Chapter 2
The nightclub was a little busy when I walked in. I'd decided not to inform my staff I was coming, wanting to surprise them should they be caught doing something they shouldn't have.
Unfortunately for me, there was no shady business going on. Shame, really. I would have really liked to tear someone apart, limb by limb, if only just to forget about the dumb bitch who'd felt she could double cross me. It didn't matter that they were all apparently doing their duties perfectly and wouldn't fall prey to my temper tonight.
The cunt was definitely going to pay.
I nodded my head in acknowledgement at the bouncers on duty. They knew better than to nod back at me, simply keeping their heads down and avoiding my eyes. They were two of the strongest, most ruthless bouncers a person could find. I walked to the entrance of the club, making sure that everything was exactly where they were supposed to be.
From the corner of my eyes, I noticed some of my staff fidgeting, probably praying to the goddess that I didn't find anything out of place. It wasn't easy to tell what mood I was in. Sometimes I had pity on them for it. Not being able to guess what might be going through my head or what emotion I was currently feeling, as a result of the stoic indifference and deadly calm that I eluded. It would certainly make their work a lot easier if they could guess what mood I was in.
But then, where's the fun in that?
I confirmed that the last floor of the club, or ground floor, depending on perspectives really, was exactly as it should be. Temptation was a two storey underground nightclub that I'd single handedly established and cherished more than anything else in the entire goddamned world. Probably because there was no one else rivaling my affection.
Not that I cared.
I walked to the office of the person I'd put in charge of the floor. He instantly rose to his feet as an act of respect the second I stepped into the room. I kept my eyes trained on him as I walked further into the room, tricking him into thinking I wasn't making an inward inspection of his office. I noticed how tense he was when I got to where he stood. I'd known him long enough to know it wasn't because of anything other than fear.
Of what I was capable of.
Sparing him one last glance, I walked out of his office and into one of the two elevators on the floor of the building, pushing a button and moving to the first floor for further inspection. Listening as the elevator made the faintest ding, I walked out as soon as the doors opened. I kept my eyes down, not wanting anyone to know of my presence for as long as I could. My gaze drifted to the paintings on the walls and I felt a sense of satisfaction settling low in my stomach.
I'd been extremely careful and thoughtful when I'd been building this place. The last floor was the usual nightclub. Drunk people and loud people , louder music and mild sensual artworks. The first floor was a little more serious than that. Only open to exclusive members, it was more of a BDSM club than the regular nightclub. For one, the art pieces were more erotic and sexual, and the people found on this floor were cool headed mafia lords with several kinks that they enjoyed.
I released a subtle irritated breath, cracking my neck when I realized one of my staff had spotted me. Then again, I'd expected nothing less. I'd trained them in all the different floors of the building to be extremely watchful and alert. I'd have been disappointed if they hadn't immediately realized who I was only seconds after walking in and I'd have been forced to teach them all a lesson they weren't going to ever forget.
My eyes lazily took in the floor as I made turns, walking into the rooms which were double the number of the ones on the ground floor and smaller in size, to give room for privacy and intimacy since the occupants weren't going to be as much. Except there was an orgy going on. I paused, watching a sweet butt get fucked in the ass. Sweet butt was the name given to general females who were always readily available for sex.
I considered picking someone for myself but I immediately decided against it. I wasn't exactly in the mood, and more than that I had some unfinished business downstairs. I had a traitor that needed punishment. I let my legs lead me into the office of the person I'd put in charge of this floor. I raised my brow slightly at the obvious bulge in his pants when he stood up to accord me the respect I deserved.
His eyes were down but I knew it was only out of deference and not out of embarrassment. I'd taught them better than to be embarrassed for exhibiting signs that they were pure male. He'd probably gone around the floor for an inspection of his own and gotten hard at the sounds and images that had before him. "Get a sweet butt and fuck her," I said to him, giving him permission to leave his office for more than a few minutes. "Make it quick."
I turned and walked out of the room before he'd even come up with what to say in response. I headed for the only elevator on the floor immediately and stepped in. I felt a sudden hum of energy coarse through my veins. I was always a little excited dishing out punishments to traitors and heartless criminals. It was one of the few times I was genuinely happy. Making sure that the real bastards were wiped off the face of the earth.
The elevator doors opened and I stepped out. Like with the other two floors, there were always two sturdy bouncers flanking every entrance and exit, including the elevators as well. I walked quietly down the hallway and took a bend, the smell of cigarettes and drugs immediately meeting my nose. I tried to breathe as little as possible before these bastards destroyed my lungs. Every drug, every alcohol, every smoke, had extreme effects.
They had to if they were going to affect drug dealers and addicts.
The ground floor was my favorite floor in Temptation. It was where all the wicked and cruel assholes in town came to discuss their shady business. One would think, knowing my reputation, that they wouldn't trust me enough to discuss their plans here. In my territory. Truth was, this was the only place they could freely do so. Every shady location in town was carefully watched by the police.
I never regarded myself as one who was stupid. It was why I made sure that every corner of this floor and every table in every room was thoroughly lined with carefully placed bugs. That way, I could be in on whatever the assholes planned. I let them get away with most of their shit, only interfering if even my fucked up moral compass couldn't take it. Plus, it gave me leverage over them should they ever want to go against me. Not that they would ever dare.
Unless they had a death wish.
I took several turns as I inspected the floor. The floor had four main sections; a general bar and nightclub, an exclusive mafia and drug lords BDSM section, a general area where deals were made and then my private chambers. I had a private BDSM room which I liked to call 'Crimson'. Other than that was my personal office-like chamber, my personal bedroom and my personal bar and nightclub. Only my most trusted allies were allowed into any of the rooms and only with my permission and supervision.
I smiled inwardly as I walked into one of my personal chambers on the floor. It was where I had conversations and meetings with people I wanted to. I sat down on the expensive leather seat carefully placed in front of the long mahogany desk and clasped my fingers together. I wanted to make a stop to my bedroom and check on the cameras and bugs I had all over the place but I was too impatient to dish out punishment.
I picked up the phone on my desk and put a call across to my younger cousin, Rave, who worked for me. "Bring the bitch to my office." I stated simply the second the call went through and placed the phone back on my desk. In three seconds flat, a knock sounded on my office. I let my gaze slide from one nude painting to the other, bidding my time and making them wait.
It always heightened their anxiety.
"Come in." I permitted, watching the door as it got pushed open gently so they could walk inside. Light rays penetrated the slightly dark room and then they were gone as the door closed. I pinned Laurel with my gaze as she got pushed violently from behind by Rave, watching as she stumbled helplessly in front of my desk.
"P-please, S-sir." She stammered beneath her breath, looking at me and shaking her head frantically, tears pouring out from her eyes. I gazed at her in disgust, already knowing I would never be able to spare her. I would never admit it out loud, but Laurel had been one of the few people I had felt I could put a penny of my trust in. And that in itself was a lot.
I didn't trust anyone.
But I had trusted this bitch with making my meals. Apparently my decision to have bugs in all the kitchens had been a brilliant one. Or else I would have already been six feet under, along with the little girl I'd seen by the road who I'd been planning on sharing the meal with. Forget about me, she would have single handedly murdered an innocent girl on the streets if I hadn't seen the clip of her poisoning my food.
I met Rave's eyes, giving him a subtle nod. He left the room and returned a few seconds later, holding a plate of food in his hands. The food Laurel had tried poisoning me with. Her eyes widened in their sockets when she realized my intent. Despite the fact that she was untied, she only shook her head wildly as more tears rolled down her cheeks, knowing there was nowhere to run to.
Rave handed her the food. "Eat it." I stated calmly, pinning her with my gaze. She shook her head, more pitiful pleas spilling out of her mouth. I had trusted her, admittedly only a little bit, but I had trusted her nonetheless. And she had conspired with some dickheads to get rid of me. The bastards were lucky they had all already died in a plane crash. I would have given them an even more painful death than that.
I released a small irritated sigh, swiftly pulling my gun out of its holster and pointing it at her head. She whimpered, instantly jerking backwards in fear. "Eat the fucking food." I said, mentally trying to calm myself down. No one made me repeat my commands. Least of all this traitorous slut. "All of it." I emphasized.
Rave and I watched her as she began eating quickly whilst sobbing, afraid that I was going to put a bullet through her skull any second. I bit down on my lower lip the second the plate slipped from her hands, whatever poison she had put in it took effect after just five spoons. It must have been really strong and effective.
I scoffed in disgust as she writhed like an earthworm on the floor before almost immediately going stiff. Her eyes remained wide open but her pupil and immediately disappeared just as the rest of her body turned a ghostly shade of white. Rave bent down to confirm that she was dead, nodding his head at me when he couldn't feel her pulse. "Dispose the body." I commanded, watching as he instantly got to work, lifting her and carrying her out of the room. I sighed in disappointment, walking back to my seat as the excitement immediately left me. Her death had been faster than I'd thought.
How boring.