Chapter 2
She was hesitant while answering which was a given with all women but, the minute i told her i get whatever i wanted i saw the fear in her eyes. why would she be afraid?..
I stood up and looked at her running away from me.
"Am I a demon or something Greg?"
"No sir"
"Then why did she sprint off like that?"
"I wouldn't know sir "
Just as she turned around the corner I heard what sounded like a gunshot followed by screaming.
"Greg, was that a gum?"
"Yes sir"
I didn't think i started running towards the sound, we heard the sound of two more gunshot before we rounded the corner ,when i turned the corner my heart stopped. The dog was on the ground and so was she.
She was bleeding. I heard Greg behind me.
"Get the car"
I Picked her up and checked her. She got shot in the abdomen, There was so much blood. Greg pulled up with the car .
"Get us to the hospital right now ,then take that dog to a vet".
I picked her up and got in with her. I took off my jacket and pressed it to the wound to try and stop the bleeding.
That's when I noticed she was bleeding at the back of her head . I kept looking at her face ,who would do something like this ?.She was losing a lot of blood quickly.
Greg pulled up to the emergency room. I got out and I picked her up. I wouldn't wait for them. I walked in with her trailing blood behind me.
"Somebody help me"
A doctor and a nurse ran over to me.
"What happened to her?"
" Someone shot her"
They grabbed one of the Gurney's and put her on it .
"We'll handle it your ,wife will be fine"
I didn't correct them ,they pushed her away when another nurse came back to me.
"Sir you need to fill out some paperwork for your wife"
"May I ask your name?"
I just looked at her
" Daniel Chase"
Her eyes widened. I know that look.
"Okay Mr Chase I'll bring the documents over ".
I called Greg
"Greg, did you get the dog to a vet?"
" Yes Sir,the person shot the dog twice , the dog didn't make it".
"Okay "
I ended the call and just sat there. I felt so out of place,I never visited hospitals. Greg came back. It's been 2 hours now and they still haven't told me anything .
I don't know what was happening with her. I was starting to lose my shit .Greg hadn't moved at all .
"Greg, please call Christine to find me a hotel . It looks like we will be staying a bit longer".
"Yes sir, you should get something to eat and take a shower there's blood on your shirt".
"I just need to make sure she's okay"
"Very well sir".
I saw the doctor walking out towards us. I got up instantly and walked over to him.
"How is she?"
"She got shot in the side by the bullet and another to the back of her head. It seems like she was trying to run away. No vital organs were hit, only flesh but a bullet never does anyone any good. The bullet that hit her at the back of her head was a bit tricky to get out but she's okay".
"Where is she? i need to see her "
"You can, but it will be no use, she's in a coma".
I just fucking found her and almost lost her at the same time ,I want to see her.
"Okay Mr Chase, a nurse will take you to her room".
A nurse led me to her room. Greg stood outside. She looked so peaceful sleeping I walked over and sat in the chair next to her. Was I up to doing this she seemed to be in trouble and that would mean sleepless nights and countless fights and she would be traumatised by this event . She didn't seem the flashy type .
I could walk away right now , forget I ever met her but I couldn't. My heart wouldn't let me ,I wanted her .I just stood there looking at her and I heard him step into the room.
"Greg can you get the doctor in here"
"Of course sir"
If i could then i would take her back to New York with me.
"Mr Chase you wished to see me"
"Yes, is it possible for me to take her back to New York?"
"I wouldn't advise it , Mr Chase she's just out of surgery and it will take a few weeks before she is fully well enough to travel . And we don't know when she'll wake up".
"Okay ,then I want a private room for her. If there isn't one, make one"
"There are private rooms"
"I'll need an extra bed and only the people you trust will take care of her".
"Okay Mr Chase, it will be done"
I never threw my money around. I was ruthless when it came to business ,the name alone made people wary but, for her I would do anything.
"Greg, yes sir "
"I want you to fly back home. I'll call Mrs Mendez and inform her to send my stuff, along with Mark . Her name is Athena Shaw, find her family and inform them".
"Yes sir, I'll leave right away".
I sat in the chair next to her. I called Mrs Mendez.
"Hello Mr Chase"
"Hello Mrs Mendez, I'd like you to pack some clothes for me and my laptop's and send it with Mark . I won't be home for a few days so you can take some time off. ,I will let you know when I'm returning".
"I will and thank you sir"
" It's okay ,Greg will check on the apartment".
I ended the call and called my assistant
"Yes Mr Chase"
"Something has arisen and I'll be working from Alabama. If anyone asks "I'm at home" ,send any documents you have with mark, he'll stop by the office".
"Okay sir I'll do that"
A few minutes later the doctor and nurse came and took her to another room then they left us .I sat next to her and held her hands. I was a man that stayed away from relationships ,I was scared of commitment and what it entailed. That was the truth. And Here I was, Ready to do anything and everything for this girl I just met . someone I saw twice, I knew in my heart she was mine. Mark came in a few hours later and brought in my stuff.
"Mr Chase, Greg informed me I'll be outside"
"You can remain in here"
" Okay sir"
I sat in the corner of the room reading over the documents Christine sent me .
One day turned into two ,then three, then a week . It's been three weeks and she still hasn't woken up. I was always there with her. I had a nurse take care of her, give her a bath and change her clothes, even though they assumed we were husband and wife. I wouldn't do that to her .
I was currently in my office. I had a meeting that I couldn't skip. So I flew back to New York,Greg didn't find anything on Athena Shaw, he found a couple that passed away had a daughter but she also passed away. So either she lied to me or something else was happening here. He still didn't find out who shot her , there weren't any cameras in the area and no one saw anything.We were at a dead end Greg was currently with her. I was looking at her on the laptop screen .
"So Mr Chase, the game is set to release in 3 months providing we don't run into any issues.Also we have a new designer working on the ad which should be ready in three days".
"Ok and how is the software running?"
"Well we haven't had any glitches , lagging or crashes and the team has been testing it for hours non stop".
" Well then get to it, you all know what the project cost?"
"Yes sir "
"Okay if that's all I'll take your leave gentleman "
I still hadn't closed the laptop. I walked out and into my private elevator Christine was waiting outside with Mark.
" Mr Chase, I have a few more documents for you .Your parents have been calling so has Your brother".
"Thank you Christine, I'll take care of it"
I got into the car and headed back to the airfield .
"Is everything fine in the apartment Mark?"
"Everything is fine sir"
When we got back to the hospital Greg was standing by the door. His Stance told me something was wrong. I closed the laptop.
"What happened?"
"There was a young man here, who tried to get into the room multiple times but I wouldn't let him. He said he was her boyfriend."
"Where is he ?"
"I dragged him out a few minutes ago he hasn't been back"
I walked into the room and sat next to her. I held her hand and willed her to open her eyes. I spoke softly to her ,
"Athena , I need you to wake up , you're killing me here , seeing you like this is hurting me because I can't do anything . Please don't give up '"
I let go of her hand and sat there looking at her.
I sat in the corner looking over some documents ,it was now three in the afternoon . I put down my paperwork and walked back over to her.
I saw her fingers twitching. She started to open her eyes slowly. When her eyes were fully open she didn't look around. She took a few minutes then she raised her hand and looked at it and she started crying. She was alive. And she was crying.
"Why are you crying Athena?"
"Why did you bring me here?, why? you should have let me die ,at least then it would have been over".
What was she talking about? I wanted to ask but didn't .