interrupted their moment.

"It's time. Step outside, Emma," the voice reverberated from outside the door.

Her father winked at her, extended his arm for her to accept. She clasped his hand as they prepared to make their way down the aisle together.

He gazed at her. "Ready?"

"Ready," she said, with a combination of resolve and trepidation in her heart.

Jason stood at the altar, his forehead furrowed with a combination of nervousness and dread, his best man Dave doing his best to lighten the atmosphere.

“Come on, Jay, give us a smile. It's your big day,” Dave nudged him gently, having returned early from his vacation in Chicago just to be there for his friend's wedding.

“Try not to look too miserable, alright? We don't want everyone thinking you're being forced to do this,” Dave teased, though his concern for Jason's well-being was evident.

Soon Emma and her dad went outdoors, her heart fluttered uncomfortably. Her pulse pumped with a combination of excitement and dread as she went into the beautifully groomed garden.

The view before her was breathtaking: the garden was decorated with colorful flowers, a gentle breeze blowing the perfume of blooms through the air.

Rows of seats were packed with strange faces, all excitedly anticipating the great occurrence. Her dad was her sole relative there.

She didn't have plenty of pals, only one Mira who is studying in Italy. She couldn't make it to the wedding.

Emma's eyes surveyed the throng until they rested on Jason, standing at the altar with a confident smile.

Despite her inner turmoil, she couldn't ignore the pull of love she felt towards him. He looked handsome in his suit.

Her father took her hand reassuringly as they made their way down the aisle together.

With each stride, Emma felt a mix of emotions whirling within her. Doubt, anxiety, but also a spark of optimism.

As they approached the altar, her father gently put her hand in Jason's, presenting her to him with a pleased grin.

The officiant started the ceremony, their words a haze as Emma fought to concentrate. She sneaked glances at Jason, seeking for any hint of hesitation or uncertainty, but found none.

He appeared entirely at peace, as if this moment was precisely where he was intended to be.

As they exchanged vows, Emma's voice shook slightly, filled with emotion. She swore to stick with Jason through thick and thin, to love and adore him for all eternity. And while her heart still carried reservations, she realized that she was making a serious commitment.. one that she planned to respect with all her might.

Just then, the officiant's words pierced through her thoughts.

“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride”

Emma was taken away by the suddenness of it, she felt a worried flutter in her stomach.

Jason drew Emma into a loving hug and leaned in for their first kiss as husband and wife, she couldn't recognize any sentiments on his face.

Their lips were ready to connect, and in that paused instant, it seemed like time stopped still. Emma's thoughts briefly fled the weight of the wedding, the commitments, and the unknown future ahead. With closed eyes, she anxiously anticipated the touch of his lips on hers.

To the crowd's pleasure, they broke into applause, mistaking the intimate moment for a kiss.

But when Emma hesitantly peeked open her eyes, preparing for the sweet hug, she instead found herself meeting eyes with Jason.

“Welcome to hell,” he said with a menacing sneer flickering on his lips, sending a shudder down Emma's spine.

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