
Taylor's POV

It's been three weeks since the party at Keath's house and he has been texting me non-stop. I have been ignoring him like the plague cause I do not want to get caught up in whatever he has going on with that girl.

They looked to be in a relationship and I'm not about to be labelled a homewrecker.

It's seven in the evening and I forced myself to stay late and finish up some work. Who knew printing and organizing people's stuff could take so much energy and time.

Dimitri has officially taken over the company and most of us got to keep our jobs. Those who weren't so lucky got a good severance check that would hopefully take care of them until they got another job.

I organize the last of the papers before placing them in their respective places. My feet are killing me due to me walking around in these godforsaken heels.

Maybe I should take them off and walk home barefoot.

There's nobody here anyway.

I slide my shoes off and the cold tiles of the office floor make my toes curl up. A sigh of relief leaves me before I grab my purse and make my way out.

It has been lightly drizzling all day and I hope it stays that way at least until I get home. It's Friday night and all I want to do when I get home is take a hot shower, cuddle my pillow  and fall asleep to the sound of the droplets softly falling on the roof.

"Goodnight, Randal." I say greeting the security guard behind the desk. "Goodnight, Miss Taylor." He says being respectful as always and I smile. He's a real sweetheart.

Just as I'm about to walk out the main door, rain starts to heavily pour down on the streets.

"You have got to be kidding me." I mutter to myself before getting my umbrella out.

I open my umbrella, sighing as I step onto the sidewalk. I walk with my shoes in one hand and the umbrella in the other.

My phone rings and I groan before moving the umbrella into my other hand so I could dig the phone out.

Keath calling...

I roll my eyes and answer. "Hello?" I say trying to hide the annoyance in my voice. "Hey. Have you been ignoring me?" He asks and I sigh.

"Yes Keath, I have. You have a girlfriend and I don't want to get mixed up in any of that drama." I say not beating around the bush.

"I understand but can we at least still be friends. I really enjoyed your company the other night." He says sounding sincere and my soft ass obviously gives in. "Of course we can be friends." I say and he chuckles.

"Good. They are picking you up at 8 to go get a few drinks be ready." He says and I go to argue but the line goes dead.

Groaning, I drag my tired body home.

"Hey." Kelsey greets me as I walk through the door. "Hi." I say my voice filled with exhaustion.

"Why do you look like someone kicked a puppy in front of you and then stole your cake before throwing it at the puppy." She asks and I furrow my brows before busting out in laughter. "Where did you even get that from." I say and she just smiles.

"My brain. Now tell me what's wrong?" She asks sitting down next to me with a plate of cookies.

I take one and bite into the soft chocolate goodness before looking at her. "Keath called and said that he's coming to pick me up at 8. It's almost 8 and I just got off work. I'm so tired." I rant before throwing my head back.

"Ah shit. I forgot to tell you." She says and I look at her with a deadpan face. "I can't go Kelsey. I'm exhausted. I'm sorry but I'll have to bail." I tell her and she pouts.

"Come on, Tay. Just tonight. I promise this is the last time I'm going to nag you about doing something with me." She says looking like a little kid. I look at her before groaning and throwing my head back.

"Fine." I say and she squeals bouncing on the couch. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She says and I smile at her.

"I am choosing my own outfit. Where are we going?" I ask getting up. "Fine. We're going to Keath's club." She says and I nod.

Walking into my room, I strip my clothes before grabbing a towel and walking to the bathroom. I turn the water on before hopping in when it's warm enough.

Maybe this isn't going to be so bad. I might find a cute guy who can help me out tonight. It's been so long and the purple vibrator in my drawer just isn't doing it anymore. I need physical contact or else I'll go crazy yesterday so shaving isn't going to be a problem. I get some lace underwear out before putting it on.

I lotion up before I'm on to picking my clothes out I get a rose gold, sequined dress out. I've never worn it but it looked good in the shop. I put it on and remove my bra because it's sticking out.

"Damn mami. You look sexy." I hear and turn around." Kelsey is smiling at me from the door and I blush. "I've never worn it so why not now." I say fixing the top.

Kelsey lends me her six-inch clear heels that go well with the dress but I don't know if they go well with me. I can barely stand in them and the pain already starting up again.

"I'm going to fall in these and die tonight." I say and Kelsey laughs. "Don't be silly. You might just accidentally kiss the ground a little too hard." She says and I snort.

I tie my hair up into a slick ponytail and Kelsey does my make-up lightly. "Are you getting laid tonight?" She asks me and my face heats up. "I don't know."

I hope I do.

"We've been living together for what...eight months. I've never seen or heard that you've been with a guy." She says as she puts blush on my cheeks.

"Yeah. It's been a while." I say. "Don't worry. You got me as your wingwoman tonight. You are definitely getting laid. And drunk." She says and I open my mouth to protest but she holds a finger up.

"I'm going to take care of you." She says and I just let it be. There is no point in arguing because she'll just persuade me one way or another.

Her phone dings and she grabs it from my dresser. "They are here." Kelsey says. "Yay!" I say with evidently fake enthusiasm gaining me a glare from her.

"Let's go." She says and we walk out, lock up and then walk down to the car.

The excitement just off of the thought of what could happen tonight kicks in as I see the sleek black car.

I fix my hair before walking down the last of the steps with a straight face.

*Tonight better be fun. *

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