Taylor's POV
I turn around and block my ears with the pillow. The walls are so thin that every single movement can be heard as if they are doing it right beside me.
The pillow does nothing for me causing a groan to come from me. I get out of bed and walk to my closet, pulling some sweat out of my drawer. I pull the matching hoodie out and throw it on.
Kelsey, my roommate, seems to moan even louder and I squeezed my eyes shut at the embarrassing sounds.
I wonder what random guy is going to be walking around our apartment shirtless this time. I pull my black fuzzy slippers on before pulling my door open and locking it. I walk through the tiny apartment to get to the door before walking out.
I take the stairs to the lower level before knocking on my friend, Janie's door.
She answers half asleep before letting me in. "You need to move out of that apartment. Move in with me." She says as I hop into her bed. She gets in next to me.
"I want to. I really do, J, but I barely have the money to pay my half of the rent in our crappy apartment. How will I pay for this one? Hell, how do you pay for it all on your own." I stress and she laughs.
"Daddy's paying, sis. I just buy the food. Dad loves you so that is just one more reason to move in." She says smiling at me. I chuckle looking up at the ceiling.
"Thank you but I'm not sponging off of you guys. Your dad works hard for his salary and so do you. I'm not moving in." I say stubbornly and she laughs. "Stubborn as always." She mumbles and pulls me closer to her.
"Sleep child." I say before my burning eyes shut.
I wake up to my phone ringing. Patting around the bed I find it underneath me.
"Hello?" I groggily speak into the phone. "Where are you! You are twenty minutes late, Taylor." I hear Maggie whisper and yell and I jump up.
"Oh goodness." I panic jumping out of bed. Janie is still asleep and I roll my eyes. "Janie wake up. You're going to be late. I'll be there in 10, Maggie." I say and she groans.
I rush out of her apartment and start pulling my clothes off as I get to the door. I push it open as I pull my shirt off. I bump into something hard and jump back when I feel hands on my bare waist.
A scream leaves my lips when I see a really tall, really handsome man standing in the middle of the apartment. He makes it look even smaller than it is and the look on his face makes it clear how unimpressed he is with the place. The expensive-looking suit hugs his body just right and I can't help but stare at his bulging biceps.
Reality dawns on me and I cover my bra clad chest. "Who are you and what are you doing in my apartment?" I ask backing up.
He opens his mouth to speak but I raise my hand. "You know what never mind. You're probably one of Kelsey's flings. I am late for work and I don't need to be dealing with this right now." I say rushing passed him to my room. I unlock the door before shutting it and locking it again.
My cheeks heat up at what just happened but I brush it off before changing into my work clothes. I brush my hair as fast as I can before putting it into a ponytail.
I grab my bag, my toothbrush and some Chapstick off of my dresser before rushing out and locking my door again. The man is now seated on the couch and I stop.
God he's beautiful.
I walk over to Kelsey's door before banging on it. "Wake up! Your friend is still here." I yell before waking to the front door.
"Help yourself to anything in the kitchen but please don't touch my chocolate." I say before slamming the door shut.
I rush down the stairs before practically running the whole two blocks to my workplace. It wasn't easy with all the New Yorkers on the sidewalks.
I slide my ID through the scanner and I walk through, into the elevator, going straight to the conference room. Leaving my bag in the corner, I pop a piece of gum in my mouth as I stand next to Maggie.
"I'm so sorry." I whisper to her and she nods her head. "The buyer is not here yet so you're in the clear." She whispers and I nod.
What do I do here at Stevenson's Construction? I don't know. I just get people coffee, print out documents, organize files and I get a paycheck of $87.5 at the end of the week.
My biggest concern now is whether or not I'll still be getting that paycheck every week when the place is sold. The buyer is coming today to sign the last of the papers from what I've heard and everybody is at risk of losing their jobs.
I stand by the door with Maggie, softly chewing my gum as we wait. Ten minutes go by and two men approach the conference room with the boss' assistant leading the way.
I pull the door open and Jason walks in followed by a tall dark man and finally a very familiar face. So familiar that I saw this face thirty minutes ago. My eyes widen and his light up in amusement. I look down as he slowly walks past me. "Shit." I mumble under my breath.
The man that I was so rude to not even an hour ago is sitting 5ft away from me at a table that holds my freaking boss.
They all take their seats and immediately start talking business.
"Taylor. Their glasses are still empty." Maggie says through clenched teeth and I look up towards the three men.
Mr. Handsome is looking directly at me when I look toward them and I suck in a deep breath. "Taylor go." Maggie says and I walk toward the table. There is a smirk on his face and I feel my face heat up as this morning's rudeness plays back in my head.
Why is this crap happening to me.
I grab the pitcher of water before filling the three glasses. My hand is shaking so much that I'm actually amazed at how I managed not to spill the water.
I place chilled bottles of juice next to their glasses before standing up straight and placing them where every man is seated. Mr. Handsome keeps staring at me and I try to focus solely on getting their refreshments to them.
Once I'm done, I stand up straight ready to walk back when my wrist is caught by a huge hand.
"I would like a cup of coffee, please." He speaks and I feel my whole body tingle. "Right away, Sir." I say as respectfully as possible before looking at the other two men who both decline.
I walk away and straight out of the conference room to the kitchen. I cover my face with my hands before running them through my hair. "What the hell." I say to myself.
The man that I was so rude to in my apartment this morning might be my new boss. I'm screwed.
I prepare the coffee before putting it on a serving tray with sugar, milk and creamer before walking out.
Maggie opens the door for me and I walk in and towards the table.
I place everything down in front of him before standing back and letting him finish. He just picks up the cup and starts drinking it like that. No sugar. No cream. Just bitter, black coffee.
I pick the tray up and walk away to the kitchen.
The meeting drags on for another two hours and I was successful in not making eye contact with him the whole time.
I see him sign the papers before getting up and shaking hands with Mr. Stevenson. "It was nice doing business with you Dimitri, Chris. I can finally go into retirement." Mr. Stevenson says and I smile. He's a nice man from what I've seen and heard. Not like the tyrants that everybody complains about.
Dimitri. That's a nice name for a nice face.
"The pleasure is all ours, Mr. Stevenson. I'll take good care of her." Dimitri says and I blush as he makes eye contact with me. Looking away quickly, I get up and smooth out my skirt.
They walk towards the door and I pull it open. "Good day, ladies." Dimitri's friend, Chris, says winking at us. I give a polite smile and Maggie grunts.
She has this huge dislike for flirts. Both men and women. If you look like a player, she will automatically make a huge, imaginary red "X" across your face. Chris sure looks like a player.
Dimitri just walks out without saying anything. They hop into the elevator and the doors close.
"Finally." I sigh and Maggie taps my shoulder. "What was that all about?" She says and I turn to her with a raised brow.
"What?" I ask as we go to clear whatever's on the table still. "Mr. white chocolate was eyeing you up for most of the conference. And don't get me started on the little moment you had by the door. Yes, I saw that." She says and I blush.
"He was in my apartment this morning. One of Kelsey's boy toys. I had to sleep at Janie's because they made so much noise at 3 this morning. Reason why I was late. Sorry again." I explain to her and she scowls.
"Why don't you just move out? She is a horrible roommate, Taylor." Maggie says as we walk to the kitchen.
"I can't afford to move out and now with the new boss, I don't know if I still have a job because I was so rude to him this morning. I better start job hunting." I tell her and she laughs.
"You? Rude? To anybody? Don't make me laugh. You're the sweetest person, Tay." She says and I shake my head.
"I will apologize then next time I see him." Hopefully not at my apartment when I'm rushing in half-naked at 7 in the morning.
"You do that. Get his number while you're at it. You need some dick in your life and he looks like he gives it good." Maggie says and I gasp. My cheeks immediately tint pink and I cover my face.
"Maggie!!" I yell with a small laugh and she walks out laughing loudly.
"Crazy woman."