Pleasure and Desire

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Chapter 1


"Just where the hell do you think you're going, Athena?" No where , I closed the door and stood there. He was just looking at me. Sean was larger than life, and I was terrified of him. when he pointed the gun at me, i thought this was it, i would finally be free. when he pulled the trigger something hit me in my chest, i sat up looking around me .'oh god another dream' . zeus my husky was on the bed with me , great I woke up the damn dog so stupid.

I grabbed my water bottle from the nightstand and took a drink. It was close to six in the morning. It was always the same, reliving the day I almost died and I had the scars to prove it.If you wanted to hide, New York was the place, but I would need to leave soon .

" Time to go for a run, I'll be back and then we'll go to the park". That he understands ,he was my only companion. And friend . I wore my jogging suit and walked out. I would run the two blocks and then head back to my temporary home.


I was not a man to be tempted with ,I didn't get to where I was by allowing people to walk over me. Billionaire, bachelor, Playboy, there wasn't a name that I haven't been called. it never bothered me i always got what i wanted which was why i was sitting in a fucking restaurant at Six in the morning. With this woman who thinks she could get me to sign over shares of my company, because she had a video of me being what i am.

"So Daniel , should I send this little video to the tabloids?I know they'll be slobbering over this,or Will you accept defeat?"

"I really don't give a fuck, send it to the damn president if you want to. I'm a man i have needs yes ,i Love to fuck I've had many women under me including you , you're pissed because i didn't call you back ,i made it clear it was a fuck nothing more nothing less . Now do whatever you want to. There's somewhere else I need to be".

Why do women act like bitches when they don't get their way. i left her sitting there and the moment i stepped out of the restaurant something crashed into me .

"Jesus christ watch where you're going". i said annoyed at the individual.

"I'm so sorry ",

"Holy fuck her voice sounded like sex .when i looked down at her there was a flash of red peeking out from the hood of her jacket before she hid it .she tried to walk away but i stepped infront of her. when she looked at me i took that fucking punch to the stomach those green eyes staring at me and those pink lips so Damn inviting.

I've always learnt to trust my senses but while looking at her. I got the weirdest sensation down my spine. When she smiled at me My dick, my heart, and my pulse all went off at the same fucking time. I think my vision had blurred for a second before it cleared.

"Excuse me", she walked around me and kept jogging.

"Greg" ,

" yes Mr Chase"

," find out who she is, find out everything,"

" yes sir ", just one look and I was gone .


Red hair and green eyes have taken over my life , ever since that night she's starred in my dreams , it's been a week and Greg hasn't found her .

She disappeared without a trace ,no picture, name, nothing . I was sitting in my office brooding over the issue, when my mother walked in .

"Well hello to you too jae ,".

I snapped out of it and looked at her,I hated that name she's the only one allowed to call me that.

" Hello mom , to what do I owe this special visit ?"

"oh nothing ,i haven't seen you in a week"

If she only knew she would have my head.

" I've been busy ",

" Oh, I understand. Will you be coming over for dinner on Wednesday?."

"I'm not sure, I have somewhere to be in an hour. I'll be traveling to Alabama".

" Okay ,I just stopped by to say hello "

"well then hello to you too ",

"I'll leave you to brood and Daniel, if it's a young lady you're brooding over let me know".

She was relentless .

"Sir the jet is ready",

" I'll be down in a minute Greg".

I went down with her and said goodbye as we headed to the airfield.

I was used to the hustle and bustle of the big city. And here i was in a fucking small town, I hated it , I was only here because my team was having issues with the new building site .This town was too damn small for me. It looked like everyone knew everyone and their business kinda place.

I just stared out of the tinted suv window thinking about my mother's latest obsession. Which was getting me to settle down.We were heading back from the building site, when I saw something that caught my attention instantly.

An unruly head of red curls flying in the wind .

" Greg stop the car",

" Yes sir"

I rolled the window down and looked at the sight before me , it left me shocked. My heart started beating out of time and in that moment I knew her.

My heart knew she was mine. Now I undersoodd what my dad and brother meant. I have been looking for her and here she is. I stepped out of the suv and started walking towards her.


Zeus wouldn't move. We've been for a walk. Now ,he was refusing to move; he just laid on the sidewalk .

"You do know he has a mind of his own don't you ?".

That voice, I spun around instantly,it was the guy from the restaurant .I've had so many dreams of him, wait? was he following me? I looked around.

"I'm sorry excuse me'', Zeus come on or I'm leaving you "

Zeus was good at discerning when I was scared he sat up and walked over to the guy, who didn't even look like he knew how to pet a dog .He bent down and started rubbing Zeus's head .

"May I ask your name ?"


"Just because"

"Athena Shaw"

"Pleasure meeting you miss shaw, my name is Daniel Jae Chase"

Holy shit, that's why he looked like a model he was who Riley used to talk about, suddenly i felt self conscious .

"Do you live here, Athena?"

" No I'm just traveling "

"I see ,how old are you ?"

"I'm twenty five "

Why was he asking and more importantly why was I replying?.

"Are you currently in a relationship , Athena?"

That question brought me back to reality , no I'm sorry I have to go now .

"Come on Zeus, time to go . Goodbye Mr Chase".

I left him standing there. I always avoided this , these conversations, people are always inquisitive and wanted to know every detail and so did he.

One slip of the tongue and I'd be dead .

"Would you like to have coffee with me, Athena?"

I stopped and turned to look at him


"Because I'm interested in you",

" Don't be"

"I'm a man of means Athena, I get whatever I want".

Those words scared me. I started running back to the apartment but I was stopped in my tracks. Sean was in front of me.

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